
International Students

University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” is very pleased to welcome all international students who are interested in making a mobility in our University.


The enrollment to the courses at the Vanvitelli University must not be addressed to the International Relation Office but to the Students Administration Offices of the Departments concerned.

Useful Link for any info on the enrollment procedure for degree courses in Italy (it is possible to translate the webpage using Google Translate Tools) 


The International First and Second Cycle Degree Courses of the Vanvitelli University can be:

Entirely in a foreign language, leading to a qualification issued by the Vanvitelli University

In Italian, or in a foreign language leading to a double, joint or multiple qualification 

The latter are courses organized with other foreign Universities that provide for integration of the curricula and structured mobility schemes of the students, with the mutual recognition of the training activities.

The issue of double or multiple titles implies that, at the end of the programme, students obtain not only a degree from their home university but also the academic qualifications from the other participating universities where they have obtained learning credits.

In this section you will find the calls for admission to access limited enrollment study courses a.y. 2023/2024. The call for admission is being finalized and will be published as soon as it will be available. We recommend to consult the page frequently.

Limited number courses

The call for admission contains all the information fro the application: number of places available, requirements for participation, deadlines and methods for submitting applications. Read the call for admission carefully and submit the application form.

Erasmus + Study and Traineeship

If you want to add an international dimension to your educational path by spending a mobility period abroad, the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” is pleased to welcome you.


In the case of mobility for study purposes (both from EU and non-EU Countries) an Erasmus agreement must be in place between your home University and Vanvitelli University. Otherwise, in the case of mobility for Traineeship, it is not necessary that there is an agreement between the two universities.

In order to be accepted at University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” as international students, the Home University International Office must fill in an official nomination template (download here) and send it to the following email address:Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Only in the case of mobility for study purposes, the nomination and application deadlines must be respected.

Once nominated, students will receive information about the application procedure.



1st semester and whole academic year

2nd semester

from April 1st until June 1st 

from September 1st until  November 1st 


1st semester and whole academic year

2nd semester

from April 15th until June 15th

from September 15th until  November 15th

Before the mobility

Once you are nominated, you receive an e-mail from the International Office containing the link useful to proceed to subsequent obligations.


Before arriving in Italy, you must register on the University website by logging in to the following address: to obtain the credentials (institutional account) necessary to complete the Application Form (AF).

Application + OLA/LA 

You must fill out the AF, linking to the website Application FormsThe AF must be accompanied by a photo, useful for the issue of the identification card. Only in the case of mobility for study purposes, you must comply with the terms of the deadline application.

Students with disabilities can apply for support at our Center for Inclusion (CID).
When you fill out the AF, you will be required to attach the Online Learning Agreement (OLA). You must fill out the OLA through the EWP platform.  
If your home University is not provided with a link to EWP, as in the case of non-EU countries, it is possible to fill out a paper Learning Agreement (LA) which must be duly signed by you and the Erasmus Departmental Contact Person (both from your home University and the host Institution). In this case, once the LA is signed, you must send the document to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.: the office will contact the Erasmus Coordinator at the University Luigi Vanvitelli to have the LA signed, and then return it to you so that you can attach it to the AF.

While other students can choose between OLA and LA, Traineeships Students have to submit an LA, not an OLA.
Please note:  The section of the AF called "Proposed mobility programme", which contains the exams to be carried out during the mobility period, must be completed in any case and does not replace the OLA/LA.
For support in completing the OLA/LA, you can check the course catalogue.

Please note: You are required to enter in the "Proposed mobility programme" section the correct code for each exam uploaded to the OLA/LA. Otherwise, you cannot take any exams, as the International Office could not include them in your career.
If you wish to take only a part of an exam (module), you must enter the code corresponding to the exam in question, specifying the name of the individual module you want to take. Exam codes can be found under “Exam code” of the course catalogue.
For information about the academic calendar and class schedule, you can see the following link
For the Application process to be considered complete, the following documents must be onto elixforms: OLA/LA, identity document and a photocard.


After the Application, you receive a letter of acceptance and you are enrolled in Vanvitelli University.
Please note: In the case of discrepancy between the starting date of mobility indicated in the OLA/LA and the one indicated in the letter of acceptance, the date indicated in the last document will be considered authentic.
Please remember that, before arriving in Italy:
1.    You must make sure that the Application procedure is successfully completed. The application form is not per se a sufficient condition for admission to Vanvitelli University. In no case it will be possible to start your mobility without a letter of acceptance;
2.    If you want to receive the original copy of the arrival certificate, you must make an appointment with our International Office   by e-mail, to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo., indicating your date of arrival. Otherwise, you can apply for the arrival certificate directly by e-mail, after transmission of the travel document;
3.    You may request support to search for accommodation and/or to apply for a Visa  by contacting the International Welcome Desk (ISU) at the following link:, or by consulting the accommodation section;
4.    You can ask for support to the tutor buddies , who contact you before your departure to offer support in all the phases that precede your arrival.
Only for Medicine students: those who need the document called NO-TOUCH must ask for it within one month of receiving the letter of acceptance, so as to allow the administration to issue this document in due time.

Upon your arrival in Italy

Upon your arrival in Italy, you must:
1.    Apply for the Arrival Certificate (you can ask for it by e-mail, after transmission of the travel document; or by going in person to the International Office, after making an appointment);
2.    Contact the Erasmus+ Academic Coordinator by e-mail and then go to the Departments where you will be welcomed by teachers and buddies;
3.    If necessary, contact ISU for the following services:
• Support and information activities related to the venues located throughout the territory;
• Legal assistance with regard to housing and immigration;
• Support for the issue of the residence permit;
• Support for the registration to the National Health Service;
• Support for the issue of the Tax Code;
• Support for opening a bank account.

During the mobility

Change OLA/LA 

If you need to modify your study plan during the mobility period, you must modify it directly from the EWP platform in the appropriate section. Otherwise, you can fill in the form called “Change Learning Agreement”. In both cases, the Change form must be sent to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. Please note that if the Change form is not sent to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. you cannot take any exams as the International Office cannot make the career changes.
Only for Medicine students, the “Change LA” form must be handed over in hard copy to the Erasmus Departmental Contact Person  and, later on to acceptance by the teacher, you must send it by e-mail to the International Office in pdf format.

Exam Registration

Exams can be taken at the end of each course in the established period through a written and/or oral test. You must book your exams online through the ESSE3 platform or by using the App MyVanvitelli.
Mobility students for study purposes can book exams and manage their career directly from the personal area using their credentials. Exams can be booked by researching them in your study plan or in the exam sessions related to the study course you are enrolled in.
If you experience any difficulties, you can contact the Student Office of the relevant Department.
Please note: lessons, exams and all the activities of study and traineeship take place exclusively in presence. Mobility must be held on site.

At the End of the mobility

At the end of your mobility, you must:
1.    check that the content of your career is complete and correct, and that all exams taken have been recorded. In case of anomalies, please promptly notify the International Office, so that it can issue the Transcript of Records (ToR)    properly drawn up;
2.    Fill in the satisfaction questionnaire (that you receive by e-mail) to obtain the certificate of stay and the ToR;
3.    In case of mobility for study purposes, ask the International Office for the ToR and the certificate of stay. These documents can be requested by e-mail at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo., or by going personally to the International Office by appointment;
Please note that the ToR contains only the exams you have taken and passed. The exams you have not taken or not passed are not listed in the ToR, in compliance with the University Educational Regulations, art. 24, No. 7 (see
In case of mobility for Traineeship, in addition to requiring the certificate of stay to the International Office, you must ask the academic tutor for the certificate showing the activities you have carried out (After the Mobility).

Further Information:


In addition to the many services and facilities available to all our students, we offer specialized support services for international students fom public transport, to cultural and recreational events in order to enjoy your stay with us and benefit from an inspiring and supportive learning environment.

Find out our welcome facilities, the services and initiatives organized to welcome you



Vanvitelli University provides its students with different solutions in terms of accommodation:

Good practice:
In collaboration with the International Welcome Desk, the International Office has created a questionnaire to be administered to incoming Erasmus+ students at the end of their mobility period, in order to gather useful feedbacks and create a database of the accommodation units which are widespread on the territory of Naples, Caserta, Aversa, Santa Maria C.V. and Capua, available for future students.


Find support in the Welcome Services of the University

Canteen service 

The University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli offers all students the opportunity to benefit from a meal at an affordable cost in affiliated canteens through Adisurc dining services. It is possible to take advantage of the canteen services through E-Badge system by showing the temporary QR-Code generated by the ADISURC.EAT app installed on your cell phone or other mobile devices. More information can be found in the "E-Badge_Guide for users" section at the following website address:


Find the language courses provided by our university: 

Luigi Vanvitelli University has decided to offer students, professors and administrative staff, online language courses through the Rosetta Stone platform, where it is possible to choose among 24 different languages, from British English, to Russian. Those interested can get all the relevant information by clicking on the present link.

The university has activated an agreement with the Italian Academy of Salerno to provide a completely free Italian language course. The classes, offered to foreign students enrolled in degree programs at our University, and to foreign doctoral students, are held entirely online, on the ZOOM platform, and organized each semester in bi-weekly classes of two hours each, for a total amount of 30 hours. Levels available range from basic to advanced, and students can take classes based on their starting level determined after an initial written and oral test. Applications are submitted by e-mail. All relevant information will be published in the present section.

Luigi Vanvitelli University authorized the Department of Humanities to organize free Italian courses designed for Erasmus Incoming students. The courses are offered each semester, and are of a total duration of 40 hours for each semester. All relevant information will be published in the present section.


Luigi Vanvitelli University through the CID (Inclusion, Disability, Specific Learning Disorders), a center for students with challenges in accessing academic activities due to disabilities or learning disorders, aims to accommodate, guide and meet their needs.

Additionally, Luigi Vanvitelli University, through collaboration with the Department of Psychology, offers a free psychological support service to students. 


You are hereby invited to the Welcome Day for the institutional greetings of the city of Naples to all Erasmus students, which will be held on 18 October 2023, from 10:00 to 13:00, at the Maschio Angioino - Castel Nuovo of Naples.

Download flyer 


Dott.ssa Valentina Serino

Email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Tel. +39 0823 274491

International Relations Office

Viale Lincoln, 5 Palazzina B - 81100 Caserta (Italy)

Office hours for incoming students: Monday and Thursday from 01.30 PM to 03:30 PM; Wednesday and Friday from 09.00 AM to 12.00 PM  




The University systems database developed by CIMEA is a useful tool for obtaining information on the different elements of a foreign higher education system for all those bodies that deal with the evaluation of foreign qualifications in Italy.


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