The admission notice is the document that contains all the necessary information (dates, deadlines and procedures) for access to the course.
Ranking --- last update 04/02/2025
04/02/2025: EU Enrolled List (until 03/02/2025) - Closing of Enrollments
28/01/2025: EU Enrolled List (until 27/01/2025)
21/01/2025: EU Enrolled List (until 20/01/2025)
14/01/2025: EU Enrolled List (until 13/01/2025)
19/12/2024: EU Enrolled List (until 18/12/2024)
12/12/2024: EU Enrolled List (until 11/12/2024)
05/12/2024: EU Enrolled List (until 04/12/2024)
28/11/2024: EU Enrolled List (until 27/11/2024)
21/11/2024: EU Enrolled List (until 20/11/2024)
14/11/2024: EU Enrolled List (until 13/11/2024)
07/11/2024: Non-EU Last Enrolled Candidate (Closing of Enrollments)
EU Enrolled List (until 06/11/2024)
04/11/2024: Non-EU - reopening for one spot (until 06/11/2024)
30/10/2024: EU Enrolled List (until 29/10/2024)
23/10/2024: Non-EU Enrolled List (Closing of Enrollments)
17/10/2024: Non-EU 1st scrolling list (until 23/10/2024)
16/10/2024: EU Enrolled Candidates (until 15/10/2024)
Non-EU Enrolled Candidates (until 15/10/2024)
11/10/2024: Rettifica del Decreto di approvazione atti (Rectification of the Approval Decree)
- Ranking of non-EU candidates not resident in Italy (cancels and replaces the previous one)
10/10/2024: Decreto di approvazione atti (Approval Decree)
Enrollment procedure and exams recognition request
03/10/2024: Enrollment form | Exams recognition request (Word)
- Notice - How to enroll | How to ask for recognition of exams
Call for Applications and various informations
20/09/2024: Apertura contenitori schede anagrafiche (Opening of personal data containers)
13/09/2024: Candidate Instructions | Rules and Regulations
12/09/2024: Avviso - Sede e orario della prova (Notice - Location and time of the test)
07/08/2024: Decreto di emanazione (Decree issuing the call for applications)
Termine di scadenza presentazione domande di partecipazione: 12 settembre 2024
Deadline for submitting applications for participation: September 12, 2024