1. A Clinical Guide to Pediatric HIV |
2. A Critical History of Schizophrenia |
3. A History of “Relevance” in Psychology |
4. A Social Psychology Perspective on The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict |
5. ADHD in Lebanese Schools |
6. Adolescents, Rapid Social Change, and the Law |
7. Advances in Psychology and Law vol. 2 |
8. Advances in Psychology and Law vol. 1 |
9. Advancing Workplace Mediation Through Integration of Theory and Practice |
10. Affect-Language Interactions in Native and Non-Native English Speakers |
11. Applied Behavior Analysis |
12. Applied Jewish Values in Social Sciences and Psychology |
13. Applied Psychology Readings |
14. Art-of-Living |
15. Assessing and Stimulating a Dialogical Self in Groups, Teams, Cultures, and Organizations |
16. Assessing Impairment |
17. Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder |
18. Basic Motivation and Human Behaviour |
19. Behavioral Consultation and Primary Care |
20. Behavioral Health Promotion and Intervention in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities |
21. Behavioural Genetics for Education |
22. Best Practices for the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Justice System |
23. Biosemiotic Medicine |
24. Boys and Men in African American Families |
25. Building Trust and Constructive Conflict Management in Organizations |
26. Caregiving in the Illness Context |
27. Centrality of History for Theory Construction in Psychology |
28. Changing Substance Abuse and Criminal Behavior Through Therapeutic Relationships |
29. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
30. Child and Adolescent Resilience Within Medical Contexts |
31. Clarifying and Furthering Existential Psychotherapy |
32. Clinical Handbook of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders |
33. Clinical Neuropsychology and Technology |
34. Clinical Perspectives on Meaning |
35. Clinical Practice at the Edge of Care |
36. Clinical Trials of Antidepressants |
37. Coaching Psychology: Meta-theoretical perspectives and applications in multicultural contexts |
38. Cognitive Enhancement |
39. Cognitive Mechanisms of Belief Change |
40. Cognitive Training |
41. Comorbid Conditions Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders |
42. Comprehensive Guide to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders |
43. Comprehensive Models of Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment |
44. Counselling in India |
45. Creativity — A New Vocabulary |
46. Creativity and Community among Autism-Spectrum Youth |
47. Critical Issues in Cross Cultural Management |
48. Critical Kinship Studies |
49. Critical Mindfulness |
50. Cultural and Critical Explorations in Community Psychology |
51. Cultural and Social Justice Counseling |
52. Cyberbullying |
53. Cyberbullying Across the Globe |
54. Death, Emotion and Childhood in Premodern Europe |
55. Decision Making and Modelling in Cognitive Science |
56. Depathologizing Psychopathology |
57. Designing for Life |
58. Developing Leadership and Employee Health Through the Arts |
59. Developing Sustainable Careers Across the Lifespan |
60. Divorce, Families and Emotion Work |
61. Drug Abuse in Adolescence |
62. Early Childhood Assessment in School and Clinical Child Psychology |
63. Early Childhood Mathematics Skill Development in the Home Environment |
64. Early Intervention for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
65. Ecological Crisis, Sustainability and the Psychosocial Subject |
66. Education and Youth Agency |
67. Embodied Morality |
68. Emotional Prosody Processing for Non-Native English Speakers |
69. Emotions in the History of Witchcraft |
70. Empathy in Health Professions Education and Patient Care |
71. Enhancing Behavioral Health in Latino Populations |
72. Enjoyment and Submission in Modern Fantasy |
73. Ethical Issues in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice |
74. Ethical Ripples of Creativity and Innovation |
75. Evolutionary Perspectives on Child Development and Education |
76. Experience, Meaning, and Identity in Sexuality |
77. Exploring the Psychological Benefits of Hardship |
78. Family Therapy as Socially Transformative Practice |
79. Family Therapy in Global Humanitarian Contexts |
80. Family-School Partnerships in Context |
81. Feminist Perspectives on Building a Better Psychological Science of Gender |
82. Fetal Development |
83. Financial Education in U.S. State Colleges and Universities |
84. Flow Experience |
85. Forensic Interviews Regarding Child Sexual Abuse |
86. Freud on Time and Timelessness |
87. Gender and Couple Relationships |
88. Girls of Color, Sexuality, and Sex Education |
89. Grandparents of Children with Disabilities |
90. Handbook of Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder |
91. Handbook of Child Custody |
92. Handbook of Consumer Finance Research |
93. Handbook of Early Childhood Special Education |
94. Handbook of Evidence-Based Practices in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities |
95. Handbook of Health Decision Science |
96. Handbook of Mental Health in African American Youth |
97. Handbook of Mindfulness |
98. Handbook of Mindfulness in Education |
99. Handbook of Missing Persons |
100. Handbook of Psychocardiology |
101. Handbook of Qualitative Health Research for Evidence-Based Practice |
102. Handbook of Recovery in Inpatient Psychiatry |
103. Handbook of Response to Intervention |
104. Handbook of Return to Work |
105. Herbert C. Kelman: A Pioneer in the Social Psychology of Conflict Analysis and Resolution |
106. Home Visitation Programs |
107. Human Action Control |
108. Humor in Infants |
109. Infant Brain Development |
110. Infostorms |
111. Innovations in the Treatment of Substance Addiction |
112. Integrated Early Childhood Behavioral Health in Primary Care |
113. Integrative Health through Music Therapy |
114. Intellectual Disability and Stigma |
115. Interdisciplinary Handbook of Trauma and Culture |
116. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Trust |
117. International Handbook of Psychological Well-Being in Children and Adolescents |
118. Intoxication, Modernity, and Colonialism |
119. Juvenile Delinquency and Disability |
120. Key Insights into Basic Mechanisms of Mental Activity |
121. Large-Scale Brain Systems and Neuropsychological Testing |
122. Life History Evolution and Sociology |
123. Logotherapy and Existential Analysis |
124. Mass and Serial Murder in America |
125. Measurement-Based Care in Mental Disorders |
126. Measures of Positive Psychology |
127. Medical and Mental Health During Childhood |
128. Men and Their Dogs |
129. Mental Health and Addiction Care in the Middle East |
130. Mentoring from a Positive Psychology Perspective |
131. Methods in Bilingual Reading Comprehension Research |
132. Mindfulness Among Students |
133. Mindfulness and Buddhist-Derived Approaches in Mental Health and Addiction |
134. Modelling Human Behaviour in Landscapes |
135. Narrative Psychology |
136. Narratives of Recovery from Serious Mental Illness |
137. Neuroeconomics |
138. Neuro-Organizational Culture |
139. Neurophenotypes |
140. Neuropsychological Formulation |
141. Occupying Disability: Critical Approaches to Community, Justice, and Decolonizing Disability |
142. Origins and Originality in Family Therapy and Systemic Practice |
143. Out of the Past |
144. Out of Time |
145. Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2015 Conference Proceedings |
146. Pediatric Neurotoxicology |
147. Perfectionism, Health, and Well-Being |
148. Persistent Work-related Technology Use, Recovery and Well-being Processes |
149. Pica in Individuals with Developmental Disabilities |
150. Political Correctness and the Destruction of Social Order |
151. Poststructural and Narrative Thinking in Family Therapy |
152. Practitioner’s Guide to Functional Behavioral Assessment |
153. Prelinguistic and Minimally Verbal Communicators on the Autism Spectrum |
154. Problem Gambling in Hong Kong and Macao |
155. Psychiatric Hegemony |
156. Psychiatry Interrogated |
157. Psychoanalyzing the Left and Right after Donald Trump |
158. Psychodynamic Perspectives on Aging and Illness |
159. Psychological and Neurobiological Aspects of Eating Disorders |
160. Psychological Perspectives on Childcare in Indian Indigenous Health Systems |
161. Psychology and Philosophy of Abstract Art |
162. Psychology as the Science of Human Being |
163. Psychology in the Indian Tradition |
164. Psychology of Perception |
165. Psychology of Technology |
166. Psychosocial Factors at Work in the Asia Pacific |
167. Psychosocial Skills and School Systems in the 21st Century |
168. Psychotherapy, Society, and Politics |
169. Quality Improvement in Behavioral Health |
170. Reading Rehabilitation for Individuals with Low Vision |
171. REBT in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adults |
172. Regulatory Disorders in Infants |
173. Relating Theory – Clinical and Forensic Applications |
174. Religious Experience and Self-Psychology |
175. Research Perspectives in Couple Therapy |
176. Research Perspectives on Work and the Transition to Motherhood |
177. Resolving the Gamer’s Dilemma |
178. Resources for Teaching Mindfulness |
179. Rethinking Sport and Exercise Psychology Research |
180. Ronald J. Fisher: A North American Pioneer in Interactive Conflict Resolution |
181. Rorschach Assessment of Adolescents |
182. Runaway and Homeless Youth |
183. Rural Ethnic Minority Youth and Families in the United States |
184. Secondary Trauma and Burnout in Military Behavioral Health Providers |
185. Semantics and Psychology of Spirituality |
186. Sex Workers and Criminalization in North America and China |
187. Sexual Abuse in Sport |
188. Sexual Offending |
189. Sexually Harmful Youth |
190. Short- and Long-Term Modality Effect in Multimedia Learning |
191. Sibling Issues in Therapy |
192. Sleeplessness |
193. Social and Family Issues in Shift Work and Non Standard Working Hours |
194. Social Capital and Community Well-Being |
195. Social Exclusion |
196. Social Media in Employee Selection and Recruitment |
197. Speaking the Unspeakable |
198. Successful Emotions |
199. Süßwasserfauna von Mitteleuropa, Bd. 7/2-3 Chelicerata |
200. Synchronicity as Transpersonal Modality |
201. Teachers‘ Counseling Competence in Parent-Teacher Talks |
202. Teaching At-Risk Students to Read |
203. Teaching Psychology and the Socratic Method |
204. Technology and the Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
205. The Basal Ganglia |
206. The Biased Mind |
207. The Case Against Free Will |
208. The Changing Dynamics of Bisexual Men's Lives |
209. The Complexity of Workplace Humour |
210. The Development of Coping |
211. The Effects of Framing in Gamification |
212. The Evolution of Consciousness |
213. The Evolution of Morality |
214. The Fluency Construct |
215. The Future of Leadership - An Explorative Study into Tomorrow's Leadership Challenges |
216. The Intercorrelation of Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD in Neuropsychological Evaluations |
217. The Language of Asylum |
218. The Metamorphoses of the Brain – Neurologisation and its Discontents |
219. The Neurobiological Basis of Memory |
220. The Neuropsychopathology of Schizophrenia |
221. The Origins and Development of Problem Behavior Theory |
222. The Palgrave Handbook of Adult Mental Health |
223. The Palgrave Handbook of Creativity and Culture Research |
224. The Political Imaginary of Sexual Freedom |
225. The Psychology of Love and Hate in Intimate Relationships |
226. The Psychology of Time Perception |
227. The Rational Positive Parenting Program |
228. The Role of Trust in Conflict Resolution |
229. The Sense of Self |
230. The Single-Neuron Theory |
231. The Social Developmental Construction of Violence and Intergroup Conflict |
232. The Speaker Identification Ability of Blind and Sighted Listeners |
233. The Spectrum of Gratitude Experience |
234. The Welfare Trait |
235. The Witness Stand and Lawrence S. Wrightsman, Jr. |
236. Theory, Research, and Practical Guidelines for Family Life Coaching |
237. Transforming Communication in Leadership and Teamwork |
238. Transnational Popular Psychology and the Global Self-Help Industry |
239. Trauma, Culture, and PTSD |
240. Trauma, Ethics and the Political Beyond PTSD |
241. Treating Vulnerable Populations of Cancer Survivors: A Biopsychosocial Approach |
242. Treatment of Sex Offenders |
243. tuPOY: Thermally Unstable Partially Oriented Yarns |
244. Understanding Peace and Conflict Through Social Identity Theory |
245. Understanding Relational and Group Experiences through the Mmogo-Method® |
246. Unifying Causality and Psychology |
247. Was Communism Doomed? |
248. Well-Being, Positive Peer Relations and Bullying in School Settings |
249. Work Stress and Health in a Globalized Economy |
250. Wundt and the Philosophical Foundations of Psychology |
251. Youth-Community Partnerships for Adolescent Alcohol Prevention |