1.       2017 Press Conference Records of Ministry of Environmental Protection, the People's Republic of China

2.       21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Wave Energy Resource Evaluation

3.       A New Arab Social Contract?

4.       A New Paradigm for Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology

5.       A Philosophical View of the Ocean and Humanity

6.       A Roadmap to Industry 4.0: Smart Production, Sharp Business and Sustainable Development

7.       A Synthesis of Depositional Sequence of the Proterozoic Vindhyan Supergroup in Son Valley

8.       A Thermodynamic Approach to Water Geothermometry

9.       Actioning the Global Goals for Local Impact

10.   Active Faults and Nuclear Regulation

11.   Actualistic Taphonomy in South America

12.   Adaptations of Coastal Cities to Global Warming, Sea Level Rise, Climate Change and Endemic Hazards

13.   Adaptive Agricultural Practices

14.   Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage

15.   Addressing the Uneven Distribution of Water Quantity and Quality Endowment

16.   Advanced GNSS Tropospheric Products for Monitoring Severe Weather Events and Climate

17.   Advanced Nano-Bio Technologies for Water and Soil Treatment

18.   Advanced Numerical Methods in Foundation Engineering

19.   Advancements in Unsaturated Soil Mechanics

20.   Advances in Experimental and Genetic Mineralogy

21.   Advances in Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies in Argentina

22.   Advances in Geophysical Methods Applied to Forensic Investigations

23.   Advances in Modeling and Interpretation in Near Surface Geophysics

24.   Advances in Natural Hazards and Hydrological Risks: Meeting the Challenge

25.   Advances in the Leading Paradigms of Urbanism and their Amalgamation

26.   Advances in Waste Processing Technology

27.   Adventure Tourism

28.   Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals

29.   Africa on the Move

30.   Agricultural Drought in Slovakia: An Impact Assessment

31.   Air Pollution and Environmental Health

32.   Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVI

33.   An Integrated Framework for Energy-Economy-Emissions Modeling

34.   An Interdisciplinary Approach for Disaster Resilience and Sustainability

35.   Analyzing Population and Land Use Change

36.   Ancillary Benefits of Climate Policy

37.   Anthropogenic Aquifer Recharge

38.   Anthropogenic Tropical Forests

39.   Antibiotics and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes

40.   APAC 2019

41.   Application of the Water Footprint: Water Stress Analysis and Allocation

42.   Applied Geology

43.   Arabian Plate and Surroundings:  Geology, Sedimentary Basins and Georesources

44.   Arctic Marine Sustainability

45.   Arctic Sea Ice Ecology

46.   Arsenic in Drinking Water and Food

47.   Arsenic Water Resources Contamination

48.   Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Satellite Image Analysis

49.   Assessing Coal Use in Thailand: Current and Future Trends

50.   Assessing Wastewater Management in India

51.   Assessment and Protection of Water Resources in the Czech Republic

52.   Assessment of Climate Change over the Indian Region

53.   Atlas of Quaternary Pollen and Spores in China

54.   Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen in China

55.   Attenuation of Incoherent Seismic Noise

56.   Australian Coastal Systems

57.   Balancing Nature and Civilization - Alternative Sustainability Perspectives from Philosophy to Practice

58.   Baltic Region—The Region of Cooperation

59.   Before the Collapse

60.   Behavior of Radionuclides in the Environment I

61.   Behavior of Radionuclides in the Environment II

62.   Behaviors of Trace Metals in Environment

63.   Belgrade

64.   Białowieża Primeval Forest: Nature and Culture in the Nineteenth Century

65.   Biochar Applications in Agriculture and Environment Management

66.   Bioeconomy for Sustainable Development

67.   Biofuel Production Technologies: Critical Analysis for Sustainability

68.   Biogas Technology

69.   Biomass Valorization to Bioenergy

70.   Bioremediation of Industrial Waste for Environmental Safety

71.   Bioremediation of Industrial Waste for Environmental Safety

72.   Bioresource Utilization and Bioprocess

73.   Biotechnology Business - Concept to Delivery

74.   Building Resilient Neighbourhoods in Singapore

75.   Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Soil

76.   Carbon Footprints

77.   Carbon Management for Promoting Local Livelihood in the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) Region

78.   Carbon Management in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Terrestrial Systems

79.   Catalogue of Selected Angiosperm Pollen Grains from Palaeogene and Neogene Sediments of India

80.   Changing Asia-Pacific Marginal Seas

81.   China Danxia

82.   China’s Urban Agglomerations

83.   China’s Urban Construction Land Development

84.   China's Energy Revolution in the Context of the Global Energy Transition

85.   Circular Economy and Fly Ash Management

86.   Circular Economy: Global Perspective

87.   Climate Action

88.   Climate Change and Impacts in the Pacific

89.   Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in South Florida

90.   Climate Change and the White World

91.   Climate Change Impact on Environmental Variability in the Forest

92.   Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security in Egypt

93.   Climate Impacts on Agricultural and Natural Resource Sustainability in Africa

94.   Climate Variability and Change in Africa

95.   Coal—A Window to Past Climate and Vegetation

96.   Coastal Resorts and Urbanization in Northeast Brazil

97.   Combined Application of Physico-Chemical & Microbiological Processes for Industrial Effluent Treatment Plant

98.   Community and Climate Resilience in the Semi-Arid Tropics

99.   Concepts and Approaches for Sustainability Management

100.  Conservation

101.  Contemporary Environmental Issues and Challenges in Era of Climate Change

102.  Contemporary Trends in Local Governance

103.  Controlled Release of Pesticides for Sustainable Agriculture

104.  Conversion of Carbon Dioxide into Hydrocarbons Vol. 1 Catalysis

105.  Conversion of Carbon Dioxide into Hydrocarbons Vol. 2 Technology

106.  Coping Mechanisms for Climate Change in Peri-Urban Areas

107.  Corporate Biodiversity Management for Sustainable Growth

108.  Cottage Industry of Biocontrol Agents and Their Applications

109.  Critical Skills for Environmental Professionals

110.  Culture History and Convergent Evolution

111.  Data-driven Multivalence in the Built Environment

112.  Decolonising and Internationalising Geography

113.  Deep Oil Spills

114.  Deficit Irrigation

115.  Deltas in the Anthropocene

116.  Design of Novel Biosensors for Optical Sensing and Their Applications in Environmental Analysis

117.  Development of Novel Bioelectrochemical Membrane Separation Technologies for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery

118.  Dictionary of Geotourism

119.  Differentiated Resourceful Utilization of Rural Organic Wastes

120.  Digital Cultural Heritage

121.  Disaster Risk Communication

122.  Disposal of All Forms of Radioactive Waste and Residues

123.  Divided Tokyo

124.  Dynamics of the Earth System: Evolution, Processes and Interactions

125.  Earth Systems Data Processing and Visualization Using MATLAB

126.  Earthworm Assisted Remediation of Effluents and Wastes

127.  Ecological Rationality in Spatial Planning

128.  Economic and Ecological Implications of Shifting Cultivation in Mizoram, India

129.  Ecosystem Services for Urban Water Security

130.  Efficient Joint Analysis of Surface Waves and Introduction to Vibration Analysis: Beyond the Clichés

131.  Emerging Technologies in Agriculture, Livestock, and Climate

132.  Emotion and the Contemporary Museum

133.  Empty Buckets and Overflowing Pits

134.  Energy Consumption, Chemical Use and Carbon Footprints of Wastewater Treatment Alternatives

135.  Energy in Agriculture Under Climate Change

136.  Energy Recovery Processes from Wastes

137.  Engineering Surveys for Industry

138.  Entrepreneurship Training in Rural Parts of Bihar/India

139.  Environmental Biotechnology Vol. 1

140.  Environmental Biotechnology Vol. 2

141.  Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Development

142.  Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Development

143.  Environmental Law and Policies in Turkey

144.  Environmental Management

145.  Environmental Management in China

146.  Environmental Nanotechnology Volume 3

147.  Environmental Nanotechnology Volume 4

148.  Environmental Performance and Social Inclusion in Informal Settlements

149.  Environmental Processes and Management

150.  Environmental Public Policy Making Exposed

151.  Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS in Iraq

152.  Environmental Remote Sensing in Egypt

153.  Environmental Soil Remediation and Rehabilitation

154.  Enzymes in Degradation of the Lignocellulosic Wastes

155.  Equibalancedistribution (Eqbl) in the analysis of earthquake data

156.  Estuaries and Coastal Zones in Times of Global Change

157.  EU Regional and Urban Policy

158.  Eurokarst 2018, Besançon

159.  European Dimension of Metropolitan Policies

160.  European Port Cities in Transition

161.  European Water Law and Hydropolitics

162.  Evolution and Water Resources Utilization of the Yangtze River

163.  E-waste Recycling and Management

164.  Experimental Erosion

165.  Expertise Under Scrutiny

166.  External Interventions for Disaster Risk Reduction

167.  Extreme and Systemic Risk Analysis

168.  Extreme Weather Events and Human Health

169.  Failure Mechanism and Stability Analysis of Rock Slope

170.  Fate and Effects of Anticancer Drugs in the Environment

171.  Fiducial Reference Measurements for Altimetry

172.  Fish, Fishing and Community in North Korea and Neighbours

173.  Flash Floods in Egypt

174.  Flood Damage Assessment and Management

175.  Fluid Dynamics

176.  Foregrounding Urban Agendas

177.  Form, Space and Design

178.  Framing in Sustainability Science

179.  Fresh Water Pollution Dynamics and Remediation

180.  Frontier Making in the Amazon

181.  Frontiers in Water-Energy-Nexus—Nature-Based Solutions, Advanced Technologies and Best Practices for Environmental Sustainability

182.  Functional Urban Areas in Poland

183.  Fundamentals of Invertebrate Palaeontology

184.  Gastronomy and Urban Space

185.  Gateway Cities in Global Production Networks

186.  Gene Drives at Tipping Points

187.  Geochemical Exploration and Modelling of Concealed Mineral Deposits

188.  Geochemistry of Chromium in the Earth’s Mantle

189.  Geodetic Time Series Analysis in Earth Sciences

190.  Geodynamic Evolution of the Indian Shield: Geophysical Aspects

191.  Geodynamics of the Indian Plate

192.  Geoecology of Landscape Dynamics

193.  Geoinformatics for Sustainable Development in Asian Cities

194.  Geological Tour of Devonian and Ordovician Magmatism of Kuznetsk Alatau and Minusinsk Basin

195.  Geology of Coal Deposits of South Limburg, The Netherlands

196.  Geomechanical Processes and Their Assessment in the Rock Massifs in Central Kazakhstan

197.  Geomechanics of Oil and Gas Wells

198.  Geophysical Approach to Marine Coastal Ecology

199.  Geophysical Fluid Dynamics I

200.  Geospatial Technologies for Local and Regional Development

201.  Geospatial Technologies for Urban Health

202.  Geospatial Technology

203.  Global Climate Change and Environmental Policy

204.  Good Health and Well-Being

205.  Governance for Urban Services

206.  Governance of Arctic Shipping

207.  Green Engineering for Campus Sustainability

208.  Green Materials for Wastewater Treatment

209.  Green Methods for Wastewater Treatment

210.  Green Neighbourhoods and Eco-gentrification

211.  Green Photocatalysts

212.  Green Photocatalysts for Energy and Environmental Process

213.  Green Roofs and Water Retention in Košice, Slovakia 

214.  Green Technologies and Infrastructure to Enhance Urban Ecosystem Services

215.  Greenspace-Oriented Development

216.  Groundwater Chemical Kinetics and Fractal Characteristics of Karst Tunnel

217.  Groundwater Distribution in the Recharge Area of Ljubljanica Springs

218.  Guidelines for Community Energy Planning

219.  Gully Erosion Studies from India and Surrounding Regions

220.  Hadean Earth

221.  Handbook of Climate Change Resilience

222.  Handbook of Climate Services

223.  Health of People, Health of Planet and Our Responsibility

224.  Heaving, Stretching and Spicing Modes

225.  Heterotopia and Heritage Preservation

226.  High Performance Computing for Geospatial Applications

227.  High Strength Support for Soft Surrounding Rock in Deep Underground Engineering

228.  High-Rise Urban Form and Microclimate

229.  Himalaya on the Threshold of Change 

230.  Himalayan Weather and Climate and their Impact on the Environment

231.  Historical Geography, GIScience and Textual Analysis

232.  Housing Policy and Vulnerable Families in The Inner City

233.  How to Store CO2 Underground: Insights from early-mover CCS Projects

234.  Human Geoscience

235.  Human Impact on Danube Watershed Biodiversity in the XXI Century

236.  Hybrid Imaging and Visualization

237.  ICDSME 2019

238.  Impacts of Climate and Human Activities on Water Resources and Quality

239.  Industrial Symbiosis for the Circular Economy

240.  Influence of the Sea Surface Temperature Decadal Variability on Tropical Precipitation: West African and South American Monsoon

241.  Information Fusion and Intelligent Geographic Information Systems

242.  Inland Dunes of North America

243.  Innovative Infrastructure Solutions using Geosynthetics

244.  Innovative Solutions for Deep Foundations and Retaining Structures

245.  Innovative Solutions for Soil Structure Interaction

246.  Integrated Modelling of Ecosystem Services and Land-Use Change

247.  Integrated Water Resource Management

248.  Integration of Information Flow for Greening Supply Chain Management

249.  International Business, Trade and Institutional Sustainability

250.  International Development and the Environment

251.  Introduction to Analytical Methods in Organic Geochemistry

252.  Inventing Berlin

253.  Iron Geochemistry: An Isotopic Perspective

254.  Isotopes and the Natural Environment

255.  Just Enough Nitrogen

256.  Karstology in the Classical Karst

257.  Kinetic Alfvén Waves in Laboratory, Space, and Astrophysical Plasmas

258.  KULUNDA: Climate Smart Agriculture

259.  Lagoa Santa Karst: Brazil's Iconic Karst Region

260.  Land Cover and Land Use Change on Islands

261.  Land Degradation and Socio-Economic Development

262.  Land Use Transitions and Rural Restructuring in China

263.  Landscapes and Landforms of Eastern Canada

264.  Landscapes and Landforms of England and Wales

265.  Landscapes and Landforms of Portugal

266.  Large Asian Lakes in a Changing World

267.  Laser Scanning Systems in Highway and Safety Assessment

268.  Laterites of the Bengal Basin

269.  Latest Advancements in Underground Structures and Geological Engineering

270.  Latin America in Times of Global Environmental Change

271.  Lead in Plants and the Environment

272.  Lewis Fry Richardson: His Intellectual Legacy and Influence in the Social Sciences

273.  Livability and Sustainability of Urbanism

274.  Local Dynamics of Industrial Upgrading

275.  Logistics Operations and Management for Recycling and Reuse

276.  Long-term Modeled Projections of the Energy Sector

277.  Los Angeles and the Summer Olympic Games

278.  Louisiana's Response to Extreme Weather

279.  Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of the Solar Corona and Heliosphere

280.  Making Green Cities

281.  Making Megacities in Asia

282.  Management of Research Infrastructures: A South African Funding Perspective

283.  Management of Water Quality and Quantity

284.  Managing Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region

285.  Managing Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes for Sustainable Communities in Asia

286.  Mangrove Forests in India

287.  Mangroves and Aquaculture

288.  Manual of Digital Earth

289.  Mapping and Spatial Analysis of Socio-economic and Environmental Indicators for Sustainable Development

290.  Mapping Empires: Colonial Cartographies of Land and Sea

291.  Mapping the Risk of Flood, Mass Movement and Local Subsidence

292.  Marine Hydrocarbon Seeps

293.  Marine Oil and Gas Exploration in China

294.  Martin Waldseemüller’s 'Carta marina' of 1516

295.  Measurement, Analysis and Remediation of Environmental Pollutants

296.  Mechanical Energy Storage for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Resources

297.  Mechanics of Bio-Sediment Transport

298.  Membranes for Environmental Applications

299.  Methods for Bioremediation of Water and Wastewater Pollution

300.  Metropolitan Regions, Planning and Governance

301.  Microbial Bioremediation & Biodegradation

302.  Microbial Biotechnology: Basic Research and Applications

303.  Microcosm Manual for Environmental Impact Risk Assessment

304.  Micro-Pollutant Regulation in the River Rhine

305.  Microwave Remote Sensing Tools in Environmental Science

306.  Migration, Social Capital, and Health

307.  Military Geoscience

308.  Milk Culture in Eurasia

309.  Mine Waste Management in China: Recent Development

310.  Mineralogy

311.  Minerals: Structure, Properties, Methods of Investigation

312.  Modeling the Fate of Chemicals in Products

313.  Modelling Rock Fracturing Processes

314.  Modern Age Waste Water Problems

315.  Mud Volcanoes of the Black Sea Region and their Environmental Significance

316.  Municipal Landfill Leachate Management

317.  Mysterious Ocean

318.  Nanopharmaceuticals: Principles and Applications Vol. 3

319.  Nanophotocatalysis and Environmental Applications

320.  Nanoscience in Medicine Vol. 1

321.  Nanosensors for Environmental Applications

322.  Natural Electromagnetic Fields in Pure and Applied Geophysics

323.  Natural Quasicrystals

324.  Nature Driven Urbanism

325.  Nature in the Built Environment

326.  Nature through Time

327.  Nature, Culture, and Food in Monsoon Asia

328.  Nature-based Solutions for Resilient Ecosystems and Societies

329.  Negotiating Climate Change Adaptation

330.  Neoendogenous Development in European Rural Areas

331.  New Urban Agenda in Asia-Pacific

332.  Nutrient Dynamics for Sustainable Crop Production

333.  Observations, Modeling and Systems Analysis in Geomagnetic Data Interpretation

334.  Ocean Acoustics

335.  Opening and Closure of the Neuquén Basin in the Southern Andes

336.  Overview of Low-Carbon Development

337.  Palaeohydrology

338.  Participatory Research and Planning in Practice

339.  Pathways to Demographic Adaptation

340.  Perception, Design and Ecology of the Built Environment

341.  Perspectives on Social LCA

342.  Pets as Sentinels, Forecasters and Promoters of Human Health

343.  Physics and Chemistry of the Arctic Atmosphere

344.  Phyto-Microbiome in Stress Regulation

345.  Phytoremediation of Arsenic Contaminated Sites in China

346.  Picroilmenite in Kimberlites and Titanomagnetites of the Yakutian Diamond-Bearing Province

347.  Pilauco: A Late Pleistocene Archaeo-paleontological Site

348.  Planetary Accounting

349.  Planning for Ecosystem Services in Cities

350.  Planning for Resilience

351.  Planning for Sustainable Urban Transport in Southeast Asia

352.  Plant Landscape of Corsica

353.  Polarization Remote Sensing Physics

354.  Polish River Basins and Lakes – Part I

355.  Polish River Basins and Lakes – Part II

356.  Precipitation Partitioning by Vegetation

357.  Problems of Geocosmos–2018

358.  Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019)

359.  Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019)

360.  Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019)

361.  Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea

362.  Processes and Phenomena on the Boundary Between Biogenic and Abiogenic Nature

363.  Processes in GeoMedia—Volume I

364.  Prospects of Fresh Market Wastes Management in Developing Countries

365.  Protected Areas in Northern Tanzania

366.  Public Health and Disasters

367.  Public Perceptions of Radiation Effects on Health Risks and Well-Being

368.  Public Private Partnership for Desertification Control in Inner Mongolia

369.  Quality Education

370.  Quantum Measurement of Gravity for Geodesists and Geophysicists

371.  Radioactive Contamination of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area

372.  Rainwater Infiltration in Urban Areas

373.  Random Fields for Spatial Data Modeling

374.  Rare Earth Element Resources: Indian Context

375.  Real Option Analysis and Climate Change

376.  Rebuilding the Earth

377.  Recent Advances in the Study of Oceanic Whitecaps

378.  Recent Developments in Pavement Engineering

379.  Recent Research in Sustainable Structures

380.  Recent Technologies in Sustainable Materials Engineering

381.  Recent Thoughts in Geoenvironmental Engineering

382.  Recent Trends in Waste Water Treatment and Water Resource Management

383.  Reconciling Human Needs and Conserving Biodiversity: Large Landscapes as a New Conservation Paradigm

384.  Recycle Based Organic Agriculture in a City

385.  Reframing the Vernacular: Politics, Semiotics, and Representation

386.  Regional Geological Survey of Hanggai, Xianxia and Chuancun, Zhejiang Province in China

387.  Regulating Water Security in Unconventional Oil and Gas

388.  Relationships and the Course of Social Events During Mineral Exploration

389.  Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Landscapes

390.  Remote Sensing for Malaria

391.  Remote Sensing Monitoring and Evaluation of Degraded Grassland in China

392.  Remote Sensing of Land Use and Land Cover in Mountain Region

393.  Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity

394.  Resilience of Large Water Management Infrastructure

395.  Resilience, Response, and Risk in Water Systems

396.  Resilient Policies in Asian Cities

397.  Responsible Consumption and Production

398.  Restoration of Wetland Ecosystem: A Trajectory Towards a Sustainable Environment

399.  Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 248

400.  Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 249

401.  Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 250

402.  Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 251

403.  Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 252

404.  River Ice Processes and Ice Flood Forecasting

405.  Road Expansion in the Peruvian Amazon

406.  Road from Geochemistry to Geochemometrics

407.  Rockburst Evolutionary Process and Energy Dissipation Characteristics

408.  Rural Revitalization Through State-led Programs

409.  Satellite Precipitation Measurement - 1

410.  Satellite Precipitation Measurement - 2

411.  Satellite Remote Sensing in Hydrological Data Assimilation

412.  Satellite Towns in Neo-metropolitan Development in India

413.  Scaling up SDGs Implementation

414.  Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills

415.  Sea Ice in the Arctic

416.  Sediment Compaction and Applications in Petroleum Geoscience

417.  Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular and Complex Civil Structures III

418.  Seismic Inversion Methods: A Practical Approach

419.  Sensors in Water Pollutants Monitoring: Role of Material

420.  Shaping Regional Futures

421.  Sharing Ecosystem Services

422.  Singapore’s Park System Master Planning

423.  Slate as Dimension Stone

424.  Small-Scale Fisheries in Europe: Status, Resilience and Governance

425.  Smart and Sustainable Cities and Buildings

426.  Smart and Sustainable Supply Chain and Logistics – Trends, Challenges, Methods and Best Practices

427.  Smart Environment for Smart Cities

428.  Smart Geography

429.  Smart Living for Smart Cities

430.  Smart Living for Smart Cities

431.  Society 5.0

432.  Socio-economic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation

433.  Soft Rock Mechanics and Engineering

434.  Soil Health Restoration and Management

435.  Soil-Steel Bridges

436.  Solid Waste Policies and Strategies: Issues, Challenges and Case Studies

437.  Sources of Uncertainty in the Tropical Pacific Warming Pattern under Global Warming Projected by Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models

438.  Spatial Behavior in Haredi Jewish Communities in Great Britain

439.  Spatial Mapping and Modelling for Kala-azar Disease

440.  Spationomy

441.  Spontaneous Combustion of Coal

442.  Springer Series in Light Scattering

443.  Stewardship of Future Drylands and Climate Change in the Global South

444.  Strategic Corporate Conservation Planning

445.  Strontium Contamination in the Environment

446.  Structural Geological Atlas

447.  Structural Geomorphology in Northeastern Brazil

448.  Structural Geometry of Mobile Belts of the Indian Subcontinent

449.  Structural-Chemical Systematics of Minerals

450.  Studies of the Biogeochemistry of Typical Estuaries and Bays in China

451.  Study of Ecological Engineering of Human Settlements

452.  Subduction and Closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean along the Solonker Suture Zone: Constraints from an Integrated Sedimentary Provenance Analysis

453.  Substrate Analysis for Effective Biofuels Production

454.  Subtropical Mountain Forests of Las Yungas: Vegetation and Bioclimate

455.  Suburban Retail Spaces

456.  Supercritical Water Processing Technologies for Environment, Energy and Nanomaterial Applications

457.  Suriname Revisited: Economic Potential of its Mineral Resources

458.  Sustainability

459.  Sustainability

460.  Sustainability Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa I

461.  Sustainability Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa II

462.  Sustainability in the Textile and Apparel Industries

463.  Sustainability in the Textile and Apparel Industries

464.  Sustainability in the Textile and Apparel Industries

465.  Sustainability in the Textile and Apparel Industries

466.  Sustainability in the Textile and Apparel Industries

467.  Sustainability Perspectives: Science, Policy and Practice

468.  Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Dairy Farms

469.  Sustainable Cities and Communities

470.  Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility—Volume 1

471.  Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility—Volume 2

472.  Sustainable Development Goals and Institutions of Higher Education

473.  Sustainable Development in Changing Complex Earth Systems

474.  Sustainable Development of Water and Environment

475.  Sustainable Groundwater Management

476.  Sustainable Human Resource Management in Tourism

477.  Sustainable Human–Nature Relations

478.  Sustainable Issues in Transportation Engineering

479.  Sustainable Land Management for NEOM Region

480.  Sustainable Logistics and Production in Industry 4.0

481.  Sustainable Luxury and Craftsmanship

482.  Sustainable Rice Straw Management

483.  Sustainable Solutions for Urban Water Security

484.  Sustainable Thoughts in Ground Improvement and Soil Stability

485.  Sustainable Urbanism in Digital Transitions

486.  Sustainable Waste Management: Policies and Case Studies

487.  Sustainable Water Management in Buildings

488.  Sustainable Watershed Development

489.  Sustaining our Environment for Better Future

490.  Tailings Dam Management for the Twenty-First Century

491.  Tall Buildings and the City

492.  Technological and Modern Irrigation Environment in Egypt

493.  Tectonics of the Indian Subcontinent

494.  Temporary Appropriation in Cities

495.  Thawing Permafrost

496.  The Andaman Islands and Adjoining Offshore: Geology, Tectonics and Palaeoclimate

497.  The Archaeology of Europe’s Drowned Landscapes

498.  The Asian Megacity Region

499.  The Atlas of Health Inequalities in Japan

500.  The Centre of City: Thermal Environment and Spatial Morphology

501.  The Centre of City: Wind Environment and Spatial Morphology

502.  The Co-Housing Phenomenon

503.  The County Diagnostic

504.  The Financialization of the Brazilian Territory

505.  The Food-Energy-Water Nexus

506.  The Future of Atmospheric Oxygen

507.  The Future of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

508.  The Geography of Beer

509.  The Geography of Central Asia

510.  The Geography of Slovenia

511.  The Geography of Spain

512.  The Geohistorical Approach

513.  The Geology of Egypt

514.  The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach

515.  The History of Cyclodextrins

516.  The Hoek-Brown Failure criterion—From theory to application

517.  The Illustrated History of the Elements

518.  The Operational Use of Remote Sensing in Municipalities

519.  The Principles of Green and Sustainability Science

520.  The Puchezh-Katunki Impact Crater

521.  The Rise in Vacant Housing in Post-growth Japan

522.  The Social Metabolism of Spanish Agriculture, 1900–2008

523.  The Soils of India

524.  The Soils of Sri Lanka

525.  The Tectonics and Metallogenesis of Asia

526.  The Vegetation of the Maltese Islands

527.  The World of Mineral Deposits

528.  Theology and Urban Sustainability

529.  Theories and Models of Urbanization

530.  Thermal Ice Drilling Technology

531.  Thermodynamics in Earth and Planetary Sciences

532.  Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons

533.  Tourism, Cultural Heritage and Urban Regeneration

534.  Transboundary Water Issues in Israel, Palestine, and the Jordan River Basin

535.  Transformation Processes of Metals in Urban Road Dust

536.  Translating the Paris Agreement into Action in the Pacific

537.  UAVs and Urban Spatial Analysis

538.  Universities and Sustainable Communities: Meeting the Goals of the Agenda 2030

539.  Universities as Living Labs for Sustainable Development

540.  Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Applications in Agriculture and Environment

541.  Unravelling the Soil Microbiome

542.  Uranium in Plants and the Environment

543.  Urban Adaptation to Climate Change

544.  Urban and Regional Planning and Development

545.  Urban and Transit Planning

546.  Urban Health and Wellbeing

547.  Urban Health and Wellbeing Programme

548.  Urban Health Risk and Resilience in Asian Cities

549.  Urban Heritage Along the Silk Roads

550.  Urban Mining and Sustainable Waste Management

551.  Urban Studies and Entrepreneurship

552.  Using Historical Maps in Scientific Studies

553.  Valorisation of Agro-industrial Residues – Volume I: Biological Approaches

554.  Valorisation of Agro-industrial Residues – Volume II: Non-Biological Approaches

555.  Vibrational (Infrared and Raman) Spectra of Minerals and Related Compounds

556.  Violence in the Barrios of Caracas

557.  Volatile Methylsiloxanes in the Environment

558.  Voyages on the Northern Sea Route

559.  Warsaw Housing Cooperative

560.  Waste Management in MENA Regions

561.  Water Availability and Management in Mexico

562.  Water Policies in MENA Countries

563.  Water Quality

564.  Water Quality Index Prediction Using Multiple Linear Fuzzy Regression Model

565.  Water Resources and Integrated Management of the United Arab Emirates

566.  Water Resources Management in Balkan Countries

567.  Water Resources Management in Romania

568.  Water Resources of Italy

569.  Water Resources of Lebanon

570.  Water Resources of Mexico

571.  Water Resources of Turkey

572.  Water Resources Quality and Management in Baltic Sea Countries

573.  Water Resources Systems of the Philippines: Modeling Studies

574.  Water, Flood Management and Water Security Under a Changing Climate

575.  Water-resisting Property and Key Technologies of Grouting Reconstruction of the Upper Ordovician Limestone in North China’s Coalfields

576.  Wave-Forced Sediment Erosion and Resuspension in the Yellow River Delta

577.  Yanzhuang Meteorite: Mineralogy and Shock Metamorphism







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