1. 15th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference
2. 1st International Conference on Mechanics of Solids 2022
3. 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology Education 2022
4. 8th Workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in Flavour Physics
5. A Beauty-ful Boson
6. A Beginner’s Guide to Lasers and Their Applications, Part 1
7. A Deep Sky Astrophotography Primer
8. A First Introduction to Quantum Physics
9. A Modern History of Materials
10. A New Generation of Cosmic Superstring Simulations
11. A Novel Approach to Relativistic Dynamics
12. A Search for Exotic Higgs Decays
13. A Simplified Approach to the Classical Laminate Theory of Composite Materials
14. Active Array Antennas for High Resolution Microwave Imaging Radar
15. Advanced Functional Materials for Optical and Hazardous Sensing
16. Advanced Materials for Solid State Lighting
17. Advanced Multifunctional Materials from Fibrous Structures
18. Advanced Newtonian Rigid Dynamics
19. Advanced Optical Spectroscopy Techniques for Semiconductors
20. Advanced Radiation Detector and Instrumentation in Nuclear and Particle Physics
21. Advancements in Materials Science and Technology Led by Women
22. Advances in Linear and Nonlinear Continuum and Structural Mechanics
23. Advances in Mechanics
24. Advances in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials
25. Advances in Near-Field Optics
26. Advances in Social Simulation
27. Adventures in Contemporary Electromagnetic Theory
28. Aerodynamics of Tandem Wing Aircraft
29. Aeronomy of Mars
30. AI, Blockchain and Self-Sovereign Identity in Higher Education
31. Airbreathing Hypersonic Propulsion
32. Algorithms for Satellite Orbital Dynamics
33. America’s First Eclipse Chasers
34. An Adventure
35. An Approach to Multi-agent Systems as a Generalized Multi-synchronization Problem
36. An Introduction to Anomalous Diffusion and Relaxation
37. An Introduction to Modern Timekeeping and Time Transfer
38. An Introduction to Stochastic Thermodynamics
39. Applied Complex Flow
40. Around the World in 80 Ways
41. Artificial Intelligence for Scientific Discoveries
42. Astronomy of Ancient Egypt
43. Astrophysics Is Easy!
44. Asymmetric Dual Core Waveguides
45. Band Structure of Cubic Hydrides
46. Basic Semiconductor Physics
47. Behavioral Health and Human Interactions in Space
48. Cameras and Display Systems Towards Photorealistic 3D Holography
49. Can Science Be Witty?
50. Carbon Nanotubes
51. Catalog of Unconfirmed Comets - Volume 1
52. Chaos, Fractals and Complexity
53. Chaotic Dynamics in Planetary Systems
54. Coherent States
55. Complex Integration
56. Complex Networks XIV
57. Complex Systems Design & Management
58. Composite Mechanics
59. Computational Plasma Science
60. Computational Simulation in Nanophotonics and Spectroscopy
61. Computer Simulations in Molecular Biology
62. Conformal Field Theory for Particle Physicists
63. Constructing the Edifice of Mechanics
64. Constructional Viscoelastic Composite Materials
65. Cosmic Rays
66. Cosmography in the Age of Discovery and the Scientific Revolution
67. Covariant Canonical Gauge Gravity
68. Creep in Structures VI
69. Cybersecurity for Smart Cities
70. Dark Energy
71. Deep Learning in Cancer Diagnostics
72. Deployable Multimodal Machine Intelligence
73. Design Acoustics
74. Detection and Interaction of Single Quantum States
75. Detonation Phenomena of Condensed Explosives
76. Development and Applications of Negative Ion Sources
77. Differential Geometry and General Relativity
78. Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society
79. Digital Information Methods of Polarization, Mueller-Matrix and Fluorescent Microscopy
80. Digital Quantum Information Processing with Continuous-Variable Systems
81. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Astronomy
82. Domain Generalization with Machine Learning in the NOvA Experiment
83. Dynamical Phase Transitions in Chaotic Systems
84. Dynamical System and Chaos
85. Dynamics, Information and Complexity in Quantum Systems
86. Einstein Constraints and Ricci Flow
87. Electricity
88. Electroacoustic Waves in Piezoelectric Layered Composites
89. Electronic Band Structure Engineering and Ultrafast Dynamics of Dirac Semimetals
90. Electronics for Physicists
91. Electroweak Gauginos with Highly Boosted Hadronically Decaying Bosons at the LHC
92. Electroweak-Interacting Spin-1 Dark Matter and Its Phenomenology
93. Engineered Biomaterials
94. Engineering Design Applications V
95. Entangled State Representations in Quantum Optics
96. Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
97. Epoxidised Natural Rubber
98. Equilibrium Compound Nucleus Post-Fission Theory
99. Erhard Scheibe's Structuralism
100.Essays on Astronomical History and Heritage
101.Europe in the Global Space Economy
102.European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics ECLA2020
103.Exercises in Classical Physics—Mechanics and Thermodynamics
104.Experimental Physics Compact for Scientists
105.Exploring Electron–Neutrino–Argon Interactions
106.Exploring Quantum Contextuality with Photons
107.Facets of Noise
108.Facts of Matter and Light
109.Fascination Astronomy
110.Fermions and Anomalies in Quantum Field Theories
111.Field Theoretic Method in Phase Transformations
112.First Observation of Fully Reconstructed B0 and Bs0 Decays into Final States Involving an Excited Neutral Charm Meson in LHCb
113.Fracture Mechanics of Nonhomogeneous Materials
114.From Radio-phobia to Radio-euphoria
115.From Silos to Network: A New Kind of Science for Management
116.Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy
117.Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Techniques and Technologies
118.Fundamentals of Underwater Acoustics
119.Galaxy Formation
120.Gas Measurement Technology in Theory and Practice
121.Gemini 5
123.Gravitational Waves from a Quantum Field Theory Perspective
124.Gravity, Cosmology, and Astrophysics
125.Handbook of Space Resources
126.High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy
127.How Mechanics Shaped the Modern World
128.How Space Physics Really Works
129.Human Reliability Programs in Industries of National Importance for Safety and Security
130.Imago Cosmi
131.Industrial Revolution in Knowledge Management and Technology
132.Influence of Fine Particles on the Liquefaction Properties of a Reference Sand
133.Information Theory and Selected Applications
134.Instabilities in Field Theory
135.Intelligent Beam Control in Accelerators
136.Intrinsic Structures and Properties of Energetic Materials
137.Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics
138.Introduction to Continuum Mechanics for Engineers
139.Introduction to Laser-Plasma Interactions
140.Introduction to Modified Gravity
141.Introduction to Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics
142.Introduction to String Theory
143.Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences
144.Io: A New View of Jupiter’s Moon
145.IRC-SET 2022
146.ITER: The Giant Fusion Reactor
147.Japan In Space
148.Laser Polarimetry of Biological Tissues
149.Laser Shock Peening
150.Layeredness in Materials
151.Lectures on Quantum Field Theory and Functional Integration
152.Lectures on Quantum Mechanics
153.Lectures on the Random Field Ising Model
154.Light and Waves
155.Linear and Nonlinear Optical Responses of Chiral Multifold Semimetals
156.Linear Electrodynamic Response of Topological Semimetals
157.Liutex and Third Generation of Vortex Identification
158.Long Distance Entanglement Between Quantum Memories
159.Lorentzian Geometrical Structures with Global Time, Gravity and Electrodynamics
160.Machine Learning for Advanced Functional Materials
161.Machine Learning for Astrophysics
162.Magnetic Solitons in Extended Ferromagnetic Nanosystems Based on Iron and Nickel: Quantum, Thermodynamic, and Structural Effects
163.Magnonic Devices
164.Managing Complex Tasks with Systems Thinking
165.Many-Body Schrödinger Equation
166.Mathematical Aspects of Paradoxes in Cosmology
167.Mathematics for Physicists and Engineers
168.MATLAB for Medical Physics
169.Measurement and Sensor Systems
170.Measurement Science and Technology in Nuclear Engineering
171.Mechanics and Geometry of Enriched Continua
172.Mechanics of Classical Sandwich Structures
173.Mechanics of Flow-Induced Vibration
174.Mechanics of High-Contrast Elastic Solids
175.Memristors and Memelements
176.Messengers from the Cosmos
177.Metamaterial-Based Optical and Radio Frequency Sensing
178.Microparticle Dynamics in Electrostatic and Flow Fields
179.Models of Time and Space from Astrophysics and World Cultures
180.Modified and Quantum Gravity
181.Modulated Apertures and Resolution in Microscopy
182.Molecular Dynamics
183.Molecular Storms
184.Multilayer Magnetic Nanostructures
185.Multiscale Multibody Dynamics
186.Music and Astronomy
187.Nano Enhanced Phase Change Materials
188.Nano Metal Oxides
189.Nanoelectronics, Nanooptics, Nanochemistry and Nanobiotechnology, and Their Applications
191.Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites, Nanostructure Surfaces, and Their Applications
192.Nanomaterials for Sustainable Development
194.Nanooptics and Photonics, Nanochemistry and Nanobiotechnology, and Their Applications
195.Nanoparticles Reinforced Metal Nanocomposites
196.Nanophotonics and Machine Learning
197.Nanostructured Surfaces, Nanocomposites and Nanomaterials, and Their Applications
198.Nanotechnology in Modern Medicine
199.Neutron Detectors for Scattering Applications
200.Neutron Transport
201.Nobel Prizes in Astronomy
202.Non-Fourier Heat Conduction
203.Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics
204.Nonlinear X-Ray Spectroscopy for Materials Science
205.Nonthermal Plasma Surface Modification of Materials
206.Nuclear Fission
207.Nuclear Science and Technology
208.Numerical Methods for Initial Value Problems in Physics
209.Objective Algorithms for Integrating Hypoelastic Constitutive Relations Based on Corotational Stress Rates
210.On Coexistence Patterns
211.Open Quantum Systems in Biology, Cognitive and Social Sciences
212.Optical Anisotropy of Biological Polycrystalline Networks
213.Optical Metrology and Optoacoustics in Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials
214.Optical Polarimetric Modalities for Biomedical Research
215.Optical Properties of Metal Oxide Nanostructures
216.Optical to Terahertz Engineering
217.Optical Vortex Beams
218.Optically Trapped Microspheres as Sensors of Mass and Sound
219.Oscillators and Oscillatory Signals from Smooth to Discontinuous
220.Pair-Correlation Effects in Many-Body Systems
221.Parameter Estimation of Nonlinear Random Medium by Scattered Electromagnetic Fields
222.Patterns and Interfaces in Dissipative Dynamics
223.Percolation, Scaling, and Relaxation in Polymer Dielectrics
224.Phase Mapping of Human Biological Tissues
225.Photoelectric Detection on Derived Attributes of Targets
226.Physical Principles of Electro-Mechano-Biology
227.Physics and Applications of Hydrogen Negative Ion Sources
228.Physics and Technology for Engineers
229.Physics for Particle Detectors and Particle Detectors for Physics
230.Physics in the Kitchen
231.Physics of Fluids
232.Physics of Gravitational Waves
233.Physics—Problems, Solutions, and Computer Calculations - vol. 1
234.Physics—Problems, Solutions, and Computer Calculations - vol. 2
235.Piezotronics and Piezo-Phototronics
236.Planet Earth, Past and Present
237.Plasma Biosciences and Medicine
238.Plasma Theory
239.Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions
240.Polarized Light in Biomedical Imaging and Sensing
241.Practice of Vibration Measurement
242.Problems and Solutions on Vector Spaces for Physicists
243.Problems in Classical Electromagnetism
244.Problems of High Frequency Diffraction by Elongated Bodies
245.Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas
246.Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Volume 1
247.Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Volume 2
248.Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Volume 3
249.Proceedings of the 28th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2022
250.Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Materials Processing: Challenges and Opportunities
251.Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Plasma and Energy Conversion
252.Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium of Space Optical Instruments and Applications
253.Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Applications of Science and Mathematics
254.Proceedings of the 9th IRC Conference on Science, Engineering, and Technology
255.Proceedings of the Green Materials and Electronic Packaging Interconnect Technology Symposium
256.Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybersecurity, Situational Awareness and Social Media
257.Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioscience, Equatorial Atmospheric Science and Environment and Humanosphere Science
258.Progress in Continuum Mechanics
259.Progress in Engineering Technology V
260.Pulsed Discharge Plasmas
261.Quantum Computers
262.Quantum Critical Phenomena of Valence Transition
263.Quantum Dot Lasers on Silicon
264.Quantum Field Theory
265.Quantum Field Theory
266.Quantum Field Theory and Functional Integrals
267.Quantum Mechanics
268.Quantum Mechanics - Volume 1
269.Quantum Mechanics for Chemistry
270.Radio-Frequency Quadrupole Accelerators
271.Rare Earths-Transition Metals-Boron Compounds
272.Recent Advances in Graphene Nanophotonics
273.Regular Black Holes
274.Relativistic and Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
275.Relativistic Quantum Invariance
276.Response of the High Granularity Calorimeter HGCAL and Characterisation of the Higgs Boson
277.Science, Technology and Innovation Diplomacy in Developing Countries
278.Scientific Debates in Space Science
279.Scientific publishing and presentation
280.Search for Exotic Higgs Boson Decays to Merged Diphotons
281.Search for Higgs Boson Decays to Charm Quarks with the ATLAS Experiment and Development of Novel Silicon Pixel Detectors
282.Signal Processing in X-ray Pulsar-Based Navigation
283.Simple Chemical Methods for Thin Film Deposition
284.Sixty Shades of Generalized Continua
285.Sketches of Physics
286.Smart Sensors Measurement and Instrumentation
287.Solar Cells
288.Solar Magnetism
289.Solar-Terrestrial Environmental Prediction
290.Solar-Terrestrial Relations
291.Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquake Precursors
292.Solid Mechanics, Theory of Elasticity and Creep
293.Solid State Theory, Volume 1
294.Solid State Theory, Volume 2
295.Solvable Cellular Automata
296.Some Unusual Topics in Quantum Mechanics
297.Space and Astrophysical Plasma Simulation
298.Space Optical Remote Sensing
299.Space Technology
300.Special Relativity for the Enthusiast
302.Springer Handbook of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
303.Springer Series in Light Scattering - Vol. 9
304.Statistical Methods for Data Analysis
305.Statistical Properties of Undulator Radiation
306.Stochastic Mechanics
307.Storage Ring-Based Inverse Compton X-ray Sources
308.Stress Concentrators in Continuous Deformable Bodies
309.Strings to Strings
310.Structure and Dynamics of Compact Stars
311.Structures and Dynamics of Interfacial Water
313.Targeted Cancer Therapy in Biomedical Engineering
314.Testing Explanations of Short Baseline Neutrino Anomalies
315.The Art of Gluing Space-Time Manifolds
316.The Barnard Objects: Then and Now
317.The Beauty and the Boost: A Higgs Boson Tale
318.The Binocular Handbook
319.The Border Effect in High-Precision Measurement
320.The Concept of Matter
321.The Craft of Scientific Films
322.The Effect of Layer Orientation on the Fatigue Behavior of 3D Printed PLA Samples
323.The First Law of Mechanics in General Relativity & Isochrone Orbits in Newtonian Gravity
324.The Flight of a Relativistic Charge in Matter
325.The Fundamentals of Newtonian Mechanics
326.The Geometry of Spacetime
327.The Geroch-Held-Penrose Calculus
328.The Lesser-Known Albert Einstein
329.The Mathematical Representation of Physical Reality
330.The Matrix Perturbation Method in Quantum Mechanics
331.The Nature of X-Rays and Their Interactions with Matter
332.The nth-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology, Volume II
333.The nth-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology, Volume III
334.The Perceptual Structure of Sound
335.The Physics of Advanced Optical Materials: Tellurite Glasses
336.The Physics of Planet Earth and Its Natural Wonders
337.The Poisson-Boltzmann Equation
338.The Probability Integral
339.The Pursuit of Reality
340.The Quantum-Like Revolution
341.The Riddle of the Rainbow
342.Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
343.Theoretical Studies on Extended Higgs Sectors Towards Future Precision Measurements
344.Theory of Disordered Solids
345.Theory of Electrostatic Waves in Hyperbolic Metamaterials
346.Theranostic Iron-Oxide Based Nanoplatforms in Oncology
347.To The Stars
348.Topological Phases in Condensed Matter Physics
349.Towards Global Interpretation of LHC Data
350.Towards the Optical Control of Resonantly Bonded Materials
351.Transport of Energetic Electrons in Solids
352.Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Flows
353.Two-Dimensional Quadratic Nonlinear Systems
355.Ultrafast Laser Nanostructuring
356.Understanding Nuclear Physics
357.Understanding the Path from Classical to Quantum Mechanics
358.Upconversion Nanoparticles (UCNPs) for Functional Applications
359.Variational Principles in Physics
360.Variational Principles in Physics
362.What a Coincidence!
363.William Frederick Denning
364.Wireless Networks
365.Women of Genius in Science