1. 2023 Asia-Singapore Conference on Sport Science
2. A Conceptual History of Psychophysics
3. A Lacanian Neuropsychoanalysis
4. A Primer of Judgment and Decision Making
5. Academia and the World Beyond, Volume 2
6. Acceleration and Cultural Change
7. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Insomnia
8. Access to Mental Health Care in South Asia
9. Addiction Research and Evaluation
10. Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders
11. Ageing as Future
12. AI for Understanding Context
13. Alienation Studies
14. An Integrated Approach to Perinatal Depression and Anxiety in Spanish-Speaking and Latina Women
15. An Interdependent Approach to Happiness and Well-Being
16. An Introduction to Model-Based Cognitive Neuroscience
17. Anti-Semitism at the Limit
18. Anxiety as Vibration
19. Anxiety Disorders and Related Conditions
20. Applied Psychology Readings
21. Artistic Creativity
22. As One Lives, So One Dies
23. Attachment Centred Therapy
24. Autism Research between Psychology and Neuroscience
25. Autistic People With Co-occurring Psychological Conditions
26. Becoming a Coach
27. Becoming a Team Coach
28. Behavior Safety and Clinical Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
29. Body Language Communication
30. Breaking the Silos
31. Brief CBT and Science-Based Tailoring for Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
32. Brothers and Sisters in Emerging Adulthood
33. Bullying in Schools
34. Burnout in Social Work Field Education
35. Care and Coercion
36. Child Sexual Abuse
37. Children, Young People and Online Harms
38. Clear Thinking
39. Climate Change and Mental Health Equity
40. Clinical Guide to Effective Psychological Assessment and Report Writing
41. Clinician Guide to Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder in Children and Adolescents
42. Cognition In and Out of the Mind
43. Cognitive and Educational Psychology for TESOL
44. Cognitive Spaces and Perspective in Literature
45. Colour Futures
46. Connecting Wisdom
47. Conservativism: A Cultural-Psychological Exploration
48. Contemporary Perspectives On Trauma and Resilience
49. Counseling and Gender
50. Creative Practice as a Way of Life
51. Creative Ruptions for Emergent Educational Futures
52. Crises, Creativity and Innovation
53. Critical Perspectives into Flow Research
54. Critical Probes into the Instructional Design Literature
55. Cultural Insights from Latino Therapists in the Field
56. Cultural Psychology
57. Culture and Politics on the Couch
58. Culture Change in Organizations
59. Culture Wars, Universities, and the Political Unconscious
60. Current Perspectives on Substance Use Disorders in South Asia
61. Decolonizing Psychoanalytic Technique
62. Dementia Grief Therapy
63. Depression, Trauma, and Anxiety
64. Dialogue With the Unconscious
65. Digital Media and Early Child Development
66. Digital Multimedia Communications
67. Disorders of Attention
68. Disorder-Specific Psychodrama Therapy in Theory and Practice
69. Dynamic Semiosis
70. Early Childhood Psychopathology
71. Embedded Behavioral Health in the Military
72. Embodiment, Political Economy and Human Flourishing
73. Emotionally Indebted
74. Emotions in Cultural Context
75. Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies
76. Enhancing CBT Through Family and Peer Engagement
77. Erxin Scales: Child Developmental Scale of China
78. Essentials in Health and Mental Health
79. Evidence-Based Behavioral Health Practices in Pediatric Specialty Settings
80. Evolutionary Case Formulation
81. Expanding the Limits of Individual and Family Therapies
82. Explorations in Dynamic Semiosis
83. Exploring Developmental Trauma Disorder Among Offending Populations
84. Exploring the Intersection of Islāmic Spirituality and Psychotherapy
85. Forensic Victimology and Femi(ni)cide
86. Forensic Victimology and Femi(ni)cide
87. Formulation in Mental Health Nursing
88. Fostering Consumer Well-Being
89. French Psychoanalysis Revisited
90. Gender Resilience, Integration and Transformation
91. Global Perspectives on Adolescents and Their Families
92. Handbook of Decolonial Community Psychology
93. Handbook of Early Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorders
94. Handbook of Evidence-Based Inpatient Mental Health Programs for Children and Adolescents
95. Handbook of Media Psychology
96. Handbook of Positive School Psychology
97. Handbook of Psychological Therapies for Bipolar Disorder
98. Handbook of Psychopathology in Intellectual Disability
99. Handbook of School Psychology in the Global Context
100.How Shakespeare Inspires Empathy in Clinical Care
101.How to Build a Human Brain
102.How We Learn and Become Experts
103.Humanistic Perspectives in Happiness Research
104.Humanitarian Competencies for Global Mental Health Professionals
105.Immigration Policy and Immigrant Families
106.Integrative STEM and STEAM Education for Real-Life Learning
107.Intellectual Disability in a Post-Neoliberal World
108.Intentional Stance Towards Humanoid Robots
109.Interdisciplinary Research on Healthcare and Social Service
110.Interfamily Therapy
111.International Aging
113.Interracial, Intercultural, and Interfaith Couples and Families Across the Life Cycle
114.Interventions in Health Care Interaction
115.Intuitively Rational: How We Think and How We Should
116.Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research
117.Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research
118.Lacan + Architecture
119.Left-Handedness and Brain Asymmetries
120.Linguistic Theory for Aphasia
121.Living with Late-Stage Dementia
122.Logotherapy and Existential Analysis
123.Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
124.Masculinities and Mental Health in Young Men
125.Measuring Couples and Family Dynamics in India
126.Mental and Occupational Stress Assessment of Pink Collar Workers
127.Mental Health Care Resource Book
128.Mental Health in Bangladesh
129.Meta-Analysis for Psychologists
130.Mild Altered States of Consciousness
131.Mindfulness for Children, Adolescents, and Families
132.Modern Pupillometry
133.Motivation Science
134.Multi-faceted Approaches to Challenges and Coping in Law Enforcement
135.Music on Your Mind
136.Negotiation Neuroscience
138.Neuropsychological Interventions for Children - Volume 1
139.Neuropsychological Interventions for Children - Volume 2
140.New Horizons in Systemic Practice with Children and Families
141.On the Origin and Nature of Cognition
142.On the Psychology of Individual Differences
143.Optimizing Evidence-Based Treatment for Body Dysmorphic Disorder
144.Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) in India
145.Oxytocin, Well-Being and Affect Regulation
146.Pathologisation, Depathologisation and Mental Health
147.Patient Engagement in Pharma
148.Patient Safety Coaching
149.Peace Advocacy in the Shadow of War
150.Peace Psychology and Character Strengths
151.Personality Psychology
152.Personalized and Inclusive Engagement for the Design, Delivery, and Evaluation of University eLearning
153.Perspectives on Socio-environmental Transformations in Ancient Europe
154.Phenomenological Psychology as Rigorous Science
155.Physician Workforce Diversity
156.Professional's Guide to Trauma-informed Decision Making
157.Prolonged Exposure for PTSD
158.Providing Mental Health Support to Probation
159.Psychiatric Oppression in Women's Lives
160.Psychoanalysis and Film
161.Psycho-Legal Concepts for Parenting in Child Custody and Child Protection Vol. 1
162.Psycho-legal Concepts for Parenting in Child Custody and Child Protection Vol. 2
163.Psycho-Legal Concepts for Parenting in Child Custody and Child Protection Vol. 3
164.Psycho-Legal Concepts for Parenting in Child Custody and Child Protection Vol. 4
165.Psychological Science
166.Psychology of Sexuality & Mental Health Vol. 1
167.Psychoneuroendocrinology in Psychosocial and Psychotherapeutic Practice
168.Reading Foucault Through Lacan
169.Regression-Based Normative Data for Psychological Assessment
170.Reimagining Mental Health and Addiction Under the Covid-19 Pandemic, Volume 1
171.Reimagining Mental Health and Addiction Under the Covid-19 Pandemic, Volume 2
172.Reimagining Mental Health and Addiction Under the Covid-19 Pandemic, Volume 3
173.Revolutionizing Justice in the Pipeline Era
174.Scaling Effective School Mental Health Interventions and Practices
175.Self-Regulated Learning in the Inverted Classroom
176.Sensemaking and Neuroaesthetics
177.Service Learning in Higher Education
178.Sex Differences in Reading and Math Test Scores of Children
179.Sexual Crime
180.Shame and Ageing in a Transforming World
181.Shame and Gender in Transcultural Contexts
182.Simulating the Mind II
183.Sleep Disruption, Aggression, and Violence
184.Smell, Taste, Eat: The Role of the Chemical Senses in Eating Behaviour
185.Social Justice, Multicultural Counseling, and Practice
186.Spirituality as a Resilience Factor in Life Crises
187.Stabilization in Trauma Treatment
188.Start-up Cultures in Times of Global Crises
189.Statistics for Psychology Research
190.Stories from Italian Forensic Psychiatric Hospitals
191.Studies on Moral Competence
192.Suicidal Behavior in Muslim Majority Countries
193.Talking Men's Health
194.Telemental Health Care for Children and Families
195.'The Bell Curve' in Perspective
196.The Construction of Eating Disorders
197.The Creative Gesture
198.The Early Career Researcher's Toolbox
199.The ECPH Encyclopedia of Psychology
200.The Good Working Life
201.The Indispensability of Phenomenology, Experiment and History
202.The Influence and Psychology of American Football Coaches Upon Adolescents
203.The Magic of Living Consciousness
204.The Mental Health Clinician’s Handbook for Abortion Care
205.The Microgenetic Method
206.The Moonlight Doctor
207.The Narrative of the Black Incarcerated Man
208.The National Mind
209.The Neuron in Context
210.The Nonverbal Communication of Our Gendered and Sexual Selves
211.The Novel and Neuroscience from Dostoevsky to Ishiguro
212.The Nurses’ Guide to Psychotherapy
213.The Palgrave Handbook of Humour Research
214.The Palgrave Handbook of Psychosocial Studies
215.The Parkland School Shooter:
216.The Plant-based and Vegan Handbook
217.The Psychology and Neuroscience of Hugging
218.The Psychology and Neuroscience of the Climate Crisis
219.The Psychology of Authoritarian Leaders
220.The Psychology of Multiculturalism, Assimilation, and Omniculturalism
221.The Psychology of Music and Autism
222.The Psychology of Music Listening for Health and Wellbeing Professionals
223.The Rational Animal
224.The Role That Assistance Dogs Play in Supporting People with Disabilities
225.The Trans Möbius Strip
226.The Varieties of Love as Interpersonal Attraction
227.Trade Show Psychology
228.Training in Integrated Relational Psychotherapy
229.Transdiagnostic Approaches in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
230.Trauma-Informed Approaches Among the Adult Drug Court Setting
231.Treating Comorbid Substance Use and Emotional Disorders
232.Understanding and Dealing with Controlling, Intimidating and Manipulative Personalities
233.Understanding Mental Health Apps
234.Understanding Passion
235.Unification of Artificial Intelligence and Psychology 1
236.Unification of Artificial Intelligence and Psychology 2
237.Unravelling Anti-Aging
238.Utilising Positive Psychology for the Transition into University Life
239.Values and Indigenous Psychology in the Age of the Machine and Market
240.Values, Moral Courage, and Bureaucracy
241.Virtual Reality: Unlocking Emotions and Cognitive Marvels
242.WAIMH Handbook of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health 1
243.WAIMH Handbook of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health 2
244.What Isn’t Being Said
245.Women’s Behavioral Health
246.Women’s Health and Pandemic Crisis
247.Working with Vulnerable Populations
248.Zen Buddhism and the Reality of Suffering