1. Advanced Strategies for Biodegradation of Plastic Polymers
2. Advances in Electrical Systems and Innovative Renewable Energy Techniques
3. Advances in Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
4. Knitting Food: Food and Eco-textiles
5. 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Development (ICESD2023)
6. 2024 the 8th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (ICEES 2024)
7. 2nd International Conference on Smart Sustainable Materials and Technologies (ICSSMT 2023)
8. 2nd International Conference on Smart Sustainable Materials and Technologies (ICSSMT 2023)
9. 3 Degrees More
10. A Guide to a Healthier Planet, Volume 2
11. A Pathway to Safe, Smart, and Resilient Road and Mobility Networks
12. A Philosophical View of the Ocean and Humanity
13. A Review of Landfill Leachate
14. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal Against Poverty in Developing Nations
15. Addressing the Climate Crisis in the Indian Himalayas
16. Advanced Studies on Environmental Sustainability
17. Advanced Technology for Smart Environment and Energy
18. Advancement in Solid Waste Management and Treatment
19. Advancements in Bio-systems and Technologies for Wastewater Treatment
20. Advances in Air Quality Research in Africa
21. Advances in Control Power Systems and Emerging Technologies
22. Advances in Debris-flow Science and Practice
23. Advances in Ecology and Environmental Engineering
24. Advances in Energy Resources and Environmental Engineering
25. Advances in Geoinformatics Technologies
26. Advances in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Technology
27. Advances in Hurricane Risk in a Changing Climate
28. Advances in Hydraulic Research
29. Advances in Hydroinformatics—SimHydro 2023 Volume 1
30. Advances in Hydroinformatics—SimHydro 2023 Volume 2
31. Advances in Photonics and Electronics
32. Advances in the Characterisation and Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons
33. Advancing Smart Cities
34. Aerosol Optical Depth and Precipitation
35. Affective Urbanism
36. Africa-EU Relations and the African Continental Free Trade Area
37. Agro-waste to Microbe Assisted Value Added Product: Challenges and Future Prospects
38. AI Innovation for Water Policy and Sustainability
39. Air Curtains for Buildings and Industrial Processes
40. Air Quality Management and Research in Southeast Asia
41. Algae as a Natural Solution for Challenges in Water-Food-Energy Nexus
42. All-Hazards Approach
43. An Agenda for Sustainable Development Research
44. Ancient Geopolymers in South America and Easter Island
45. Application of Artificial Intelligence in Wastewater Treatment
46. Applications of Palynology in Stratigraphy and Climate Studies
47. Applied Matrix Acidizing of Carbonate Reservoir
48. Applied Seismic Geostructures
49. Aquatic Ecotoxicology
50. Aquatic Toxicology in Freshwater
51. Arctic Marine Ecotoxicology
52. Area-Based Management of Shipping
53. Arsenic Remediation of Food and Water
54. Arsenic Toxicity Remediation
55. Artificial Intelligence and Smart Agriculture
56. Artificial Intelligence-Driven Geographies
57. Assessment Framework for People-Centred Solutions to Carbon Neutrality
58. Beyond Houses
59. Beyond the Garden
60. Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Analytics in Climate Change Research
61. Big Earth Data in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals (2022) - China
62. Big Earth Data in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals (2022)—The Belt and Road
63. Biogenic Nanomaterials for Environmental Sustainability: Principles, Practices, and Opportunities
64. Biogenic Wastes-Enabled Nanomaterial Synthesis
65. Biological and Hybrid Wastewater Treatment Technology
66. Biology, Biomimetics and Natural Design
67. Biomass-based Bioplastic and Films
68. Biomimetics, Biodesign and Bionics
69. Biotechnological Innovations in the Mineral-Metal Industry
70. Blue-Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Urban Settlements
71. Brazilian Coral Reefs
72. BRICS Countries: Sustainable Water Resource Management and Pollution Control
73. Building Resilience for Flood Disaster in Malaka-Timor, Indonesia
74. Building Resilient and Healthy Cities: A Guide to Environmental Sustainability and Well-being
75. Business Resilience and Digital Technology in the Post-Pandemic Era
76. Cadmium Toxicity in Water
77. Carbon Footprint Assessments
78. Carbon Neutrality Science
79. Chinese Investment in Africa
80. Circular Economy and Sustainable Development
81. Circular Economy on Energy and Natural Resources Industries
82. Civil Engineering, Material and Smart Buildings: New Technologies in Cities' Infrastructures
83. Clean Water: Next Generation Technologies
84. Climate Change Adaptation in the Adriatic Coastal Areas
85. Climate Change Adaptation, Flood Risk, and Beyond
86. Climate Change and Atmospheric Deposition as Drivers of Forest Ecosystem Integrity and Services
87. Climate Change and Human Adaptation in India
88. Climate Change and Human Systems
89. Climate Change and Socio-political Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Anthropocene
90. Climate Change Effects and Sustainability Needs
91. Climate Change Impacts on Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum
92. Climate Change, Shifting Cultivation and Livelihood Vulnerabilities in India
93. Climate Change, Urbanization, and Water Resources
94. Climate Change, Vulnerabilities and Adaptation
95. Climate Crisis, Social Responses and Sustainability
96. Climate Emergency in the Philippines
97. Climate Risk Management in Agriculture
98. Climate-Smart and Resilient Food Systems and Security
99. Combating Air Pollution
100. Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH)
101. Contaminated Land and Water
102. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship and Innovative Technology
103. Corporate Social Responsibility in Textiles and Fashion
104. COVID-19 (Forced) Innovations
105. Critical Zone and Ecosystem Dynamics
106. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Climate Change Adaptation
107. Cultivating Continuity of the European Landscape
108. Current Research in Archaeology of South American Pampas
109. Current Trends in Mineral-Based Products and Utilization of Wastes: Recent Studies from India
110. Deep-Sea Minerals Developments in the 20th Century
111. Deep-Sea Mining and the Water Column
112. Deepwater Geohazards in the South China Sea
113. Delta Sustainability
114. Design for Sustainability and Inclusion in Space
115. Digital Geography
116. Digital Geography
117. Digital Governance & Security
118. Digital Sustainability: Inclusion and Transformation
119. Digital Technologies to Implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals
120. Dinosaur Tracks of Mesozoic Basins in Brazil
121. Dirty Secrets of Nuclear Power in an Era of Climate Change
122. Disaster and Climate Risk Education
123. Disaster Risk and Management Under Climate Change
124. Disaster Risk Reduction and Rural Resilience
125. Dissolved Air Flotation
126. Drilling Geomechanics in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Near Salt Structures
127. Drinking Water in Sicily
128. Dryland Social-Ecological Systems in Changing Environments
129. Dye Pollution from Textile Industry
130. Dynamic Response of Coasts and Estuaries to Human Impacts
131. Earthquake Resistant Design, Protection, and Performance Assessment in Earthquake Engineering
132. EcoDesign for Sustainable Products, Services and Social Systems II
133. Ecological Footprint of Industrial Spaces and Processes
134. Ecological Footprint of the Modern Economy and the Ways to Reduce It
135. Ecosystem Services Valuation for Sustainable Development
136. Emerging Technologies for Smart Cities
137. Emerging Technologies in Biological and Hybrid Wastewater Treatment: Lessons from Developed to Enhancing Practices in Developing Countries
138. Endeavoring for China’s Environment and Development Transformation
139. Energy Flow and Earth
140. Energy Footprint and Sustainability
141. Energy Transition Holistic Impact Challenge (ETHIC): A New Environmental and Climatic Era
142. Energy, Ecology and Environment
143. Energy, Sustainability and Resilience
144. Engineering Geology
145. Engineering Geology for a Habitable Earth: IAEG XIV Congress 2023 Proceedings, Chengdu, China
146. Engineering Geology for a Habitable Earth: IAEG XIV Congress 2023 Proceedings, Chengdu, China
147. Engineering Geology for a Habitable Earth: IAEG XIV Congress 2023 Proceedings, Chengdu, China
148. Engineering Geology for a Habitable Earth: IAEG XIV Congress 2023 Proceedings, Chengdu, China
149. Engineering Geology for a Habitable Earth: IAEG XIV Congress 2023 Proceedings, Chengdu, China
150. Engineering Geology for a Habitable Earth: IAEG XIV Congress 2023 Proceedings, Chengdu, China
151. Engineering Solutions Toward Sustainable Development
152. Entropy Measures for Environmental Data
153. Environment and Renewable Energy
154. Environment and Sustainable Development
155. Environment as a Weapon
156. Environmental and Natural Resources Economics
157. Environmental Engineering and Waste Management
158. Environmental Governance of the São Paulo Macrometropolis
159. Environmental Governance, Ecological Remediation and Sustainable Development
160. Environmental Hazards in the Arabian Gulf Region
161. Environmental Histories of the Dinaric Karst
162. Environmental Impact Assessment
163. Environmental Nanotoxicology
164. Environmental Problem Solving in an Age of Climate Change
165. Environmental Risk and Resilience in the Changing World
166. Environmental Science and Technology: Sustainable Development II
167. Environmental Sustainability and Resilience
168. Environmental Sustainability in the Mediterranean Region
169. Enzymes in Environmental Management
170. Essentials of Navigation
171. Exploring New Methods for Teaching and Learning Human Geography
172. Extremophiles for Sustainable Agriculture and Soil Health Improvement
173. Farming Systems and Sustainable Agriculture in the Himalaya
174. Field Trip Guidebook on Chinese Sedimentary Geology
175. Fire Hazards: Socio-economic and Regional Issues
176. Flood Reconstruction
177. Flood Risk Management
178. Fluoride and Fluorocarbon Toxicity
179. Fluvial Hydrodynamics
180. Fluvial Hydrodynamics - Solutions Manual
181. Food Production, Diversity, and Safety Under Climate Change
182. Forest Policies, Laws, and Governance in India
183. Fostering Sustainable Development Goals
184. Frame Theory in Data Science
185. From Land Disputes to Sustainable Environmental Development
186. From Waste to Wealth
187. Frontier Studies in Soil Science
188. Frontiers of Energy and Environmental Engineering
189. Gaming and Geography
190. Gender Aspects of Climate Change and Sustainable Development
191. Gender-Responsive Budgeting in Africa
192. Geodesigning Our Future
193. Geoenvironmental Changes in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
194. Geo-Environmental Hazards using AI-enabled Geospatial Techniques and Earth Observation Systems
195. Geographic Data Analysis Using R
196. Geographies of Food
197. Geographies of New Caledonia-Kanaky
198. Geographies of the Platform Economy
199. Geoheritage and Geodiversity of Cenozoic Volcanic Fields in Saudi Arabia
200. Geo-information for Disaster Monitoring and Management
201. Geological Genetic Analysis and Application of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
202. Geology, Petrochemistry and Ore Content of Carbonaceous Deposits of the Kumak Ore Field
203. Geomorphic Risk Reduction Using Geospatial Methods and Tools
204. Geomorphology of the Northeast Region of Brazil
205. Geospatial Practices in Natural Resources Management
206. Geospatial Technologies for Integrated Water Resources Management
207. Geospatial Technology to Support Communities and Policy
208. Geothermal Fields of India
209. GIS, Applied Computing and Data Science for Water Management
210. Glamour and Geology
211. Global Challenges in Maritime Security
212. Global Medical Education in Normal and Challenging Times
213. Global Oil and Gas Resources: Potential and Distribution
214. Global Sustainability
215. Gravity, Positioning and Reference Frames
216. Green Gentrification and Environmental Injustice
217. Greenhouse Gas Regulating Microorganisms in Soil Ecosystems
218. Greening Our Cities: Sustainable Urbanism for a Greener Future
219. Ground Water Contamination in India
220. Handbook of Water and Used Water Purification
221. Harsh K. Gupta
222. Heatwaves
223. Heavy Metal Remediation
224. Heavy Metal Toxicity
225. High Performance Geographic Information System
226. High-performance Sustainable Materials and Structures
227. History of Cenozoic Mammals from South America
228. Hurdles in Fuel Choice in Rural India
229. Hydrological Processes Modelling and Data Analysis
230. Hydrology and Its Discontents
231. Hydrology and Urban Water Supply
232. Hydrometeorology
233. Hydroponics
234. Hydroponics and Environmental Bioremediation
235. ICT for Engineering & Critical Infrastructures
236. Identification Technology for Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste: Practice in China
237. Impact of Climate Change in the Indian Sundarbans Region
238. Impact of COVID-19 Waste on Environmental Pollution and Its Sustainable Management
239. Implementation of the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines
240. Imputation Methods for Missing Hydrometeorological Data Estimation
241. India's Water Future in a Changing Climate
242. Industrial Innovations: New Technologies in Cities' Digital infrastructures
243. Informatics for Digital Education
244. Infrastructure and Built Environment for Sustainable and Resilient Societies
245. Innovation, Quality and Sustainability for a Resilient Circular Economy
246. Innovation, Quality and Sustainability for a Resilient Circular Economy
247. Innovations for Land Management, Governance, and Land Rights for Sustainable Urban Transitions
248. Innovations in Circular Economy and Renewable Energy in Africa
249. Inside Outside
250. Integrated Management of Water Resources in India: A Computational Approach
251. Integrated Treatment Technology of Rural Domestic Sewage
252. Integrated Waste Management
253. Integrating Resiliency into Future Sustainable Cities
254. Integration of Core Sustainable Development Goals in Rural Areas
255. Interaction between the Epikarst and Surface Karstification (Case Studies)
256. International Regulation of Gene Editing Technologies in Crops
257. Introduction to Geophysics
258. Key Figures for Achieving Global Climate Goals
259. Land and Water Degradation in Ethiopia
260. Landfill Leachate Treatment Techniques
261. Landscapes and Landforms of Costa Rica
262. Landscapes and Landforms of Israel
263. Landscapes and Landforms of Poland
264. Landslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation in India
265. Landslide: Susceptibility, Risk Assessment and Sustainability
266. Landslides in the Himalayan Region
267. Larger Benthic Foraminifera Through Space and Time
268. Latin American Geomorphology
269. Library and Information Sciences in Arctic and Northern Studies
270. Livable Cities
271. Livelihood and the Environment in Vietnam
272. Living with Wildlife in Zimbabwe
273. Local Climate Zone Application in Sustainable Urban Development
274. Making India Disaster Resilient
275. Making the Rural Urban
276. Man and Place
277. Managed Aquifer Recharge in MENA Countries
278. Managed Groundwater Recharge and Rainwater Harvesting
279. Management of Micro and Nano-plastics in Soil and Biosolids
280. Mapping Geospatial Citizenship
281. Marine Bioprospecting for Sustainable Blue-bioeconomy
282. Mass Transfer Dynamics of Contaminants in Fractured Media
283. Material Flows with Nexus of Regional Socioeconomic System
284. Materials for Sustainable Environmental, Energy, and Bioresource Applications
285. Mechanisms of Forest Ecosystems Sustainability in a Changing Climate
286. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
287. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
288. Mercury Toxicity Mitigation: Sustainable Nexus Approach
289. Microbial Remediation of Hazardous Chemicals from Water & Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant
290. Micrometeorology
291. Microplastics
292. Microplastics and Pollutants
293. Microplastics in African and Asian Environments
294. Millets: The Multi-Cereal Paradigm for Food Sustainability
295. Mining Development Report of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Member Countries (2023)
296. Modeling the Underground Infrastructure of Urban Environments
297. Modelling in Nanoporous Shale
298. Modelling Soil Development Under Global Change
299. Modern River Science for Watershed Management
300. Monitoring and Early Warning Technologies on Karst Lands
301. Mountain Environments: Changes and Impacts
302. Natural Resource Monitoring, Planning and Management Based on Advanced Programming
303. Natural Resources Deterioration in MENA Region
304. Natural Resources Management and Sustainable Livelihoods in the Mountainous Region
305. Nature(s) in Construction
306. Nature-based Solutions for Circular Management of Urban Water
307. Navigating Natural Hazards in Mountainous Topographies
308. Neogenic Evolution of the Mediterranean Region
309. Net Zero: Decarbonizing the Global Economies
310. New Advancements in Geomorphological Research
311. New Challenges for Sustainable Urban Mobility: Volume I
312. New Challenges for Sustainable Urban Mobility: Volume II
313. New Developments and Environmental Applications of Drones
314. New Developments in Environmental Science and Engineering
315. New Urban Agenda in Zimbabwe
316. NoeMOTION
317. Novel Approaches Towards Wastewater Treatment
318. Nudging Green: Behavioral Economics and Environmental Sustainability
319. Open GIS
320. Organisational Change Management for Sustainability
321. Paleo-Geodynamics Peculiarities of the Arctic Ocean Eurasian Floor
322. Paleogeography and Gas Exploration of Marine Multiple Formations in Central Sichuan Basin
323. Past Environments of Mexico
324. Pedometrics in Brazil
325. Persistent Organic Pollutants in Aquatic Systems
326. Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Potential of Cyanobacteria
327. Phytoremediation
328. Planet Earth: Scientific Proposals to Solve Urgent Issues
329. Plant Mutagenesis
330. Plastic and the COVID-19 Pandemic
331. Plastic Pollution
332. Plastic Waste Trade
333. Pliocene Hydrocarbon Sedimentary Series of Azerbaijan
334. Pollutants and Recent Trends in Wastewater Treatment
335. Pollutants of Global Concern
336. Pollution and Its Minimization
337. Preserving Health, Preserving Earth
338. Prevention and Reclamation of Mining-Induced Land Subsidence
339. Probability, Statistics and Life Cycle Assessment
340. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Resources and Environmental Research—ICRER 2023
341. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts
342. Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Climate Change and Ocean Renewable Energy
343. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sustainable Urban Development
344. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Physical and Mathematical Modelling of Earth and Environmental Processes
345. Proceedings of The First International Conference on Green Sciences
346. Proceedings of Topical Issues in International Political Geography (TIPG 2022)
347. Processes in GeoMedia—Volume VIII
348. Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 3 Issue 1, 2024
349. Progress in Soil Microbiome Research
350. Prospects for Soil Regeneration and Its Impact on Environmental Protection
351. Public Participation in Urban Renewal in Macao
352. Python Recipes for Earth Sciences
353. Quantum and Blockchain-based Next Generation Sustainable Computing
354. Quantum Geochemistry
355. Radioactive Pollutant
356. Recent Advancements from Aquifers to Skies in Hydrogeology, Geoecology, and Atmospheric Sciences
357. Recent Advances in 3D Geoinformation Science
358. Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (3rd Edition)
359. Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (4th Edition)
360. Recent Developments in Earthquake Seismology
361. Recent Developments in Geospatial Information Sciences
362. Recent Research on Environmental Earth Sciences, Geomorphology, Soil Science and Paleoenvironments
363. Recent Research on Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Geophysics and Earthquake Seismology
364. Recent Research on Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Geophysics and Earthquake Seismology
365. Recent Research on Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Geochemistry, Volcanology, Tectonics, and Petroleum Geology
366. Recent Trends in Management and Utilization of Industrial Sludge
367. Regional Development and Its Spatial Structure
368. Regional Dimensions of Human Development in India and South Africa
369. ReImagine Appalachia
370. Reindeer Husbandry
371. Remote Sensing for Characterization of Geohazards and Natural Resources
372. Remote Sensing Intelligent Interpretation for Geology
373. Renewable Energy Generation and Value Addition from Environmental Microfiber Pollution Through Advanced Greener Solution
374. Report on Green Development of Cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (2021)
375. Representation and Materialization of Architecture and Space in Zimbabwe
376. Research on the Characteristics and Effects of Climate Extremes on Multi-spatial-temporal Scales in the Mongolian Plateau
377. Resilient and Adaptive Tokyo
378. Resilient Planning and Design for Sustainable Cities
379. Resilient Urban Environments
380. Rethinking Sustainable Tourism in Geographical Environments
381. Reviving Aleppo
382. Risk, Uncertainty and Maladaptation to Climate Change
383. River Ice Processes and Ice Flood Forecasting
384. River Systems of West Bengal
385. Riverbank Erosion in the Bengal Delta
386. Rivers of India
387. Rock Fracture Mechanics and Fracture Criteria
388. Rockburst in Extra-Thick Coal Seam Mining: Mechanism and Prevention
389. Sacred Landscapes, Indigenous Knowledge, and Ethno-culture in Natural Resource Management
390. SDGs in Africa and the Middle East Region
391. SDGs in the Asia and Pacific Region
392. Secondary Cities and Local Governance in Southern Africa
393. Sedimentation and Reservoirs of Marine Shale in South China
394. Seismic Waves in Soil Layers
395. Selected Studies in Geophysics, Tectonics and Petroleum Geosciences
396. Smart Cities
397. Smart City Innovations: Navigating Urban Transformation with Sustainable Mobility
398. Smart Designs for Business Innovation
399. Smart Materials and Manufacturing Technologies for Sustainable Development
400. Smart Mobility and Industrial Technologies
401. Snow Cover Distribution and Dynamics
402. Socioeconomic and Geopolitical Aspects of Global Climate Change
403. Soft Assets in Smart and Resilient City Development
404. Soil Degradation-Consolidation Theory and Its Applications
405. Soil Science in Italy
406. Soil, Water Pollution and Mitigation Strategies
407. Solar Cooling
408. Solid Waste Management
409. Solid Waste Management
410. Solid Waste Management in Delta Region for SDGs Fulfillment
411. Solutions For Sustainability Challenges
412. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Meteorological and Agricultural Drought in China
413. Speleology of Montenegro
414. Statistical Rock Physics
415. Storytelling to Accelerate Climate Solutions
416. Stranded at the Top of the World
417. Structural Safety and Ground Improvement on Bridge
418. Surface Environments and Human Interactions
419. Sustainability
420. Sustainability and Health Informatics
421. Sustainability and Water Footprint
422. Sustainability in Business Education, Research and Practices
423. Sustainability in Creative Industries
424. Sustainability in Creative Industries
425. Sustainability in Creative Industries
426. Sustainability in Higher Education
427. Sustainability, Stakeholders and Marketing in the Textile Sector
428. Sustainable Additive Technologies and Innovative Manufacturing Techniques
429. Sustainable Advanced Technologies for Environmental Management
430. Sustainable Agroecological Practices in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Face of Climate Change
431. Sustainable Air
432. Sustainable and Green Technologies for Water and Environmental Management
433. Sustainable and Innovative Mining Practices
434. Sustainable and Traditional Environmental Conservation in Asia
435. Sustainable Development and Geospatial Technology
436. Sustainable Development and Geospatial Technology
437. Sustainable Development and Resilience of Tourism
438. Sustainable Development Goals and Urban Health
439. Sustainable Development of the Agrarian Economy Based on Digital Technologies and Smart Innovations
440. Sustainable Economic Development
441. Sustainable Energy Transition
442. Sustainable Food Waste Management
443. Sustainable Horizons for Business, Education, and Technology
444. Sustainable IoT and Data Analytics Enabled Machine Learning Techniques and Applications
445. Sustainable Management of Land, Water and Pollution of Built-up Area
446. Sustainable Manufacturing Practices in the Textiles and Fashion Sector
447. Sustainable Microbial Technology for Synthetic and Cellulosic Microfiber Bioremediation
448. Sustainable Resilient Built Environments
449. Sustainable Security Practices Using Blockchain, Quantum and Post-Quantum Technologies for Real Time Applications
450. Sustainable Soil Systems in Global South
451. Sustainable Spaces in Arid and Semiarid Zones of Mexico
452. Sustainable Tourism, Culture and Heritage Promotion
453. Sustainable Waste Management Practices for the Mining Sector Through Recycling of Mining Waste
454. Sustainable Water Systems
455. Systemic Remediation
456. Teaching and Learning in Ecosocial Work
457. Technical and Technological Solutions Towards a Sustainable Society and Circular Economy
458. Technical Landfills and Waste Management 1
459. Technical Landfills and Waste Management 2
460. Technological Approaches for Climate Smart Agriculture
461. Technology Innovation for Sustainable Development of Healthcare and Disaster Management
462. Textile Industry and the SDGs
463. The 19th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications SOCO 2024
464. The 6th International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Management
465. The Basics of Aggregates
466. The Climate-Health-Sustainability Nexus
467. The Earth
468. The Evolution of Knowledge
469. The Geography of Greece
470. The Geography of Iraq
471. The Geology of North Africa
472. The Hebridean World
473. The Himalayas in the Anthropocene
474. The Ionosphere with GNSS SDR
475. The Marginal Soils of Africa
476. The Natural Environment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
477. The Nature of Geomorphological Hazards in the Nepal Himalaya
478. The Quaternary in the Tropics
479. The Quest for the Sustainable Development Goals
480. The Resilience of Cultural Landscapes
481. The Resilience of Traditional Knowledge Systems for a Sustainable Future
482. The Role of Architects in Informal Settlements
483. The Smallholder Tea Economy and Regional Development
484. The Social Impacts of Climate Change in China over the Past 2000 Years
485. The Transformative Power of Architecture and Urban Design
486. The US Housing Crisis
487. The Water, Climate, and Food Nexus
488. The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific
489. The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific
490. Theory and Method of Automatically Formed Roadway in Underground Mining
491. Theory and Practice of "Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains Are Invaluable Assets" in China
492. Theory of Urban Space Development
493. Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) Processes in Bentonite Barrier Systems
494. Towards Healthy Settlements
495. Transformation Towards Circular Food Systems
496. Transforming Agricultural Management for a Sustainable Future
497. Transforming Urban Green Space Governance in China Under Ecological Civilization: An Institutional Analysis
498. Transportation Policy and Project Evaluation
499. Trash or Treasure
500. Trends in Environmental Sustainability and Green Energy
501. UAVs for Spatial Modelling and Urban Informatics
502. Unconventional Shale Gas Exploration and Exploitation
503. Unlocking the Potential of Building Envelopes
504. Urban and Metropolitan Rivers
505. Urban Change in the Iberian Peninsula
506. Urban Inequalities
507. Urban Inequalities from Space
508. Urban Narratives: Exploring Identity, Heritage, and Sustainable Development in Cities
509. Urban Resilience, Livability, and Climate Adaptation
510. Urban Slums and Circular Economy Synergies in the Global South
511. Urban Spatial Evolution Simulation
512. Urban Transportation Energy Supply Network
513. Using 137Cs Resampling Method to Estimate Mean Soil Erosion Rates for Selected Time Windows
514. Using NEPA to Combat Global Warming
515. Validation and Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Land Surface Temperature Products
516. Valorization of Biomass Wastes for Environmental Sustainability
517. Volcanology
518. Warming Mountains
519. Wastewater Exploitation
520. Water Management in Developing Countries and Sustainable Development
521. Water Pollution and Remediation
522. Water Resource Management in Climate Change Scenario
523. Water Resources in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin: Impact of Climate Change and Human Interventions
524. Water Treatment in Urban Environments: A Guide for the Implementation and Scaling of Nature-based Solutions
525. Win or Lose in Rural Development
526. Women and Finance in Africa
527. X Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy
528. Zero Waste Management Technologies