1. 10th Central European Congress on Food
2. A Color Atlas of the Chinese Mecoptera
3. A Complete Guide to Gene Cloning: From Basic to Advanced
4. A Geographic Perspective of Cuba’s Changing Landscapes
5. A Roadmap to Successful Scientific Publishing
6. Academic Entrepreneurship
7. Accelerated Plant Breeding, Volume 4
8. Actinobacteria
9. Advanced Acupuncture Research: From Bench to Bedside
10. Advanced Dairy Chemistry
11. Advanced Drug Delivery Strategies for Targeting Chronic Inflammatory Lung Diseases
12. Advances in Agricultural and Industrial Microbiology
13. Advances in Agricultural and Industrial Microbiology
14. Advances in Brain Imaging Techniques
15. Advances in Food Chemistry
16. Advances in Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Public Health
17. Advances in Precision Nutrition, Personalization and Healthy Aging
18. Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea
19. Advances in Trichoderma Biology for Agricultural Applications
20. African Fermented Food Products- New Trends
21. Aging Mechanisms II
22. Agricultural Biotechnology in Sub-Saharan Africa
23. Agricultural Policy Analysis
24. Agritech: Innovative Agriculture Using Microwaves and Plasmas
25. Agro-biodiversity and Agri-ecosystem Management
26. Agrochemicals in Soil and Environment
27. Agro-industrial Perspectives on Sugarcane Production under Environmental Stress
28. Agro-Processing and Food Engineering
29. Airborne Particulate Matter
30. All You Need to Know About Spiders
31. Allergic Diseases – From Basic Mechanisms to Comprehensive Management and Prevention
32. Alternative Medicine
33. Alternative Sweet and Supersweet Principles
34. Alternatives to Antibiotics
35. An Introduction to Bioanalysis of Biopharmaceuticals
36. Ancient Wheats
37. Anhedonia: Preclinical, Translational, and Clinical Integration
38. Animal Manure
39. Antibiofilm Strategies
40. Anticipatory Ethics and The Use of CRISPR in Humans
41. Antifungal Metabolites of Rhizobacteria for Sustainable Agriculture
42. Antimicrobial Resistance
43. Antioxidant Defense in Plants
44. Application of Nanoparticles in Tissue Engineering
45. Applications of Cold Plasma in Food Safety
46. Applied Mycology
47. Applied Weed and Herbicide Science
48. Aquaculture Science and Engineering
49. Aquaculture: Ocean Blue Carbon Meets UN-SDGS
50. Aquatic Animal Nutrition
51. Aquatic Lectins
52. Arctic One Health
53. Asiatic Water Buffalo
54. Aspects of Brazilian Floristic Diversity
55. Atlas of Rangeland Plants in Hulun Buir
56. Augmenting Crop Productivity in Stress Environment
57. Automation and Basic Techniques in Medical Microbiology
58. Auxins, Cytokinins and Gibberellins Signaling in Plants
59. Bacilli in Agrobiotechnology
60. Bacterial Endophytes for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Management
61. Bacteriophages as Drivers of Evolution
62. Basic Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences
63. Beach Handball for Beginners
64. Behavioral Neurobiology of GABAB Receptor Function
65. Beta-Lactam Resistance in Gram-Negative Bacteria
66. Biobanks in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Relevance, Setup and Management
67. Biochemical, Immunological and Epidemiological Analysis of Parasitic Diseases
68. Biochemistry of Apoptosis and Autophagy
69. Bio-Clean Energy Technologies Volume 2
70. Biodegradable Polymer-Based Food Packaging
71. Biodiesel from Flowering Plants
72. Biodiversity
73. Biodiversity in Africa: Potentials, Threats and Conservation
74. Biodiversity in India: Status, Issues and Challenges
75. Biodiversity Islands: Strategies for Conservation in Human-Dominated Environments
76. Biodiversity of the Gulf of Guinea Oceanic Islands
77. Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability in Asia
78. Biodiversity-Health-Sustainability Nexus in Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS)
79. Bioeconomy and Sustainability
80. Biofortification of Staple Crops
81. Bioimage Data Analysis Workflows ‒ Advanced Components and Methods
82. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
83. Biology and Ecology of Earthworms
84. Biology of Fishery Resources
85. Biology of Vascular Smooth Muscle
86. Biology, Cultivation and Applications of Mushrooms
87. Biomarkers in Nutrition
88. Biomarkers of Radiation in the Environment
89. Biomass Utilization: Conversion Strategies
90. Biomass, Bioenergy & Bioeconomy
91. Biomechanics of Injury and Prevention
92. Biomedical Translational Research
93. Biomedical Translational Research
94. Biomedical Translational Research
95. Biomedical Visualisation
96. Biomedical Visualisation
97. Biomimetic Biomaterials for Tissue Regeneration and Drug Delivery
98. Biomimetics for Technical Products and Innovation
99. Bio-Nano Interface
100. Biosensing and Micro-Nano Devices
101. BioSensing, Theranostics, and Medical Devices
102. Biostimulants: Exploring Sources and Applications
103. Biosystematics of Triticeae
104. Biotechnological Applications in Buffalo Research
105. Biotechnological Innovations for Environmental Bioremediation
106. Biotechnologies for Gene Therapy
107. Biotechnology and Conservation of Cultural Heritage
108. Biotechnology for Environmental Protection
109. Biotremology: Physiology, Ecology, and Evolution
110. Blue-Green Infrastructure Across Asian Countries
111. Bone Quantitative Ultrasound
112. Bone Tissue Engineering
113. Bone Tumors in Domestic Animals
114. Botulinum Toxin Treatment of Pain Disorders
115. Brain Development of Medaka Fish
116. Brassinosteroids Signalling
117. Breast Cancer: From Bench to Personalized Medicine
118. Bringing Skepticism to Crop Science
119. Broadly Engaged Team Science in Clinical and Translational Research
120. Cancer Biomarkers in Diagnosis and Therapeutics
121. Cancer Diagnostics and Therapeutics
122. Cancer Metastasis Through the Lymphovascular System
123. Cancer Stem Cell Markers and Related Network Pathways
124. Cannabis/Hemp for Sustainable Agriculture and Materials
125. Cannabis/Marijuana for Healthcare
126. Carbon Neutrality in the Agri-food Sector
127. Cardiovascular Signaling in Health and Disease
128. Cash Crops
129. Caterpillars in the Middle
130. Cell and Molecular Biology for Non-Biologists
131. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 15
132. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 16
133. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 17
134. Cell Cycle Regulation and Development in Alphaproteobacteria
135. Cell Therapy
136. Cereal Diseases: Nanobiotechnological Approaches for Diagnosis and Management
137. Changes in Paddy Soil Fertility in Tropical Asia under Green Revolution
138. Chikungunya Virus
139. Cisgenic Crops: Potential and Prospects
140. Cisgenics and Transgenics
141. Civil Society and Peacebuilding in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Anthropocene
142. Climate-Smart Agriculture
143. Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions
144. Coconut Water
145. Colon Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy Vol. 3
146. Color Atlas of Adult Xenopus laevis
147. Color Atlas of Zebrafish Histology and Cytology
148. Combating Aeolian Desertification in Northeast Asia
149. Commercial Scale Tissue Culture for Horticulture and Plantation Crops
150. Communication Between Honeybees
151. Computational Methods for Precision Oncology
152. Computational Modelling of the Brain
153. Computer Aided Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery
154. Concepts and Applications of Remote Sensing in Forestry
155. Conceptualizing Plant-Based Nutrition
156. Conflicts Between Biodiversity Conservation and Humans
157. Connecting Trees with People
158. Conserving Biocultural Landscapes in Malaysia and Indonesia for Sustainable Development
159. Constitution of Organs of the Higher Plants
160. Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment in Hot and Arid Climates
161. Contact Problems for Soft, Biological and Bioinspired Materials
162. Coral Reef Conservation and Restoration in the Omics Age
163. Coral Reefs of the Western Pacific Ocean in a Changing Anthropocene
164. Cortical Spreading Depression of Leao
165. Crime Scene Management within Forensic Science
167. Critical Points for the Organisation of Test Performance Studies in Microbiology
168. Cross-Sectional Atlas of Rhesus Monkey Head
169. Cultural Heritage—Possibilities for Land-Centered Societal Development
170. Current Advances in Biotechnological Production of Xylitol
171. Current Concepts in Bovine Reproduction
172. Current Thoughts on Dementia
173. Denis Burkitt
174. Deuterium Oxide and Deuteration in Biosciences
175. Developing Climate Resilient Grain and Forage Legumes
176. Development Strategies and Biodiversity
177. Diagnostic Genetic Testing
178. Digital Agriculture
179. Discovery DMPK Quick Guide
180. Disruptive Psychopharmacology
181. Disturbance Ecology
182. Diversity and Biotechnology of Extremophilic Microorganisms from India
183. DNA and RNA Isolation Techniques for Non-Experts
184. DNA Methyltransferases - Role and Function
185. Dominance Behavior
186. Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
187. Drug Delivery to the Brain
188. Drug Target Selection and Validation
189. Drugs Easily Explained
190. Duck Production and Management Strategies
191. Ecotourism and Indonesia's Primates
192. Edible Food Packaging
193. Edible Plants in Health and Diseases
194. Edible Plants in Health and Diseases
195. EEG/MEG Source Reconstruction
196. Efficient Screening Techniques to Identify Mutants with TR4 Resistance in Banana
197. El Niño Ready Nations and Disaster Risk Reduction
198. Electrical Properties of Tissues
199. Electrophysiology
200. Emerging Concepts in Endocrine Structure and Functions
201. Emerging Modalities in Mitigation of Antimicrobial Resistance
202. Emerging Nanomaterials for Advanced Technologies
203. Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience
204. Energy and Evolutionary Conflict
205. Engineered Living Materials
206. Engineered Nanomaterials for Innovative Therapies and Biomedicine
207. Engineering Biomaterials for Neural Applications
208. Engineering Biomaterials for Neural Applications
209. Engineering Open-Source Medical Devices
210. Engineering Principles for Food Process and Product Realization
211. Enhancing Environmental Education Through Nature-Based Solutions
212. Environment and Climate-smart Food Production
213. Environmental Challenges and Medicinal Plants
214. Environmental Change in South Asia
215. Enzymes for Pollutant Degradation
216. Epigenetic Epidemiology
217. Epigenetics, Development, Ecology and Evolution
218. Essential Aspects of Immunometabolism in Health and Disease
219. Essential Oils
220. Essentials of Industrial Pharmacy
221. Ethnographic Study of Marine Conservation
222. Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Mysticetes
223. Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Phocids
224. Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Sirenia
225. Euphorbia in Southern Africa
226. Euphorbia in Southern Africa
227. Evolution from a Thermodynamic Perspective
228. Evolution, Biodiversity and a Reassessment of the Hygiene Hypothesis
229. Evolutionary Biology of Carabus Ground Beetles
230. Exercise Metabolism
231. Exocrinology
232. Experimental Landscape Ecology
233. Exploring Animal Behavior Through Sound: Volume 1
234. Extended Biocontrol
235. Extremophilic Fungi
236. Faba Bean: Chemistry, Properties and Functionality
237. Ferns
238. Field Guide to the Primates of Indonesia
239. Field-based Tests for Soccer Players
240. Fish Diversity of Japan
241. Fish immune system and vaccines
242. Flatfish Metamorphosis
243. Flexible High Performance Magnetic Field Sensors
244. Floriculture and Ornamental Plants
245. Flow Cytometry Today
246. Flowers in Amber
247. Food and Agricultural Byproducts as Important Source of Valuable Nutraceuticals
248. Food Packaging: The Smarter Way
249. Food Printing: 3D Printing in Food Industry
250. Food Security for African Smallholder Farmers
251. Food Waste to Green Fuel: Trend & Development
252. Forest Bioeconomy and Climate Change
253. Forest Dynamics and Conservation
254. Forest Radioecology in Fukushima
255. Forests as Complex Social and Ecological Systems
256. Formulating Poorly Water Soluble Drugs
257. Forskolin
258. Fossil Vertebrates of Greece Vol. 1
259. Free-living Marine Nematodes from the East China Sea
260. Freshwater Invertebrates in Central Europe
261. Freshwaters and Wetlands of Patagonia
262. From Biological to Artificial Consciousness
263. From Malignant Transformation to Metastasis
264. From Obesity to Diabetes
265. Frontier Technologies in Bovine Reproduction
266. Functional Biomaterials
267. Functional Cereals and Cereal Foods
268. Functional Foods and Therapeutic Strategies for Neurodegenerative Disorders
269. Fundamentals and Advances in Medical Biotechnology
270. Fundamentals of Field Crop Breeding
271. Fundamentals of RNA Structure and Function
272. Fungal Biopolymers and Biocomposites
273. Fungal diversity, ecology and control management
274. Fungi and Food Spoilage
275. Gadd45 Stress Sensor Genes
276. Gamete Immunology
277. Garden Plants Taxonomy
278. Gender and Energy Transition
279. Gender and Migration
280. Gender and Sexuality Development
281. Genes, Genomes and Society
282. Genetic Methods and Tools for Managing Crop Pests
283. Genetics Fundamentals Notes
284. Genome Editing
285. Genome Editing Technologies for Crop Improvement
286. Genomic Designing for Abiotic Stress Resistant Fruit Crops
287. Genomic Designing for Abiotic Stress Resistant Oilseed Crops
288. Genomic Designing for Abiotic Stress Resistant Pulse Crops
289. Genomic Designing for Abiotic Stress Resistant Technical Crops
290. Genomic Designing for Abiotic Stress Resistant Vegetable Crops
291. Genomic Designing for Biotic Stress Resistant Fruit Crops
292. Genomic Designing for Biotic Stress Resistant Oilseed Crops
293. Genomic Designing for Biotic Stress Resistant Pulse Crops
294. Genomic Designing for Biotic Stress Resistant Technical Crops
295. Genomic Designing for Biotic Stress Resistant Vegetable Crops
296. Global Change in Atlantic Coastal Patagonian Ecosystems
297. Global Plant Invasions
298. Glutamate and Neuropsychiatric Disorders
299. Glycobiology of Innate Immunology
300. Grape Rootstocks and Related Species
301. Green Infrastructure and Climate Change Adaptation
302. Green Nano Solution for Bioenergy Production Enhancement
303. Green Nanoparticles: The Future of Nanobiotechnology
304. Greenhouse Gases: Sources, Sinks and Mitigation
305. Gregor Mendel - The Scientist
306. Growing Food in Cities
307. Guanacos and People in Patagonia
308. Gut Microbiome in Neurological Health and Disorders
309. Gut Microbiota, Immunity, and Health in Production Animals
310. Hair Follicle Regeneration
311. Handbook of DNA Profiling
312. Handbook of Millets - Processing, Quality, and Nutrition Status
313. Handbook of Neurotoxicity
314. Handbook of Oxidative Stress in Cancer: Mechanistic Aspects
315. Handbook of Oxidative Stress in Cancer: Therapeutic Aspects
316. Handbook of Stem Cell Therapy
317. Handbook of Techniques in Plant Histopathology
318. Handbook of the Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders
319. Handbook of Waste Biorefinery
320. HDL Metabolism and Diseases
321. Health Professions and Academia
322. Healthy Lifestyle
323. Healthy Longevity and Immune System
324. Helminth Infections and their Impact on Global Public Health
325. Hemicellulose Biorefinery: A Sustainable Solution for Value Addition to Bio-Based Products and Bioenergy
326. Herbal and Acidulant Tree Spices
327. Herb-Drug Combinations
328. Hidden Pathways to Extinction
329. High Altitude Sickness – Solutions from Genomics, Proteomics and Antioxidant Interventions
330. High Resolution Manufacturing from 2D to 3D/4D Printing
331. Homocysteine Metabolism in Health and Disease
332. Hope for the Giant Panda
333. Hormones and Reality
334. Human Ocular Microbiome
335. Human-Nature Interactions
336. Illuminating Human Evolution: 150 Years after Darwin
337. Illustrated Flora of Bambusoideae in China
338. Immunomodulators and Human Health
339. Immuno-Oncology Crosstalk and Metabolism
340. Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
341. Industrial Microbiology Based Entrepreneurship
342. Infectious Tropical Diseases and One Health in Latin America
343. Informatics in Poultry Production
344. Innate Lymphoid Cells
345. Innovations in Environmental Biotechnology
346. Inorganic Nanopesticides and Nanofertilizers
347. Inorganic Polyphosphates
348. Insect Diversity, Declines and Conservation in Australia
349. Insect Ecology: Concepts to Management
350. Integrative Bioinformatics
351. Integrative Clinical Research
352. Interaction of Immune and Cancer Cells
353. International Horseshoe Crab Conservation and Research Efforts: 2007- 2020
354. Introduction to Molecular Biology
355. Introduction to Toxicological Screening Methods and Good Laboratory Practice
356. Invasive Diagnostics and Therapy
357. Isotopic Tracer Techniques in Preclinical Research
358. Italian Annotated Bibliography of Tuna, Tuna-like and Billfish Species
359. Japan Nutrition
360. Jerusalem Artichoke Food Science and Technology
361. Kernel Ridge Regression in Clinical Research
362. Korean Food and Foodways
363. Laboratory Protocols in Fungal Biology
364. Lake Alchichica Limnology
365. Land Degradation Neutrality: Achieving SDG 15 by Forest Management
366. Landscape Agronomy
367. Lateral Asymmetry in Animals
368. Legends in Gandhian Social Activism: Mira Behn and Sarala Behn
369. LGBT Populations and Cancer in the Global Context
370. Life After Death: What Happens to Your Body After You Die?
371. Life After Residency
372. Lifecycles of Pathogenic Protists in Humans
373. Liquid Biofuels: Bioethanol
374. Long Noncoding RNA
375. Lymphocyte Immunization Therapy (LIT) in Reproductive Failures
376. Machine Learning and Systems Biology in Genomics and Health
377. Machine Learning in Biological Sciences
378. Macromolecular Protein Complexes IV
379. Macrophage Targeted Delivery Systems
380. Macropinocytosis
381. Management of Animals in Disasters
382. Management of Boreal Forests
383. Managing Plant Production Under Changing Environment
384. Managing your Mental Health during your PhD
385. Mangroves: Biodiversity, Livelihoods and Conservation
386. Manual to Veterinary Video-Oto-Endoscopy
387. Marine Biomaterials
388. Marine Biomaterials
389. Marine Mammals: the Evolving Human Factor
390. Market-Driven Plant Breeding for Practicing Breeders
391. Mathematical Models of Cell-Based Morphogenesis
392. Meaning of Life, Human Nature, and Delusions
393. Meanings of Pain
394. Mechanobiology of Fracture Healing
395. Medical Visualization and Applications of Technology
396. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of India Vol. 1
397. Medicinal Plants of the Asteraceae Family
398. Mediterranean Fruits Bio-wastes
399. Messenger RNA Therapeutics
400. Metabolic Engineering in Plants
401. Metabolism and Epigenetic Regulation: Implications in Cancer
402. Micro-algae: Next-generation Feedstock for Biorefineries
403. Micro-algae: Next-generation Feedstock for Biorefineries
404. Microbes and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
405. Microbes for Natural Food Additives
406. Microbial Beta Glucanases
407. Microbial Biocontrol: Food Security and Post Harvest Management
408. Microbial Biocontrol: Sustainable Agriculture and Phytopathogen Management
409. Microbial Biotechnology for Renewable and Sustainable Energy
410. Microbial BioTechnology for Sustainable Agriculture Volume 1
411. Microbial Cross-talk in the Rhizosphere
412. Microbial Decontamination of Food
413. Microbial Engineering for Therapeutics
414. Microbial Metabolism of Metals and Metalloids
415. Microbial Production of High-Value Products
416. Microbiology of Hot Deserts
417. Microbiome in Inflammatory Lung Diseases
418. Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis
419. Microfluidics and Biosensors in Cancer Research
420. Microfluidics and Multi Organs on Chip
421. Microscopic Techniques for the Non-Expert
422. Microsporidia
423. Mineral Formation by Microorganisms
424. Miniaturized Biosensing Devices
425. Modern Techniques of Rice Crop Production
426. Molecular Advances in Insect Resistance of Field Crops
427. Molecular Genetics and Genomics Tools in Biodiversity Conservation
428. Molecular Immunology
429. Molecular Systematics of Parasitic Helminths
430. Molecular Typing in Bacterial Infections, Volume I
431. Molecular Typing in Bacterial Infections, Volume II
432. mRNA Vaccines
433. Multidisciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity in Health
434. Multifaceted Biomedical Applications of Graphene
435. Multivariate Statistical Machine Learning Methods for Genomic Prediction
436. Musculoskeletal Infection
437. Mycorrhizal Fungi in South America
438. Mycotoxins and Mycotoxicoses
439. Nanoscale Engineering of Biomaterials: Properties and Applications
440. Nanosensing and Bioanalytical Technologies in Food Quality Control
441. Nano-Strategies for Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance
442. Nanotechnology for Infectious Diseases
443. Nanotoxicology in Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials
444. Narrative Persuasion. A Cognitive Perspective on Language Evolution
445. Natural Products as Enzyme Inhibitors
446. Natural Products from Actinomycetes
447. Nature in Silico
448. Neural Assemblies
449. Neuroproteomics as a Tool for Understanding Schizophrenia
450. Neuroscience in the 21st Century
451. Neuroscience of Social Stress
452. Neurosurgery for Spasticity
453. New and Future Development in Biopesticide Research: Biotechnological Exploration
454. New Discoveries in the Behavioral Neuroscience of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
455. New Horizons in Wheat and Barley Research
456. New Horizons in Wheat and Barley Research
457. Next-Generation Plant Breeding Approaches for Stress Resilience in Cereal Crops
458. Next-Generation Plant-based Foods
459. Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria: Sustainable Growth of Non-legumes
460. Noise and Randomness in Living System
461. Nondestructive Quality Assessment Techniques for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
462. Nonthermal Processing in Agri-Food-Bio Sciences
463. Non-Wood Forest Products of Asia
464. Novel Drug Targets With Traditional Herbal Medicines
465. Novel Feedstocks for Biofuels Production
466. Novel Food Grade Enzymes
467. Novel Innovation Design for the Future of Health
468. Nuclear Receptors in Human Health and Disease
469. Nuclear, Chromosomal, and Genomic Architecture in Biology and Medicine
470. Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in Immunomodulators
471. Nutraceuticals Production from Plant Cell Factory
472. Nutrigenomics and the Brain
473. Nutrition and Psychiatric Disorders
474. Nutritional Quality Management of Forages in the Himalayan Region
475. Nutritional Toxicology
476. Olympism and Human Rights
477. Omics Approach to Manage Abiotic Stress in Cereals
478. Omics Insights in Environmental Bioremediation
479. Omics of Climate Resilient Small Millets
480. Ontogenetic development of pompano Trachinotus ovatus
481. Opioids
482. Optical Spectroscopic and Microscopic Techniques
483. Orchid Species from Himalaya and Southeast Asia Vol. 3 (R - Z)
484. Organic Waste to Biohydrogen
485. Organoid Technology for Disease Modelling and Personalized Treatment
486. Outlook of Climate Change and Fish Nutrition
487. Oxidative Stress and Toxicity in Reproductive Biology and Medicine
488. Oxidative Stress and Toxicity in Reproductive Biology and Medicine
489. Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLIII
490. Paleogene Fossil Birds
491. Panicle Architecture of Rice and its Relationship with Grain Filling
492. Parkinsonism and the Environment
493. Patterns of Parental Behavior
494. Peptide Therapeutics
495. Periodontitis
496. Perspectives in Pharmacy Practice
497. Pharmaceutical Nanobiotechnology for Targeted Therapy
498. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery Systems
499. Pharmacokinetics: Basics to Applications
500. Pharmacology of Drug Stereoisomers
501. Pharmacology of Immunosuppression
502. Pharmacovigilance for Herbal and Traditional Medicines
503. Phoma: Diversity, Taxonomy, Bioactivities, and Nanotechnology
504. Phosphate Metabolism
505. Phylogenetic Trees and Molecular Evolution
506. Physiological Processes in Plants Under Low Temperature Stress
507. Physiology, Pharmacology and Pathology of the Blood-Brain Barrier
508. Phytochemical Genomics
509. PI3K and AKT Isoforms in Immunity
510. Pioneers in Cell Physiology: The Story of Warren and Margaret Lewis
511. Plans and Policies for Soil Organic Carbon Management in Agriculture
512. Plant and Algae Biomass
513. Plant and Nanoparticles
514. Plant Genetic Resources, Inventory, Collection and Conservation
515. Plant Genomics for Sustainable Agriculture
516. Plant Male Sterility Systems for Accelerating Crop Improvement
517. Plant Metal and Metalloid Transporters
518. Plant Molecular Farming
519. Plant Protein Foods
520. Plant Secondary Metabolites
521. Plant Stress Mitigators
522. Plant Tissue Culture: New Techniques and Application in Horticultural Species of Tropical Region
523. Plants and Phytomolecules for Immunomodulation
524. Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells
525. Polymeric nanoparticles for the treatment of solid tumors
526. Polypharmacology
527. Polysaccharides of Microbial Origin
528. Post-Harvest Processing, Packaging and Inspection of Frozen Shrimp: A Practical Guide
529. Potash Use and Dynamics in Agriculture
530. Prebiotics, Probiotics and Nutraceuticals
531. Prevention and Treatment of Atherosclerosis
532. Pricing of Ecosystem Services in Agriculture: A Basis of Crop Insurance
533. Principles and Methods in Landscape Ecology
534. Principles and Practices of OMICS and Genome Editing for Crop Improvement
535. Principles for Evaluation of One Health Surveillance: The EVA Book
536. Principles of Cancer Genetics
537. Principles of Fish Immunology
538. Principles of Genetics and Molecular Epidemiology
539. Principles of Light Microscopy: From Basic to Advanced
540. Principles of National Forest Inventory Methods
541. Probiotics in Aquaculture
542. Production of Biofuels and Chemicals from Sustainable Recycling of Organic Solid Waste
543. Progress in China Epidemiology
544. Promising Antimicrobials from Natural Products
545. Prosthetic Designs for Restoring Human Limb Function
546. Protein Reviews
547. Proteins Associated with Neurodevelopmental Disorders
548. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
549. Psychiatric and Behavioral Aspects of Epilepsy
550. Quantitative Biology
551. Quantum Dots for Plant Systems
552. Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition and Metabolism
553. Recent Advances in Edible Fats and Oils Technology
554. Recent Advances in Food Biotechnology
555. Recent Advances in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology
556. Redox Signaling and Biomarkers in Ageing
557. Regenerative Rehabilitation
558. Regenerative Therapies in Ischemic Stroke Recovery
559. Regionalized Management of Medicine
560. Re-Imagining Resilient Productive Landscapes
561. Releasing Systems in Active Food Packaging
562. Renal Physiology and Hydrosaline Metabolism
563. Research Progress on Forage Production, Processing and Utilization in China
564. Restoration of Multifunctional Cultural Landscapes
565. Retention of Bioactives in Food Processing
566. Revisiting National Security
567. Re-visiting the Rhizosphere Eco-system for Agricultural Sustainability
568. Revolutionizing the Potential of Hemp and Its Products in Changing the Global Economy
569. Rhizosphere Microbes
570. River Basin Environment: Evaluation, Management and Conservation
571. Role of Micronutrients in Brain Health
572. Role of Microorganisms in Pathogenesis and Management of Autoimmune Diseases
573. Role of Microorganisms in Pathogenesis and Management of Autoimmune Diseases
574. Role of MicroRNAs in Cancers
575. Role of Nutrients in Neurological Disorders
576. Role of Potassium in Abiotic Stress
577. Root, Tuber and Banana Food System Innovations
578. Satoumi Science
579. Science Communication Through Poetry
580. Science of Wood Degradation and its Protection
581. Secondary Agriculture
582. Secondary Metabolites and Volatiles of PGPR in Plant-Growth Promotion
583. Selenium and Nano-Selenium in Environmental Stress Management and Crop Quality Improvement
584. Self-Organization as a New Paradigm in Evolutionary Biology
585. Sensing, Data Managing, and Control Technologies for Agricultural Systems
586. Sensitive Periods of Brain Development and Preventive Interventions
587. Sika Deer: Life History Plasticity and Management
588. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
589. Sleep and its Disorders
590. Sleep and Neuropsychiatric Disorders
591. Small Millet Grains
592. Small Scale Soil-less Urban Agriculture in Europe
593. Smart and Sustainable Food Technologies
594. Snow Leopards in Nepal
595. Soil and Crop Sensing for Precision Crop Production
596. Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in Terrestrial Biomes of the United States
597. Soils in Urban Ecosystem
598. Soybean Improvement
599. Spasticity and Muscle Stiffness
600. Speciesism in Biology and Culture
601. Spectrum of Sex
602. Speech Perception
603. Sperm Sexing and its Role in Livestock Production
604. Sphingolipid Metabolism and Metabolic Disease
605. Stable Isotopes in Tree Rings
606. Stem Cell Production
607. Stem Cells in Reproductive Tissues and Organs
608. Stress Responses of Foodborne Pathogens
609. Studies to Combat COVID-19 using Science and Engineering
610. Subcortical Neurosurgery
611. Subsoil Constraints for Crop Production
612. Sugar Beet Cultivation, Management and Processing
613. Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria and Archaea
614. Superfoods
615. Survival Strategies in Cold-adapted Microorganisms
616. Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 57
617. Sustainable and Clean Energy Production Technologies
618. Sustainable Global Resources Of Seaweeds Volume 1
619. Sustainable Global Resources of Seaweeds Volume 2
620. Sustainable Management of Nematodes in Agriculture, Vol.1: Organic Management
621. Sustainable Management of Potato Pests and Diseases
622. Sustainable Plant Nutrition under Contaminated Environments
623. Sustainable Remedies for Abiotic Stress in Cereals
624. Synthesis and Applications of Nanoparticles
625. Synthetic Biology of Yeasts
626. Systematics, Evolution, and Ecology of Melastomataceae
627. Systems Biology of MicroRNAs in Cancer
628. Systems Biomedicine Approaches in Cancer Research
629. Tarangire: Human-Wildlife Coexistence in a Fragmented Ecosystem
630. Targets of Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
631. Taurine 12
632. Technologies in Biomedical and Life Sciences Education
633. Technologies in Plant Biotechnology and Breeding of Field Crops
634. Terrestrial Cetartiodactyla
635. Textbook of Parasitic Zoonoses
636. Textbook on Cloning, Expression and Purification of Recombinant Proteins
637. The ADME Encyclopedia
638. The Age of Clean Label Foods
639. The bioeconomy system
640. The Biological Role of a Virus
641. The Biology of Glial Cells: Recent Advances
642. The Book of Genes and Genomes
643. The Brassica juncea Genome
644. The Bridge Between Bioethics and Medical Practice
645. The Call of the Cranes
646. The Catharanthus Genome
647. The Centrosome and its Functions and Dysfunctions
648. The Climate-Conflict-Displacement Nexus from a Human Security Perspective
649. The Commodification of Farm Animals
650. The CRISPR/Cas Tool Kit for Genome Editing
651. The Cucumber Genome
652. The Emotional Cerebellum
653. The end of medicine as we know it - and why your health has a future
654. The Enteric Nervous System II
655. The Evolution of the Primate Foot
656. The Extracellular Matrix and the Tumor Microenvironment
657. The Finger Millet Genome
658. The Functional Roles of Histamine Receptors
659. The Great Urban Transition
660. The Hybrid Governance of Urban Food Movements
661. The Immunogenetics of Dermatologic Diseases
662. The Impact of Climate Change on Fungal Diseases
663. The Jute Genome
664. The Kappa Opioid Receptor
665. The Lakes of the Basin of Mexico
666. The Language of Living Matter
667. The Life History of the Parental Shield Bug, Parastrachia japonensis
668. The Maiden Voyage of Petrus van Stijn
669. The Management of Enclosed and Domesticated Deer
670. The Marine Microbiome
671. The Medicago truncatula Genome
672. The Medical Interview Coach
673. The Molecular Life of Diatoms
674. The Pathway to Publishing: A Guide to Quantitative Writing in the Health Sciences
675. The Persimmon Genome
676. The Pharmacology of Taste
677. The Pine Genomes
678. The Prehistory of Rapa Nui (Easter Island)
679. The Role of Microbes in Autoimmune Diseases
680. The Role of Nanoparticles in Plant Nutrition under Soil Pollution
681. The Rosetta Stone of the Human Mind
682. The Saffron Genome
683. The Sandalwood Genome
684. The Seabuckthorn Genome
685. The Social Impulse
686. The Systemic Effects of Advanced Cancer
687. Theories and Methods for Minimizing Cadmium Pollution in Crops
688. Theory and Method of Fisheries Forecasting
689. Therapeutic Applications of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Veterinary Medicine
690. Thermal Physiology
691. Thermochemical and Catalytic Conversion Technologies for Future Biorefineries
692. Thermochemical and Catalytic Conversion Technologies for Future Biorefineries
693. Thermotolerance in Crop Plants
694. Thinking
695. Tight Junctions
696. Toll-like Receptors in Health and Disease
697. Towards Tree-level Evapotranspiration Estimation with Small UAVs in Precision Agriculture
698. Toxicology at Environmentally Relevant Concentrations in Caenorhabditis elegans
699. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Diseases
700. Transcription Factors for Biotic Stress Tolerance in Plants
701. Transcriptomics in Health and Disease
702. Transdisciplinarity
703. Transforming Coastal Zone for Sustainable Food and Income Security
704. Translational Informatics
705. Translational Informatics
706. Treasure Your Exceptions
707. Trends in Horticultural Entomology
708. Trends in Plant Disease Assessment
709. Trends in Sustainable Chocolate Production
710. Trends of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for E-Health
711. Tropical Cloud Forest Ecology in Hainan Island
712. Tumor Suppressor Par-4
713. Understanding Body Shapes of Animals
714. Understanding Physiology with Ultrasound
715. Understanding PTMs in Neurodegenerative Diseases
716. Understanding the Microbiome Interactions in Agriculture and the Environment
717. Underutilised Crop Genomes
718. Unmanned Aerial Systems in Precision Agriculture
719. Urban Bats
720. Urban Design and Planning for Age-Friendly Environments Across Europe: North and South
721. UV-B Radiation and Crop Growth
722. Value Sets for EQ-5D-5L
723. Vapor Intrusion Simulations and Risk Assessments
724. Vertebrate Motoneurons
725. Virus Entry Inhibitors
726. Virus Host Cell Genetic Material Transport
727. Viruses: Intimate Invaders
728. Water and the Rainforest in Malaysian Borneo
729. What We Are: The Evolutionary Roots of Our Future
730. Wheat Improvement
731. Wild and Exotic Animal Ophthalmology
732. Wild and Exotic Animal Ophthalmology
733. Wildlife Population Health
734. Wolves and Dogs
735. Work in Tropical Forests
736. World Agriculture Before and After 1492
737. Zebrafish Model for Biomedical Research