1. 14th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference
2. 2021 International Conference on Development and Application of Carbon Nanomaterials in Energetic Materials
3. A Brief History of Nuclear Reactor Accidents
4. A Course in Quantum Many-Body Theory
5. A Few Tens au Scale Physical and Chemical Structures Around Young Low-Mass Protostars
6. A First Course on Symmetry, Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics
7. A Primer on Fluid Mechanics with Applications
8. A Quantum Computation Workbook
9. A Search for Displaced Leptons in the ATLAS Detector
10. Absolute Therapeutic Medical Physics Review
11. Acceleration and Propagation of Cosmic Rays in High-Metallicity Astrophysical Environments
12. Acoustic Guitar Design
13. Acoustics and Vibration of Mechanical Structures – AVMS-2021
14. Advanced Electromagnetic Theory
15. Advanced Materials and Components for 5G and Beyond
16. Advanced Nanomaterials
17. Advances in Cosmology
18. Advances in Peridynamics
19. Advances in Precision Instruments and Optical Engineering
20. Advances in Social Simulation
21. Advances in Solid and Fracture Mechanics
22. Aerodynamics
23. Aerospace Radionavigation Systems
24. Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVIII
25. Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, Nathan Rosen
26. Amplifiers in Radio Receivers
27. An Introduction to Covariant Quantum Mechanics
28. An Introduction to Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetries for Particle Physicists
29. Anomalous Relaxation in Colloidal Systems
30. Application of Quantum Dots in Biology and Medicine
31. Applications of General Relativity
32. Are Electromagnetic Fields Making Me Ill?
33. Astronomers as Diplomats
34. Astronomy in the Near-Infrared - Observing Strategies and Data Reduction Techniques
35. Atomic and Electronic Properties of 2D Moiré Interfaces
36. Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
37. Beyond the Standard Model Cocktail
38. Big Data Privacy and Security in Smart Cities
39. Biocoating for Fertilizer Industry
40. Biophotonics
41. Black Hole Physics
42. Boundaries of a Complex World
43. Boundary Plasma Physics
44. Bruno Touschek's Extraordinary Journey
45. Building Common Interests in the Arctic Ocean with Global Inclusion - Vol. 2
46. Calculating with quanta
47. China and the International Astronomical Union
48. Chitosan-Based Nanocomposite Materials
49. Classical Electrodynamics
50. Classical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism
51. Coherent Optical Wireless Communication Principle and Application
52. Collapse of Metastability
53. Complex Networks XIII
54. Complex Systems and Their Applications
55. Complex-Valued Neural Networks Systems with Time Delay
56. Computational Biomechanics for Medicine
57. Computational Fluid Dynamics
58. Computational Multiscale Modeling of Fluids and Solids
59. Computational Optical Phase Imaging
60. Conductive Polymers and Their Composites
61. Contactless System for Measurement and Evaluation of Machined Surfaces
62. Cosmic Origins
63. Countering Air Terrorism
64. Covariant Techniques in Quantum Field Theory
65. COVID-19 Epidemiology and Virus Dynamics
66. Critical States at Phase Transitions of Pure Substances
67. Crystalline Metal Oxide Catalysts
68. Curvilinear Micromagnetism
69. Demographics of Exoplanetary Systems
70. Designing Topological Phase of Bismuth Halides and Controlling Rashba Effect in Films Studied by ARPES
71. Detecting Environmental Radioactivity
72. Detection Efficiency and Bandwidth Optimized Electro-Optic Sampling of Mid-Infrared Waves
73. Digital Audio Processing Fundamentals
74. Discovery of Co-existing Non-collinear Spin Textures in D2d Heusler Compounds
75. Dissipative Optical Solitons
76. Driven Rotation, Self-Generated Flow, and Momentum Transport in Tokamak Plasmas
77. Dust-Gas Instabilities in Protoplanetary Disks
78. Dynamic Equivalent Modeling of Acoustic Metamaterials
79. Dynamics of Compressible Fluids
80. Dynamics of Systems on the Nanoscale
81. Efficiency in Complex Systems
82. Elasticity
83. Electric Charge Accumulation in Dielectrics: Measurement and Analysis
84. Electromagnetism
85. Electron Gun for Gyrotrons
86. Electronics for Guitarists
87. Elementary Particles and Their Interactions
88. Elements of Classical Plasticity Theory
89. Emergence in Condensed Matter and Quantum Gravity
90. Emerging Materials
91. Engineering Elasticity
92. Engineering Metrology for Pedestrian Falls Prevention and Protection
93. Entanglement in Spin Chains
94. Entropy, Divergence, and Majorization in Classical and Quantum Thermodynamics
95. Exact Space-Time Models of Gravitational Waves
96. Expedition into the Nanoworld
97. Experimental Gravitation
98. Exploring the Large Hadron Collider - the Detectors
99. Extensions and Restrictions of Generalized Probabilistic Theories
100.Feynman Integrals
102.Flexible Electronics
103.Flow Noise
104.Fluid Mechanics
105.Fluid Mechanics of Viscoplasticity
106.Flux Pinning in Superconductors
107.Forward Brillouin Scattering in Standard Optical Fibers
108.Foundations of Celestial Mechanics
109.Foundations of Photography
110.Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
111.From Electrons to Elephants and Elections
112.From Intrinsic to Extrinsic Design of Lithium-Ion Battery Layered Oxide Cathode Material Via Doping Strategies
113.From Quantum to Classical
114.Functional and Sustainable Epoxy Vitrimers
115.Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
116.Fundamentals of Measurement and Signal Analysis
117.Fundamentals of Particle Accelerator Physics
118.Future Trends and Challenges of Molecular Imaging and AI Innovation
119.Gaseous Detonation Physics and Its Universal Framework Theory
120.General Relativity and Gravitational Waves
121.General Theory of Light Propagation and Imaging Through the Atmosphere
122.Geometrical Formulation of Renormalization-Group Method as an Asymptotic Analysis
123.Getting Started in Quantum Optics
124.Glasses and Glass-Ceramics
125.Governance of Emerging Space Challenges
127.Halide Perovskite Lasers
128.Handbook of Materials for Percussion Musical Instruments
129.Harmonic Analysis in Operator Algebras and its Applications to Index Theory and Topological Solid State Systems
130.Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and the Electron Statistics in Quantized Structures
131.High Entropy Materials
132.High-Density Helicon Plasma Science
133.High-Energy Astrophysics
134.Higher-Order Systems
135.High-Order Harmonics Generation in Plasmas
136.Historical Roots of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
137.How to Learn and Practice Science
138.How to Study Physics Effectively and Sustainably
139.III-Nitride LEDs
140.Improving the Resolving Power of Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors
141.Indexing of Crystal Diffraction Patterns
142.Information Dynamics
143.Infrared Radiative Cooling and Its Applications
144.Ingenious Principles of Nature
145.Innovative Treatment Strategies for Clinical Electrophysiology
146.Integrated Electronics on Aluminum Nitride
147.Intermittency Equation for Transitional Flow
148.International Youth Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies
149.Interplay of Quantum Mechanics and Nonlinearity
150.Introduction to Orbital Perturbations
151.Introduction to Organic Electronic Devices
152.Introduction to Photoelectron Angular Distributions
153.Introduction to Quantum Computing with Q# and QDK
154.Introduction to Quantum Technologies
155.Introduction to Semiconductor Physics and Devices
156.Introduction to Unified Mechanics Theory with Applications
157.Investigating Art, History, and Literature with Astronomy
158.Ion Beam Induced Defects and Their Effects in Oxide Materials
159.IRC-SET 2021
160.Jost Functions in Quantum Mechanics
161.Just Like Being There
162.Kinematics of Mechanical Systems
163.Large-Scale Structure of the Universe
164.Laser Power Stabilization via Radiation Pressure
165.Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Biological, Forensic and Materials Sciences
166.Lectures Notes on Advanced Structured Materials
167.Leonhard Euler and the Foundations of Celestial Mechanics
168.Light in the World of Nanotechnology
169.Light–Matter Interaction
170.Light-Matter Interactions Towards the Nanoscale
171.Lightning Discharges
172.Lithium Ion Glassy Electrolytes
173.Lorentz Symmetry Breaking—Classical and Quantum Aspects
174.Loudspeaker Physics and Forced Vibration
175.Low-Level Radio Frequency Systems
176.Luminescence Signal Analysis Using Python
177.Machine Learning for Cyber Agents
178.Machine Learning-Augmented Spectroscopies for Intelligent Materials Design
179.Magnetic Resonators
180.Making Sense of Statistical Mechanics
181.Managing Smart Cities
182.Mass Term Effect on Fractional Quantum Hall States of Dirac Particles
183.Mastering Your PhD
184.Material Characterization Techniques and Applications
185.Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Scientists 1
186.Mathematical Methods in Modern Complexity Science
187.Mathematical Modeling of Shock-Wave Processes in Condensed Matter
188.Mathematical Quantum Physics
189.Mathematical Topics on Modelling Complex Systems
190.Mathematics for Natural Scientists : Fundamentals and basics
191.Matrix and Finite Element Analyses of Structures
192.Max von Laue
193.Measurement for the Sea
194.Mellin-Barnes Integrals
195.Metamaterials for Manipulation of Thermal Radiation and Photoluminescence in Near and Far Fields
196.Methods and Technologies for Measuring the Earth’s Gravity Field Parameters
197.Microwave High Power High Efficiency GaN Amplifiers for Communication
198.Millisecond Pulsars
199.Modeling and Forecasting of Staffing in Civil Aviation
200.Modern Analytic Methods for Computing Scattering Amplitudes
201.Modern Methods in Mathematical Physics
202.Modern Physics
203.Modern Special Relativity
204.Molecular Spectroscopy of Dynamically Compressed Materials
205.Molecular Theory of Nematic (and Other) Liquid Crystals
206.Movement of Acoustic Energy in the Ocean
207.Multistability in Physical and Living Systems
208.My Journey with Shock Waves
209.My Life in Space Exploration
211.Nanomaterials for Advanced Technologies
212.Nanomaterials for Cancer Detection Using Imaging Techniques and Their Clinical Applications
213.NASA's Voyager Missions
214.Natural and Artificial Ball Lightning in the Earth’s Atmosphere
215.Neutron Imaging
216.New Horizons in Millimeter-Wave, Infrared and Terahertz Technologies
217.New Relativity in the Gravitational Universe
218.Non-Bloch Band Theory of Non-Hermitian Systems
219.Nonclassical Effects and Dynamics of Quantum Observables
220.Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics
221.Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Fluctuation Kinetics
222.Nonlinear Dynamics
223.Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications
224.Nonlinear Dynamics and Quantum Chaos
225.Nonlinear Dynamics of Nanobiophysics
226.Nonlinear Waves
227.Nonlinear Waves and Solitons on Contours and Closed Surfaces
228.Novel Lights Sources Beyond Free Electron Lasers
229.Nuclear and Particle Physics
230.Observational Imprints of Binary Evolution on B- and Be-star Populations
231.On Generalised Statistical Equilibrium and Discrete Quantum Gravity
232.Optical Nonlinearities in Nanostructured Systems
233.Optical Polymer Waveguides
234.Optical Waveguide Theory
235.Optical Whispering Gallery Modes for Biosensing
236.Optics and Its Applications
237.Optoelectronic Devices in Robotic Systems
238.Orbital Mechanics and Astrodynamics
239.Oriented Self-Assembly of Colloidal Semiconductor Nanoplatelets on Liquid Interfaces
240.Our Climate and the Energy Problem
241.Particles, Fields and Forces
242.Passive Optical Resonators for Next-Generation Attosecond Metrology
243.Perseverance and the Mars 2020 Mission
244.Perturbative Aspects of the Deconfinement Transition
245.Phononic and Electronic Excitations in Complex Oxides Studied with Advanced Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy Techniques
246.Photoelectron-Ion Correlation in Photoionization of a Hydrogen Molecule and Molecule-Photon Dynamics in a Cavity
247.Physical Kinetics
248.Physics of Molecular and Cellular Processes
249.Physics Teacher Education
250.Physics with Excel and Python - Vol.I Basics, Exercises and Tasks
251.Plasmon-enhanced light-matter interactions
252.Plasmonic Photocatalysis
253.Point-of-Care Testing of COVID-19
254.Practical Models of Antenna Systems
255.Principles and Applications of X-ray, Light and Neutron Scattering
256.Principles of Fluid Mechanics
257.Probing Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Quantum Gases
258.Probing Unconventional Transport Regimes in Delafossite Metals
259.Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas
260.Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Applications of Science and Mathematics 2021
261.Proceedings of the International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical & Nano Physics with Applications
262.Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioscience, Equatorial Atmospheric Science and Environment and Humanosphere Science, 2021
263.Proceedings of the National Workshop on Recent Advances in Condensed Matter and High Energy Physics
264.Proceedings of the Satellite Workshops of ICVGIP 2021
265.Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications (ISyDMA’6)
266.Proceedings of the XXIV DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium, Jatni, India
267.Progress in Nanophotonics 7
268.Progress in Nanoscale and Low-Dimensional Materials and Devices
269.Properties of QCD Matter at High Baryon Density
270.Pseudo-Bosons and Their Coherent States
271.Quantized Phenomena of Transport and Magneto-Optics in Magnetic Topological Insulator Heterostructures
272.Quantum Acoustical Imaging
273.Quantum Collision Theory of Nonrelativistic Particles
274.Quantum Groups in Three-Dimensional Integrability
275.Quantum Hamilton-Jacobi Formalism
276.Quantum Hybrid Electronics and Materials
277.Quantum Mechanics
278.Quantum Network with Multiple Cold Atomic Ensembles
279.Quantum Science
280.Radar and Radionavigation
281.Radiation: An Energy Carrier
282.Radiative Transfer
283.Radio Astronomy
284.Radio-Electronic Equipment in Civil Aviation
285.Raman Spectroscopy Under Liquid Nitrogen (RUN)
286.Rarefied Gas Dynamics
287.Recent Advances in Plasmonic Probes
288.Recent Developments in Analytical Techniques for Corrosion Research
289.Recent Trends in Materials
290.Reconfigurable Active and Passive Planar Antennas for Wireless Communication Systems
291.Reference Materials in Measurement and Technology
292.Relativistic Dynamics of a Charged Sphere
293.Saints and Sinners in the Sky: Astronomy, Religion and Art in Western Culture
294.Schrödinger Theory of Electrons: Complementary Perspectives
295.Search for the Higgs Boson Produced in Association with Top Quarks with the CMS Detector at the LHC
296.Security and Privacy in Cyberspace
297.Security-Related Advanced Technologies in Critical Infrastructure Protection
298.Simulation Tools and Methods for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Radial Inflow Turbine
299.Single Molecule Toroics
300.Single-Particle Structure of 29Mg on the Approach to the N = 20 Island of Inversion
301.Slopes and Levels
302.Small Scale Modeling and Simulation of Incompressible Turbulent Multi-Phase Flow
303.Smart Nanostructure Materials and Sensor Technology
304.Smartphones as Mobile Minilabs in Physics
305.Solar Surveyors
306.Solid State Batteries
307.Solid State Engineering Physics
308.Solid State Physics
309.Solution and Characteristic Analysis of Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems
310.Space Group Representations
311.Space-Division Multiplexing in Optical Communication Systems
312.Spacelab Payloads
314.Spatial Networks
315.Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Device Optimization of Passively Mode-Locked Semiconductor Lasers
316.Special Relativity
317.Springer Series in Light Scattering - Vol. 8: Light Polarization and Multiple Scattering in Turbid Media
318.Stable Supported Gold Nanoparticle Catalyst for Environmentally Responsible Propylene Epoxidation
319.Star Mentor: Hands-On Projects and Lessons in Observational Astronomy for Beginners
320.Statistics and Analysis of Scientific Data
321.String-Net Construction of RCFT Correlators
322.Structure and Electronic Properties of Ultrathin In Films on Si(111)
323.Sub-Terahertz Sensing Technology for Biomedical Applications
324.Superconducting Materials
325.Supernovae, Neutron Star Physics and Nucleosynthesis
326.Supersymmetric Beasts and Where to Find Them
327.Surface Flute Waves in Plasmas
328.Symmetry Representations of Molecular Vibrations
329.Systems Approaches to Nuclear Fusion Reactors
330.Terahertz Devices, Circuits and Systems
331.Terahertz Wireless Communication Components and System Technologies
332.Testing Quantum Theory with Higher-Order Interference in Many-Particle Correlations
333.The Challenges of Time
334.The Euroschool on Exotic Beams, Vol. VI
335.The First City on Mars: An Urban Planner’s Guide to Settling the Red Planet
336.The fourth generation of nuclear reactors
337.The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies
338.The Landscape of Relativistic Stellar Explosions
339.The Milan Institute of Physics
340.The nth-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology, Volume I
341.The Physics Behind Semiconductor Technology
342.The Physics of Dew, Breath Figures and Dropwise Condensation
343.The Physics of Laser Radiation–Matter Interaction
344.The Physics of Renewable Energy
345.The Read-Out Controller ASIC for the ATLAS Experiment at LHC
346.The Reduction of Physical Theories
347.The Secrets of Soviet Cosmonauts
348.The Stumbling Progress of 20th Century Science
349.The Supercontinuum Laser Source
350.The Theory of Direct Dark Matter Detection
351.The Two Lives of Cheng Maolan
352.The Untold Stories of the Space Shuttle Program
353.Theoretical Treatment of Electron Emission and Related Phenomena
354.Theory and Practice of Thermal Transient Testing of Electronic Components
355.Theory of Elastic Waves
356.Theory of Gyroscopic Effects for Rotating Objects
357.Thermal and Solutal Convection in Some Hydromagnetic Flows
358.Thermal and Statistical Physics
359.Thermal Barrier Coatings: Failure Theory and Evaluation Technology
361.THz Communications
362.Timeless Quantum Mechanics and the Early Universe
363.Towards THz Chipless High-Q Cooperative Radar Targets for Identification, Sensing, and Ranging
364.True Tales of Medical Physics
366.Turbulence—an Odyssey
367.Understanding Relativity
368.Understanding the Dynamics of New Normal for Supply Chains
369.Understanding the Origin of Matter
370.Uniaxial Pressure Study of Charge Density Waves in a High-T꜀ Cuprate Superconductor
371.Universal Relations for Binary Neutron Star Mergers with Long-lived Remnants
372.Universe Without Things
373.Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels
374.What is the iε for the S-matrix?
375.Wideband Radar
376.Wobbling Motion in Nuclei: Transverse, Longitudinal, and Chiral
377.X-ray Imaging of the Soil Porous Architecture