The admission notice is the document that contains all the necessary information (dates, deadlines and procedures) for access to the course.
NOTICES Scrolling of Ranking --- last update 16/03/2023
16/03/2023: EU Enrolled List and Closing Registrations
15/03/2023: EU Assigned List (until 20/03/2023)
14/03/2023: EU Enrolled List (until 13/03/2023)
08/03/2023: EU Assigned and Booked List (until 13/03/2023)
07/03/2023: EU Enrolled List (until 06/03/2023)
01/03/2023: EU Assigned and Booked List (until 06/03/2023)
28/02/2023: EU Enrolled List (until 27/02/2023)
22/02/2023: EU Assigned and Booked List (until 27/02/2023)
21/02/2023: EU Enrolled List (until 20/02/2023)
15/02/2023: EU Assigned and Booked List (until 20/02/2023)
09/02/2023: EU Booked List (until 13/02/2023)
07/02/2023: EU Enrolled List (until 06/02/2023)
01/02/2023: EU Booked List (until 06/02/2023)
31/01/2023: EU Enrolled List (until 30/01/2023)
25/01/2023: EU Assigned and Booked List (until 30/01/2023)
24/01/2023: EU Enrolled List (until 24/01/2023)
18/01/2023: EU Booked List (until 23/01/2023)
17/01/2023: EU Enrolled List (until 16/01/2023)
11/01/2023: EU Booked List (until 16/01/2023)
22/12/2022: EU Enrolled List (until 21/12/2022)
16/12/2022: EU Booked List (until 21/12/2022)
15/12/2022: EU Enrolled List (until 14/12/2022)
07/12/2022: EU Booked List (until 14/12/2022)
06/12/2022: EU Enrolled List (until 05/12/2022)
30/11/2022: EU Booked List (until 05/12/2022)
29/11/2022: EU Enrolled List (until 28/11/2022)
23/11/2022: EU Assigned and Booked List (until 28/11/2022)
22/11/2022: EU Enrolled List (until 21/11/2022)
16/11/2022: EU Booked List (until 21/11/2022)
09/11/2022: EU Assigned and Booked List (until 14/11/2022)
07/11/2022: EU Enrolled List (until 04/11/2022)
28/10/2022: EU Assigned and Booked List (until 04/11/2022)
27/10/2022: EU Enrolled List (until 26/10/2022)
Non-EU Enrolled List and CLOSURE of enrollments
21/10/2022: Non-EU Assigned List (until 26/10/2022)
EU Assigned and Booked List (until 26/10/2022)
Enrollment Procedure and Exams Recognition Request
21/10/2022: Non-EU Enrolled List (until 19/10/2022)
20/10/2022: EU Enrolled List (until 19/10/2022)
14/10/2022: Approval Decree | Non-EU - Winners List | EU - Winners List
04/10/2022: Notice - How to enroll - Enrollment Form
Notice - How to pay the regional tax
Notice - How to pay the virtual tax - Link for the payment of the virtual tax
Notice - Exams recognition request
Call for Applications and Various Informations
27/09/2022: Apertura contenitori schede anagrafiche | Opening of personal data containers
09/09/2022: Orario di chiusura identificazione - Identification closing time
09/09/2022: Distribuzione candidati | Distribution of candidates
02/09/2022: Istruzioni per il parcheggio - Parking instructions (Day of the admission test)
29/08/2022: Autocertificazione per accesso al concorso | Self-Certification for access to the test
Misure di prevenzione Covid-19 | Measures for prevention Covid-19
Avviso sede della prova - Notice venue of the test
08/07/2022: Bando di Concorso | Call for application
Termine di scadenza per l'iscrizione al concorso: 22 luglio 2022
Deadline for registering for the test: July 22, 2022