1. A Clinician's Brief Guide to the Coroner's Court and Inquests
2. An Introduction to Law and Regulation
3. Authorship Analysis in Chinese Social Media Texts
4. Balancing Strategy
5. Beyond Expropriation Without Compensation
6. Board-Shareholder Dialogue
7. Child Rights, Legal Theory and Social Advocacy
8. Civility, Barbarism and the Evolution of International Humanitarian Law
9. Collective Self-Defence in International Law
10. Competition Law and Democracy
11. Completing Humanity
12. Constitutional Symmetry
13. Content-Independence in Law
14. Contesting the World
15. Corporate Tax Law
16. Custom and its Interpretation in International Investment Law
17. Customary International Law and Its Interpretation by International Courts
18. Deciphering the Genome of Constitutionalism
19. Decoding Terrorism
20. Demystifying Treaty Interpretation
21. Digital Health Care outside of Traditional Clinical Settings
22. Dispute Settlement Reports 2022 1. ed
23. Dispute Settlement Reports 2022 2. ed
24. Dispute Settlement Reports 2022 3. ed
25. Energy and the Environment
26. Energy Transitions in Central and Eastern Europe
27. ERISA Principles
28. European Human Rights Grey Zones
29. Family Matters
30. Forensic Linguistics in China
31. Free Internet Access as a Human Right
32. From Colonial Cuba to Madrid
33. From Masters of Slaves to Lords of Lands
34. Geopolitics of Digital Heritage
35. Good Governing
36. Handbook on Data Protection in Humanitarian Action
37. Hard Lessons in Corporate Governance
38. Here and Now at Historic Sites
39. Heritage and Transformation of an African Popular Music
40. Homelessness, Liberty and Property
41. How Government Built America
42. Human–Robot Interaction in Law and Its Narratives
43. Implementing Climate Change Policy
44. Improving Procedural Justice in Anti-Dumping Investigations
45. Inducing Intimacy
46. Informal Governance in World Politics
47. Intangible Intangibles
48. International Counterterrorism Law
49. International Courts versus Non-Compliance Mechanisms
50. International Economic Law in the Era of Datafication
51. International Law and the Significance of Disciplinary Boundaries
52. International Law-Making by the International Court of Justice and International Law Commission
53. Islamic Law in Context
54. Judging Refugees
55. Labour Justice
56. Law and Jewish Difference
57. Legal Problems of International Organizations
58. Legal-Lay Discourse and Procedural Justice in Family and County Courts
59. Litigating Judicial Selection
60. Media and Society After Technological Disruption
61. More is Less
62. Negotiating Legality
63. Open Strategic Autonomy in EU Trade Policy
64. Out of Place
65. Perceptions of State
66. Politicising Commodification
67. Procreative Rights in International Law
68. Prohibited Force
69. Radically Legal
70. Reclaiming the Public
71. Reimagining Prosperity
72. Reinventing Insolvency Law in Emerging Economies
73. Rethinking the Relationship between International, EU and National Law
74. Reviving Rural America
75. Self-Determination as Voice
76. Silicon Valley Bank
77. State of Emergency
78. Statehood as Political Community
79. States, Firms, and Their Legal Fictions
80. Sustainable Development, International Law, and a Turn to African Legal Cosmologies
81. The Cambridge Handbook of AI and Consumer Law
82. The Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law
83. The Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Law
84. The Cambridge Handbook of Facial Recognition in the Modern State
85. The Cambridge Handbook of Hydrogen and the Law
86. The Cambridge Handbook of Intellectual Property and Social Justice
87. The Cambridge Handbook of Law and Policy for NFTs
88. The Cambridge Handbook of Private Law and Artificial Intelligence
89. The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Legal Decision-Making
90. The Colonate in the Roman Empire
91. The Contemporary International Committee of the Red Cross
92. The Functions of International Adjudication and International Environmental Litigation
93. The Individual in the Economic and Monetary Union
94. The Language of Romance Crimes
95. The Legal Brain
96. The Non-Coherence Theory of Digital Human Rights
97. The Normativity of Law
98. The Philosophy of Legal Proof
99. The Reasonable Person
100. The Rebirth of Territory
101. The Right to Punish
102. The UN Security Council and the Maintenance of Peace in a Changing World
103. The Violence of Law
104. Trials of Sovereignty
105. Trust, Courts and Social Rights
106. UN Mediators in Syria
107. Untaxed
108. Values and Disorder in Mental Capacity Law
109. Ways of Remembering
110. Weaponising Evidence
111. Written and Unwritten