1. A Dictionary of Legal Theory
2. A History of Private Law in Europe: with particular reference to Germany
3. A History of the Supreme Court
4. A Normative Approach to War: Peace, War, and Justice in Hugo Grotius
5. A Passion for Justice: J. Waties Waring and Civil Rights
6. A Special Relationship?: American Influences on Public Law in the UK
7. A Well-Regulated Militia: The Founding Fathers and the Origins of Gun Control in America
8. Accountability and Legitimacy in the European Union
9. Accountability for Human Rights Atrocities in International Law: Beyond the Nuremberg Legacy
10. Accountability in Restorative Justice
11. Administrative Court Practice
12. Alone Together: Law and the Meanings of Marriage
13. American Arbitration Law: Reformation--Nationalization--Internationalization
14. American Law in a Global Context: The Basics
15. American Lawyers
16. American Legal Realism
17. American Legal Thought from Premodernism to Postmodernism: An Intellectual Voyage
18. American Youth Violence
19. An Introduction to Constitutional Law
20. An Introduction to Family Law
21. Analyzing Law: New Essays in Legal Theory
22. Animal Welfare Law in Britain: Regulation and Responsibility
23. Anti-Dumping and Anti-Trust Issues in Free-trade Areas
24. Antitrust Law in China, Korea and Vietnam
25. Appeals Mechanism in International Investment Disputes
26. Arbitration of Commercial Disputes: International and English Law and Practice
27. Arbitration of International Business Disputes: Studies in Law and Practice
28. Asylum and Human Rights Handbook
29. Atiyah's Introduction to the Law of Contract
30. Auctions Law and Practice
31. Audit, Accountability and Government
32. Authority without Power: Law and the Japanese Paradox
33. Autonomy in International Contracts
34. Bad Business: Professional Crime in Modern Britain
35. Bad Kids: Race and the Transformation of the Juvenile Court
36. Bail in Criminal Proceedings
37. Basic Concepts of Criminal Law
38. Beyond All Reason: The Radical Assault on Truth in American Law
39. Beyond Citizenship: American Identity After Globalization
40. Bloody Constraint: War and Chivalry in Shakespeare
41. Breaking the Abortion Deadlock: From Choice to Consent
42. Brown v. Board of Education and the Civil Rights Movement
43. Care or Custody?: Mentally Disordered Offenders in the Criminal Justice System
44. Case-Law of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal: An Analytical Digest 1
45. Case-Law of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal: An Analytical Digest 2
46. Cause Lawyering: Political Commitments and Professional Responsibilities
47. Change and Continuity: Statute, Equity, and Federalism
48. Changing the Guard: Developing Democratic Police Abroad
49. Child Soldiers: The Role of Children in Armed Conflict. A Study for the Henry Dunant Institute, Geneva
50. Child Victims: Crime, Impact, and Criminal Justice
51. Chinatown Gangs: Extortion, Enterprise, and Ethnicity
52. Choice of Law for Equitable Doctrines
53. Civil Code of the Russian Federation
54. Civil Jurisdiction Rules of the EU and their Impact on Third States
55. Civil Liberties
56. Claims for Contribution and Reimbursement in an International Context: Conflict-of-Laws Dimensions of Third Party Procedure
57. Clinical Negligence: A Practitioner's Handbook
58. Combination and Conspiracy: A Legal History of Trade Unionism, 1721-1906
59. Commercial Arbitration in Sweden
60. Commercial Aspects of Trusts and Fiduciary Obligations
61. Commercial Fraud: Civil Liability for Fraud, Human Rights, and Money Laundering
62. Commercial Remedies: Current Issues and Problems
63. Common Law and English Jurisprudence 1760-1850
64. Community Policing, Chicago Style
65. Company Charges: Spectrum and Beyond
66. Company Law and Financial Markets
67. Competition in Energy Markets: Law and Regulation in the European Union
68. Competition Law and Industrial Policy in the EU
69. Competition Policy in America, 1888-1992: History, Rhetoric, Law
70. Competition Policy in America: History, Rhetoric, Law
71. Complementary Medicine and the Law
72. Compliance: Regulation and Environment
73. Computer Crimes and Digital Investigations
74. Concurrent Proceedings in Competition Law: Procedure, Evidence and Remedies
75. Conquest by Law: How the Discovery of America Dispossessed Indigenous Peoples of Their Lands
76. Constitutional Design for Divided Societies: Integration or Accommodation?
77. Constitutional Futures: A History of the Next Ten Years
78. Constitutional Practice: The Foundations of British Government
79. Constitutionalism and Democracy: Transitions in the Contemporary World
80. Constitutions in Crisis: Political Violence and the Rule of Law
81. Contemporary Issues in Corporate Governance
82. Contemporary Perspectives on Property, Equity and Trust Law
83. Contempt of Court
84. Contract Terms
85. Contracts for the Sale of Goods: A Comparison of US and International Law
86. Contrasts in Tolerance: Post-war Penal Policy in The Netherlands and England and Wales
87. Copyright and Free Speech: Comparative and International Analyses
88. Corporate Control and Accountability: Changing Structures and Dynamics of Regulation
89. Corporations in Private International Law: A European Perspective
90. Corrective and Distributive Justice: From Aristotle to Modern Times
91. Counter-Terrorism Law and Practice: An International Handbook
92. Crime Is Not the Problem: Lethal Violence in America
93. Criminal Justice
94. Criminal Justice In Europe: A Comparative Study
95. Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation: International and Comparative Perspectives Volume V
96. Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation: Volume IV: International and Comparative Perspectives
97. Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation: Volume VI: International and Comparative Perspectives
98. Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation: Volume VII
99. Cross-Border Consumer Contracts
100. Cross-Border Enforcement of Patent Rights: An Analysis of the Interface between Intellectual Property and Private International Law
101. Cross-border Security & Insolvency
102. Current Developments in International and Comparative Corporate Insolvency Law
103. Custody of Investments: Law and Practice
104. Damages Under the Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
105. David Hackett Souter: Traditional Republican on the Rehnquist Court
106. Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment? The Experts on Both Sides Make Their Best Case
107. Declining Jurisdiction in Private International Law
108. Deducting Benefits from Damages for Personal Injury
109. Derivatives: The Key Principles
110. Designing Democracy: What Constitutions Do
111. Directives in EC Law
112. Disability Discrimination in Employment
113. Disclosure in Criminal Proceedings
114. Divorce Lawyers and Their Clients: Power and Meaning in the Legal Process
115. Divorce Lawyers at Work: Varieties of Professionalism in Practice
116. Documents on the Tokyo International Military Tribunal: Charter, Indictment and Judgments
117. Drafting Contracts Under the CISG
118. EC Agricultural Law
119. EC and WTO Anti-Dumping Law: A Handbook
120. EC Company Law
121. EC Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights: The Regulation of Innovation
122. EC Law in Judicial Review
123. EC Public Procurement: Case Law and Regulation
124. Educating Oneself in Public: Critical Essays in Jurisprudence
125. Embryonic Stem Cell Patents: European Patent Law and Ethics
126. Emperors and Lawyers: With a Palingenesia of Third-Century Imperial Rescripts 193-305 AD
127. Employment Aspects of Business Reorganisations
128. Employment Law Checklists 2009
129. Employment Tribunal Compensation
130. Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights through Border Measures: Law and Practice in the EU
131. English Civil Procedure: Fundamentals of the New Civil Justice System
132. English Public Law
133. Environmental Law
134. Environmental Regulation and Economic Growth
135. Essays for Patrick Atiyah
136. Essays in International Litigation and the Conflict of Laws
137. Ethics in Practice: Lawyers' Roles, Responsibilities, and Regulation
138. Ethnicity, Law and Human Rights: The English Experience
139. EU Human Rights Policies: A Study in Irony
140. EU Law of Free Movement of Goods and Customs Union
141. European Community Labour Law: Principles and Perspectives: Liber Amicorum Lord Wedderburn of Charlton
142. European Company and Financial Law: Texts and Leading Cases
143. Evidence, Proof, and Facts: A Book of Sources
144. Exclusive Rights and State Monopolies under EC Law: Article 86 (former Article 90) of the EC Treaty
145. Expanding the Boundaries of Intellectual Property: Innovation Policy for the Knowledge Society
146. Experts in the Civil Courts
147. Exploitative Contracts
148. Exploring the Domain of Accident Law: Taking the Facts Seriously
149. Extradition Law and Practice
150. Fair Trial Rights
151. Fallen Blue Knights: Controlling Police Corruption
152. Families, Politics and the Law: Perspectives for East and West Europe
153. Feminism, Media, and the Law
154. Financial Advice and Financial Products: Law and Liability
155. Financial Assistance for the Acquisition of Shares
156. Financial Conglomerates and the Chinese Wall: Regulating Conflicts of Interest
157. Financial Law
158. Financial Services Regulation in Asia Pacific
159. Financial Services Regulation in Europe
160. Financial Services Regulation in the Middle East
161. Financial Services: Authorisation, Supervision and Enforcement: A Litigator's Guide
162. Foreign Law in Civil Litigation: A Comparative and Functional Analysis
163. Foreign Law in English Courts: Pleading, Proof and Choice of Law
164. Foreordained Failure: The Quest for a Constitutional Principle of Religious Freedom
165. Forum Shopping and Venue in Transnational Litigation
166. Foundations of Private Law: Property, Tort, Contract, Unjust Enrichment
167. Free Markets and Social Justice
168. Freedom from Religion: Rights and National Security
169. Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Information: Essays in Honour of Sir David Williams
170. Freedom of Religion, Minorities, and the Law
171. French Administrative Law
172. French Property and Inheritance Law: Principles and Practice
173. Fresh Water and International Economic Law
174. From Jim Crow to Civil Rights: The Supreme Court and the Struggle for Racial Equality
175. Frontiers of Liability
176. Frontiers of Liability
177. Fundamental Rights in Europe: The ECHR and Its Member States, 1950-2000
178. Fundamentals of Sentencing Theory: Essays in Honour of Andrew von Hirsch
179. Further Studies in International Law
180. Gender in Practice: A Study of Lawyers' Lives
181. Global E-Business Law & Taxation
182. Global Perspectives on Constitutional Law
183. Grendon: A Study of a Therapeutic Prison
184. Handbook of Intelligent Policing: Consilience, Crime Control, and Community Safety
185. Hard Bargains: The Politics of Sex
186. Hate Crimes: Criminal Law and Identity Politics
187. Hearsay and Confrontation in Criminal Trials
188. Hugo L. Black: Cold Steel Warrior
189. Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech
190. Human Rights and Legal History: Essays in Honour of Brian Simpson
191. Human Rights Approaches to Environmental Protection
192. Human Rights in the Investigation and Prosecution of Crime
193. Human Rights in the Private Sphere
194. Implementing the Uruguay Round
195. Impunity and Human Rights in International Law and Practice
196. In a Time of Trouble: Law and Liberty in South Africa's State of Emergency
197. In Pursuit of Good Administration: Ministers, Civil Servants, and Judges
198. In Search of Jefferson's Moose: Notes on the State of Cyberspace
199. In the Sticks: Cultural Identity in a Rural Police Force
200. Incapacitation: Penal Confinement and the Restraint of Crime
201. Inclusive Legal Positivism
202. Indigenous Peoples in International Law 1
203. Indigenous Peoples in International Law 2
204. Indigenous Peoples, Postcolonialism, and International Law: The ILO Regime (1919-1989)
205. Informing and Consulting Employees: The New Law
206. Infotopia: How Many Minds Produce Knowledge
207. Insolvency in Private International Law
208. Insolvency in Private International Law: Supplement to Second Edition
209. Institutional Shareholders and Corporate Governance
210. Insurance Law for the Construction Industry
211. Intellectual Property and Private International Law
212. Intellectual Property Law and Practice of the United Arab Emirates
213. Intellectual Property Rights, External Effects and Anti-Trust Law: Leveraging IPRs in the Communications Industry
214. Interests in Securities: A Proprietary Law Analysis of the International Securities Markets
215. International Asset Tracing in Insolvency
216. International Cooperation in Bankruptcy and Insolvency Matters
217. International Copyright Law and Policy
218. International Copyright: Principles, Law and Practice
219. International Economic Law
220. International Human Rights Lexicon
221. International Law and Infectious Diseases
222. International Law and the Administration of Occupied Territories: Two Decades of Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip
223. International Law and the Rights of Minorities
224. International Law and the Use of Force by National Liberation Movements
225. International Law Concerning Child Civilians in Armed Conflict
226. International Litigation and the Quest for Reasonableness: Essays in Private International Law
227. International Monetary Law: Issues for the New Millennium
228. International Regulatory Competition and Coordination: Perspectives on Economic Regulation in Europe and the United States
229. International Rules: Approaches from International Law and International Relations
230. International Trade and Competition Law in Japan
231. Internet Marketplaces: The Law of Auctions and Exchanges Online
232. Interpreting the Field: Accounts of Ethnography
233. Inventions and Official Secrecy: A History of Secret Patents in the United Kingdom
234. John Marshall Harlan: Great Dissenter of the Warren Court
235. Judge without Jury: Diplock Trials in the Adversary System
236. Judgment Calls: Principle and Politics in Constitutional Law
237. Judicial Discretion and Criminal Litigation
238. Judicial Discretion in the House of Lords
239. Judicial Power and American Character: Censoring Ourselves in an Anxious Age
240. Judicial Review and the Rights of Private Parties in EC Law
241. Jurismania: The Madness of American Law
242. Jurisprudence: Cambridge Essays
243. Just Lawyers: Regulation and Access to Justice
244. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: Law and the Inner Self
245. Knowledge Management in Policing and Law Enforcement: Foundations, Structures and Applications
246. Labour Law, Work, and Family: Critical and Comparative Perspectives
247. Labour Legislation and Public Policy: A Contemporary History
248. Land-Locked and Geographically Disadvantaged States in the International Law of the Sea
249. Laundering and Tracing
250. Law and Administration in Europe: Essays in Honour of Carol Harlow
251. Law and Economics in European Merger Control
252. Law and Interpretation: Essays in Legal Philosophy
253. Law and Literature: Current Legal Issues 1999
254. Law and Science: Current Legal Issues 1998
255. Law As a Social System
256. Law Firm Strategy: Competitive Advantage and Valuation
257. Law in a Digital World
258. Law in Environmental Decision-Making: National, European, and International Perspectives
259. Law in Policing: Legal Regulation and Policing Practice
260. Law of Marine Insurance
261. Law without Justice: Why Criminal Law Doesn't Give People What They Deserve
262. Law, Legitimacy, and European Governance: Functional Participation in Social Regulation
263. Law, Society, and Economy: Centenary Essays for the London School of Economics and Political Science 1895-1995
264. Lawyers and the Making of English Land Law 1832-1940
265. Lawyers and the Rise of Western Political Liberalism: Europe and North America from the Eighteenth to Twentieth Centuries
266. Lawyers' Poker: 52 Lessons that Lawyers Can Learn from Card Players
267. Legal Aspects of Implementing the Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms: Making Kyoto Work
268. Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict
269. Legal Rules and International Society
270. Lessons from the Identity Trail: Anonymity, Privacy and Identity in a Networked Society
271. Letters of Credit and Bank Guarantees under International Trade Law
272. Libel and the Media: The Chilling Effect
273. Linking Arms Together: American Indian Treaty Visions of Law and Peace, 1600-1800
274. Litigation and Inequality: Federal Diversity Jurisdiction in Industrial America, 1870-1958
275. Litigation with a Foreign Aspect: A Practical Guide
276. Liturgy, Order and the Law
277. Logic and Experience: The Origin of Modern American Legal Education
278. Love and Power: The Role of Religion and Morality in American Politics
279. Maconochie's Gentlemen: The Story of Norfolk Island and the Roots of Modern Prison Reform
280. Making Civil Rights Law: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court, 1936-1961
281. Making Commercial Law: Essays in Honour of Roy Goode
282. Making Constitutional Law: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court, 1961-1991
283. Making Crime Pay: Law and Order in Contemporary American Politics
284. Malign Neglect: Race, Crime, and Punishment in America
285. Markets in Vice, Markets in Virtue
286. Marshalling of Securities
287. Media Law and Human Rights
288. Medical Discipline: The Professional Conduct Jurisdiction of the General Medical Council, 1858-1990
289. Mental Conditions Defences in the Criminal Law
290. Merger Control in the EU: Law, Economics and Practice
291. Merger Control in the United Kingdom
292. Migrant Workers in International Human Rights Law: Their Protection in Countries of Employment
293. Milk Quotas: European Community and United Kingdom Law
294. Ministers of the Crown
295. Model Articles of Association for Companies
296. Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars
297. Multi-Party Actions
298. Multiple Party Actions in International Arbitration: Consent, Procedure and Enforcement
299. National Security and The Legal Process
300. National Security Law and the Power of the Purse
301. Naval Weapons Systems and the Contemporary Law of War
302. Negotiating Domestic Violence: Police, Criminal Justice and Victims
303. Nightlife and Crime: Social Order and Governance in International Perspective
304. Non-State Actors and Human Rights
305. Not a Suicide Pact: The Constitution in a Time of National Emergency
306. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
307. Origins of the Federal Judiciary: Essays on the Judiciary Act of 1789
308. Our Undemocratic Constitution: Where the Constitution Goes Wrong (And How We the People Can Correct It)
309. Out of Range: Why the Constitution Can't End the Battle over Guns
310. Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence: Fourth Series
311. Penal Populism and Public Opinion: Lessons from Five Countries
312. Penal Reform in Overcrowded Times
313. People's Rights
314. Personal Injury Law: Liability, Compensation, and Procedure
315. Perspectives on Punishment: The Contours of Control
316. Perspectives on the Nuremberg Trial
317. Police for the Future
318. Police Misconduct, Complaints, and Public Regulation
319. Police Reform: Forces for Change
320. Policing As Social Discipline
321. Policing the European Union
322. Policing the Risk Society
323. Politics, Punishment, and Populism
324. Pornography: Women, Violence and Civil Liberties
325. Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: A Lexicon
326. Precedent in English Law
327. Pressing Problems in Law: Volume 1: Criminal Justice & Human Rights
328. Pressing Problems in the Law: Volume 2: What are Law Schools For?
329. Preventing Torture: A Study of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
330. Principles of European Law 1
331. Principles of European Law 2
332. Prisons and Their Moral Performance: A Study of Values, Quality, and Prison Life
333. Prisons in Context
334. Privacy and Freedom of Expression
335. Privacy and Loyalty
336. Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the EU, UK and USA
337. Private Labels, Branded Goods and Competition Policy: The Changing Landscape of Retail Competition
338. Private Lawyers and the Public Interest: The Evolving Role of Pro Bono in the Legal Profession
339. Private Parties in European Community Law: Challenging Community Measures
340. Procedural Law in International Arbitration
341. Promoting Equality and Diversity: A Practitioner's Guide
342. Promoting Human Rights through Bills of Rights: Comparative Perspectives
343. Properties of Law: Essays in Honour of Jim Harris
344. Property Rights in Money
345. Proprietary Interests in Commercial Transactions
346. Protecting Prisoners: The Standards of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture in Context
347. Public Law
348. Public Law and Political Theory
349. Public Law in Israel
350. Public Procurement in the EU: A Practitioner's Guide
351. Public Prosecutors and Discretion: A Comparative Study
352. Public Services and Citizenship in European Law: Public and Labour Law Perspectives
353. Punishing Corporate Crime: Legal Penalties for Criminal and Regulatory Violations
354. Punishment, Communication, and Community
355. Race, Law, and Culture: Reflections on Brown v. Board of Education
356. Reasonable Care: Legal Perspectives on the Doctor-Patient Relationship
357. Reconstructing the Dreamland: The Tulsa Race Riot of 1921: Race, Reparations, and Reconciliation
358. Redefining Equality
359. Redressing Injustices through Mass Claims Processes: Innovative Responses to Unique Challenges
360. Reform and Development of Private International Law: Essays in Honour of Sir Peter North
361. Reform of Civil Procedure: Essays on "Access to Justice"
362. Reforming Company and Takeover Law in Europe
363. Regulating the Changing Media: A Comparative Study
364. Regulating Tobacco
365. Regulating Workplace Safety: System and Sanctions
366. Regulation and Deregulation: Policy and Practice in the Utilities and Financial Services Industries
367. Regulatory Competition and Economic Integration: Comparative Perspectives
368. Religion in Politics: Constitutional and Moral Perspectives
369. Remnants of Belief: Contemporary Constitutional Issues
370. Repair or Revenge: Victims and Restorative Justice
371. Reparations: Pro and Con
372. Res Judicata, Estoppel and Foreign Judgments: The Preclusive Effects of Foreign Judgments in Private International Law
373. Rescuing Business: The Making of Corporate Bankruptcy Law in England and the United States
374. Reservation of Title Clauses: Impact and Implications
375. Responding to Troubled Youth
376. Responses to Crime: Volume 2: Penal Policy in the Making
377. Responses to Crime: Volume 3: Legislating with the Tide
378. Responses to Crime: Volume 4: Dispensing Justice
379. Restorative Justice & Responsive Regulation
380. Rethinking Criminal Law
381. Rethinking the New Deal Court: The Structure of a Constitutional Revolution
382. Rights and Constitutionalism: The New South African Legal Order
383. Risk and Negligence in Wills, Estates, and Trusts
384. Rules and Government
385. Russian Company and Commercial Legislation
386. Russian Foreign Relations and Investment Law
387. Russian Law
388. Seafarers' Rights
389. Secured Lending in Eastern Europe: Comparative Law of Secured Transactions and the EBRD Model Law
390. Security Over Receivables: An International Handbook
391. Self-Determination and National Minorities
392. Sentencing and Sanctions in Western Countries
393. Sentencing Reform in Overcrowded Times: A Comparative Perspective
394. Services and Free Movement in EU Law
395. Sexed Work: Gender, Race, and Resistance in a Brooklyn Drug Market
396. Sexually Transmitted Debt: Surety Experience and English Law
397. Shares and Other Securities in the Conflict of Laws
398. Small Claims in the County Courts in England and Wales: The Bargain Basement of Civil Justice?
399. Smart Regulation: Designing Environmental Policy
400. Smith: The Law of Theft
401. Smoking Policy: Law, Politics, and Culture
402. Social Security Law in Context
403. Solicitor's Negligence and Liablility
404. Statutory Nuisance: Law and Practice
405. Subrogation: Law and Practice
406. Suing Judges: A Study of Judicial Immunity
407. Summary Assessment of Costs
408. Supergrasses: A Study in Anti-Terrorist Law Enforcement in Northern Ireland
409. Surrender, Occupation, and Private Property in International Law: An Evaluation of US Practice in Japan
410. Surveillance and Intelligence Law Handbook
411. Tarnished Vision: Crime and Conflict in the Inner City
412. Technology Transfer and the New EU Competition Rules: Intellectual Property Licensing after Modernisation
413. Telecommunications Law and Regulation
414. Terror in the Balance: Security, Liberty, and the Courts
415. The ius commune in England: Four Studies
416. The American Indian in Western Legal Thought: The Discourses of Conquest
417. The American Street Gang: Its Nature, Prevalence, and Control
418. The American Tort Process
419. The American Tradition of International Law: Great Expectations 1789-1914
420. The Anatomy of Serious Further Offending
421. The Application of EC Law by National Courts: The Free Movement of Goods
422. The Bramble Bush: The Classic Lectures on the Law and Law School
423. The Brothel Boy and Other Parables of the Law
424. The Civil Contingencies Act 2004: Risk, Resilience and the Law in the United Kingdom
425. The Classification of Obligations
426. The Concept of Socialist Law
427. The Conflict of Laws Within the UK
428. The Constitution After Scott: Government Unwrapped
429. The Constitution and the Pride of Reason
430. The Constitution As Political Structure
431. The Constitution in the Courts: Law or Politics?
432. The Criminological Foundations of Penal Policy: Essays in Honour of Roger Hood
433. The Cultural Defense
434. The Cyprus Question and the Turkish Position in International Law
435. The Death of the Irreparable Injury Rule
436. The Democratic Constitution
437. The Dred Scott Case: Its Significance in American Law and Politics
438. The E.U. Structural Funds
439. The Employment Contract: Legal Principles, Drafting, and Interpretation
440. The End of Lawyers?: Rethinking the nature of legal services
441. The Enforcement of Judgments in Europe
442. The EU and Human Rights
443. The EU Principle of Subsidiarity and Its Critique
444. The European Court of Justice
445. The European Court of Justice
446. The European Court's Political Power: Selected Essays
447. The European Internal Market and International Trade: A Legal Analysis
448. The European Takeover Directive and Its Implementation
449. The Family, Creditors, and Insolvency
450. The Future for the Global Securities Market: Legal and Regulatory Aspects
451. The Future of Imprisonment
452. The Future of Investment Arbitration
453. The Future of Law: Facing the Challenges of Information Technology
454. The General Principles of EU Law
455. The Grammar of Criminal Law: American, Comparative, and International: Volume One: Foundations
456. The Habits of Legality: Criminal Justice and the Rule of the Law
457. The Hague Convention on International Child Abduction
458. The Handbook of Crime and Punishment
459. The Human Face of Law: Essays in Honour of Donald Harris
460. The Human Rights Committee: Its Role in the Development of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
461. The Human Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: Different but Equal
462. The Idea of Human Rights: Four Inquiries
463. The Implosion of American Federalism
464. The Intelligible Constitution: The Supreme Court's Obligation to Maintain the Constitution as Something We the People Can Understand
465. The Inter-American System of Human Rights
466. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and United Kingdom Law
467. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Perspective on its Development
468. The International Judge: An Introduction to the Men and Women Who Decide the World's Cases
469. The International Law Commission 1949-1998
470. The International Law Commission 1949-1998
471. The International Law Commission 1949-1998
472. The Japanese Way of Justice: Prosecuting Crime in Japan
473. The Justice Broker: Lawyers and Ordinary Litigation
474. The Killing State: Capital Punishment in Law, Politics, and Culture
475. The Law and Practice of Mergers & Acquisitions in the People's Republic of China
476. The Law and Regulation of Medicines
477. The Law of Charities
478. The Law of Consumer Credit and Hire
479. The Law of Contribution and Reimbursement
480. The Law of Criminal Cartels: Practice and Procedure
481. The Law of Extradition and Mutual Assistance
482. The Law of Human Rights: Second Annual Updating Supplement
483. The Law of Institutional Investment Management
484. The Law of Money and Financial Services in the EC
485. The Law of Multi-Bank Financing: Syndicated Loans and the Secondary Loan Market
486. The Law of Obligations: Essays in Celebration of John Fleming
487. The Law of Secured Finance: An International Survey of Security Interests Over Personal Property
488. The Law of Subrogation
489. The Law of the International Civil Service: (As Applied by International Administrative Tribunals)
490. The Law of the International Civil Service: (As Applied by International Administrative Tribunals)
491. The Law of Tracing
492. The Legal Aspect of Money: With Special Reference to Comparative Private and Public International Law
493. The Legal Nature of the Unit Trust
494. The Legal System between Order and Disorder
495. The Limits of International Law
496. The Lost World of Classical Legal Thought: Law and Ideology in America, 1886-1937
497. The Moral Rights of Authors and Performers: An International and Comparative Analysis
498. The Most Democratic Branch: How the Courts Serve America
499. The Multinational Challenge to Corporation Law: The Search for a New Corporate Personality
500. The National Security Court System: A Natural Evolution of Justice in an Age of Terror
501. The Negligence Liability of Public Authorities
502. The Oldest Social Science: Configurations of Law and Modernity
503. The Oxford Encyclopaedia of European Community Law
504. The Oxford Encyclopaedia of European Community Law
505. The People Themselves: Popular Constitutionalism and Judicial Review
506. The Philosophical Origins of Modern Contract Doctrine
507. The Political Economy of the Sherman Act: The First One Hundred Years
508. The Politics of Sentencing Reform
509. The Power of Legitimacy among Nations
510. The Pursuit of Justice
511. The Regulatory and Administrative State: Materials, Cases, Comments
512. The Rehnquist Court and the Constitution
513. The Rehnquist Court: A Retrospective
514. The Resurrection of Rights in Poland
515. The Rights of Peoples
516. The Rise of the Uncorporation
517. The Search for Principle: Essays for Lord Goff of Chieveley
518. The Settlement of Disputes in International Law: Institutions and Procedures
519. The Sexual Offences Referencer: A Practitioner's Guide to Indictments and Sentencing
520. The Social World of an English Crown Court: Witness and Professionals in the Crown Court Centre at Wood Green
521. The Software License Unveiled: How Legislation by License Controls Software Access
522. The Status of Refugees in Asia
523. The Statutory Regulation of Business Tenancies
524. The Strange Alchemy of Life and Law
525. The Technology and Construction Court: Practice and Procedure
526. The Termination and Revision of Treaties in the Light of New Customary International Law
527. The Transfer of Property in the Conflict of Laws: Choice of Law Rules concerning Inter Vivos Transfers of Property
528. The Transformation of American Law 1870-1960: The Crisis of Legal Orthodoxy
529. The Transformation of Legal Aid: Comparative and Historical Studies
530. The United Nations System and Its Predecessors
531. The Use and Abuse of Unjust Enrichment: Essays on the Law of Restitution
532. The Uses of Discretion
533. The War on Terror and the Laws of War: A Military Perspective
534. The Yearbook of Copyright and Media Law
535. The Yearbook of Copyright and Media Law
536. The Yearbook of European Environmental Law Volume 8
537. The Yearbook of Media and Entertainment Law
538. The Yearbook of Media and Entertainment Law 1995
539. Themes in Comparative Law: In Honour of Bernard Rudden
540. Thinking About Crime: Sense and Sensibility in American Penal Culture
541. Tort Law
542. Tort Law in America: An Intellectual History
543. Torture: A Collection
544. Trade and Environmental Law in the European Community
545. Trade Mark Law: A Practical Anatomy
546. Trade Mark Use
547. Transforming the Law: Essays on Technology, Justice and the Legal Marketplace
548. Transitional Justice
549. Transnational Litigation in Comparative Perspective: Theory & Application
550. Transnational Tort Litigation: Jurisdictional Principles
551. Treat Me Right: Essays in Medical Law and Ethics
552. Treaties and Indigenous Peoples: The Robb Lectures 1991
553. Trends in Contemporary Trust Law
554. Trusts in Latin America
555. U.S. International Investment Agreements
556. Unbending Gender: Why Family and Work Conflict and What To Do About It
557. Unfair Competition Law: The Protection of Intellectual and Industrial Creativity
558. Utilitarianism and Distributive Justice: Jeremy Bentham and the Civil Law
559. Verification in an Age of Insecurity: The Future of Arms Control Compliance
560. Vertical Agreements in EC Competition Law
561. Violent Racism: Victimisation, Policing and Social Context
562. War, Commerce, and International Law
563. We the People: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Supreme Court
564. White Man's Justice: South African Political Trials in the Black Consciousness Era
565. Wills, Inheritance, and the Family
566. Witness Testimony: Psychological, Investigative and Evidential Perspectives
567. Women Drug Users: An Ethnography of a Female Injecting Community
568. Women in Control?: The Role of Women in Law Enforcement
569. Working Time and Holidays: A Practical Legal Guide
570. Working Together: How Workplace Bonds Strengthen a Diverse Democracy
571. Wrongs and Remedies in the Twenty-First Century
572. Yearbook of European Environmental Law
573. Yearbook of European Environmental Law: Volume 6