The admission notice is the document that contains all the necessary information (dates, deadlines and procedures) for access to the course.
07/06/2021: EU - Enrolled List and Closing Registrations
03/06/2021: EU - Assigned List (until 08 june 2021)
01/06/2021: EU - Enrolled List (until 01 june 2021)
26/05/2021: EU - Assigned List (until 31 may 2021)
19/05/2021: EU - Assigned List (until 24 may 2021)
18/05/2021: EU - Enrolled List (until 17 may 2021)
12/05/2021: EU - Assigned List (until 17 may 2021)
12/05/2021: EU - Enrolled List (until 10 may 2021)
05/05/2021: EU - Booked List (until 10 may 2021)
05/05/2021: EU - Enrolled List (until 3 may 2021)
28/04/2021: EU - Booked List (until 3 may 2021)
21/04/2021: EU - Assigned and Booked List (until 26 april 2021)
21/04/2021: EU - Enrolled List (until 19 april 2021)
14/04/2021: EU - Assigned and Booked List (until 19 april 2021)
14/04/2021: EU - Enrolled List (until 12 april 2021)
07/04/2021: EU - Assigned and Booked List (until 12 april 2021)
26/03/2021: EU - Booked List (until 31 march 2021)
25/03/2021: EU - Enrolled List (until 24 march 2021)
19/03/2021: EU - Booked List (until 24 march 2021)
12/03/2021: EU - Booked List (until 17 march 2021)
11/03/2021: EU - Enrolled List (until 10 march 2021)
05/03/2021: EU - Booked List (until 10 march 2021)
04/03/2021: EU - Enrolled List (until 3 march 2021)
26/02/2021: EU - Assigned and Booked List (until 3 march 2021)
25/02/2021: EU - Enrolled List (until 24 february 2021)
19/02/2021: EU - Booked List (until 24 february 2021)
12/02/2021: EU - Booked List (until 17 february 2021)
05/02/2021: EU - Booked List (until 10 february 2021)
29/01/2021: EU - Booked List (until 3 february 2021)
22/01/2021: EU - Assigned and Booked List (until 27 january 2021)
15/01/2021: EU - Booked List (until 20 january 2021)
08/01/2021: EU - Booked List (until 13 january 2021)
28/12/2020: EU - Enrolled List (until 28 december 2020)
18/12/2020: EU - Booked List (until 23 december 2020)
17/12/2020: EU - Enrolled List (until 16 december 2020)
11/12/2020: EU - Booked List (until 16 december 2020)
02/12/2020: EU - Booked List (until 09 december 2020)
01/12/2020: EU - Enrolled List (until 01 december 2020)
25/11/2020: EU - Booked List (until 30 november 2020)
18/11/2020: EU - Enrolled List (until 17 november 2020)
EU - Booked List (until 23 november 2020)
11/11/2020: EU - Booked List (until 16 november 2020)
10/11/2020: EU - Enrolled List (until 10 november 2020)
04/11/2020: EU - Assigned and Booked List (until 9 november 2020)
03/11/2020: EU - Enrolled List (until 2 november 2020)
28/10/2020: EU - Assigned and Booked List (until 2 november 2020)
21/10/2020: EU - Assigned and Booked List (until 26 october 2020)
20/10/2020: EU - Enrolled List (until 19 october 2020)
19/10/2020: Exams recognition request (only for students enrolled in the a.y. 2020/2021)
14/10/2020: EU - Assigned and Booked List (until 19 october 2020)
14/10/2020: NO-EU - Enrolled List and closure of enrollments
13/10/2020: EU - Enrolled List
07/10/2020: NO-EU Winners List (until 12 october 2020)
NO-EU Ranking List - Approval Decree
EU - Winners List (until 12 october 2020)
22/09/2020: EU and NO-EU - How to enroll | Enrollment Form
15/09/2020: Apertura contenitori schede anagrafiche | Opening box containing the data sheets
Autocertificazione | Self certification
07/09/2020: Composizione Commissione (Test Commission)
31/08/2020: Indicazioni per la prova di ammissione | Indications regarding the admission test
Dichiarazione stato di salute (da presentare all'atto dell'identificazione)
Declaration of health (to be presented at the time of identification)
25/08/2020: Comunicazione sede espletamento prova (venue of the test)
13/07/2020: Bando di Concorso (Call for Application)